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'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • What they are doing is akin to elder abuse

  • Life comes at you fast Jeff...
  • No actual congressional politician has that I know of. It would be political suicide until they are sure they are "allowed" to do so. However, it may only take one brave soul and the rest will follow. They plan these things behind closed doors to try to stay united.

  • Life comes at you fast Jeff...
  • What is worse than Biden doing so terrible last night? It's the Democrats insisting he did really well.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Republicans are horrible people. They gaslight, obstruct & project. Democracy is on the line here, so Democrats do the logical thing. They go to a nursing home and find someone that is talking about beating medicare to help lead them to victory.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • What progress will you have to make if Biden who has been polling 40/40 or 39/41 loses to Trump? It may be less grim (if he can win) but it is much more likely to be grim if Democrats don't take their heads out of the sand and consider nominating someone actually able to handle a debate against Trump.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • And the left uses fear to say the polls are too close for Biden to have such a miserable debate performance to risk democracy... and what do the Trump supporters do? They say... no Biden is your only option against Trump.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • If the progressives truly thought that then the US would have a much different stance in regards to Israel.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • You're free to keep supporting Biden at this point but hopefully when you see all the Democratic news outlets saying the same things tomorrow and this coming week and the polls showing Biden's support dropping you'll reconsider

  • Biden admits to taking drugs before the debate.
  • And yet Trump still sounded more cognizant even if he was lying.

  • Biden admits to taking drugs before the debate.
  • It was him showing America how much he cares about women's rights, equality, & democracy. So much he's willing to put us at a significant risk of losing those things for decades if not longer. God, I can only hope something causes Kamala to become the candidate or he steps aside for someone else.

  • Tonight's debate pop quiz...
  • Well this debate it seemed like Biden might actually struggle more with repeating a sentence. The polls have been too close for this big of a failure by Biden. There is no good reason he shouldn't step aside for a stronger candidate.

  • Tonight's debate pop quiz...
  • The fact that Trump jumped on that so quickly while Biden sounded like he couldn't even remember his scripted debate prep means he needs to step aside. The press should be asking him at this point why he wants Trump to win the election.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • This is factually not true, and there are several people that don't research every detail but try to make a decision based on intuition and performance... And even if they do research there are a lot of hook and bait misinformation networks that get routinely featured on Google News and other news aggregators. If someone thought Trump sounded like a stronger candidate tonight they may end up researching and seeing news supporting Trump's version of events.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • True... However if Trump gets elected and our government is able to prevent a dictatorship, in 4 years progressives will hopefully realize the DNC needs them more than they need need the DNC.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Trump is almost the same age and he is a liar but he also was quick enough to immediately use Biden's blunders against him. Pretty much everything Biden said sounded scripted and then he still messed it up. Biden didn't "look" like the smarter candidate. There is enough misinformation out there that if people go searching they'll find sources that support Trump's lies. Trump won for the undecided tonight that watches the debate and uses it to make s decision.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Sorry to hear that. Maybe they'd have a recommendation on where Biden can actually get those performance enhancing drugs they said he'd be on.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • There are so many better options at this point. I can't help but shake that the two party system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Make people think that mediocrity is the best we can get if we're lucky.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I agree. I'll vote for Biden if I have to, but if Trump wins I'm not blaming RFK Jr like they blamed Bernie and Jill Stein in 2016. I'll blame them and likely never vote for a majority political party again.

  • Anyone else have their account terminated or got through to support?

    About a month ago I got a notification that my subscription had been refunded and then another email that my account was terminated:

    > You are receiving this email because we have identified suspicious activity on your account. In order to protect our platform, we have refunded and canceled your subscription. You will no longer have access to ChatGPT Plus service.

    This was after using the service for two months. I emailed and sent them a message almost immediately since I could prove my identity, but they haven't responded back in almost a month. Their customer support appears to be non-existent.

    I keep wanting to sign back up, but I'm still pissed about it. I'm guessing it is because I used a virtual card when I signed up and they don't stay active for very long so I have to create a new one for each month of service. Usually I just get a failed payment notification and update my payment info with a new one which pulls from my bank account.

    It sucks not being able to use the service though because it was so helpful at helping with programming tasks and Bard isn't nearly as good. Has anyone had any luck getting through to support?

    timewarp John Richard
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