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Trump posts bizarre AI video of Gaza vision as beach resort on Truth Social

In Trump's latest Truth Social post, he shares a disgusting video depicting a golden statue of himself, a sky scraper with his name on it, a superyacht on the Gaza coast, him holding hands with a female entertainer in a night club wearing a see-through gown, him & Netanyahu shirtless together sipping alcohol on the Gaza coast with a sign that says "Trump Gaza," and money raining down with kids jumping up to grab it.

All the signs of what many would call the antichrist, yet the religious-right is convinced he's their savior. He wants to turn Gaza into a Las Vegas style resort with his name plastered everywhere.

  • Guess a bunch of losers shouldn't have stayed home or protest voted.

    • Perhaps, but asking people to vote for the least bad option, when there is nobody they actually support, is an uphill battle.

    • I guess the democratic party should have passed electoral reform and invited 3rd parties to compete on who could beat the republicans best. But the DNC wants safe states, easy debates, easy elections, and a voting public who is held hostage.

    • Or maybe a bunch of Dems shouldn't have been okay with the admin & future admin at the time funding genocide & vetoing resolutions to stop it. I think Dems that think like this must be in toxic abusive relationships already, cause they sure don't know when to leave.

      • Lol.

        Allow me to introduce you to reality. First thing's first. You don't get everything you want in reality. It fucking sucks and you have to bust your ass to get things even close to how you want them slowly over long periods of time.

        Now, being that we've established reality, allow me to further explain this particular part of reality.

        There is no scenario in which America gives up its oldest and most important ally in the Middle East. Not happening. Go ahead and forget that shit. That means America is going to tip-toe around Israel so as not to jeopardize that allegiance.

        So now, in reality, you were presented with exactly two options in November. Why only two options? Because no 3rd party is even remotely close to winning a presidential election because no 3rd party has done the work to get ANY members in EITHER chamber of Congress. How do I know a 3rd party can't win, other than having NO members in Congress? Because the 3rd party candidate with the most votes was magician Jill Stein who magically appears right before every election then magically disappears again after each election. And she only got exactly HALF OF A SINGLE PERCENT of the total votes cast. So now we know, definitively, that no 3rd party candidate had a snowball's chance in hell of winning the 2024 presidential election.

        So now let's talk about our ONLY two options. One was NOT Donald Trump and the other one was, you guessed it, Donald Trump who, before the election, literally said "Israel should finish the job". He made it abundantly clear, multiple times, that he gave exactly zero fucks about Palestine. And now, surprise surprise, he wants to level the place, round up Palestinians and send them to other countries, and build a fucking vacation resort.

        So, rub those brain cells together and let me know which option would have been best for Palestinians. Let me know which option someone who claims to care about Palestinians should have chosen to minimize the suffering. Because you can cry to your mommy all day about neither option being good, but the bottom line is if you gave a fuck, you'd be interested in helping minimize the suffering.

        And that's just in relation to Palestine. If you did your homework like any responsible American should, you'd find out that our economy fairs better under Democrats, they have WAY less convicted criminals in their ranks, and they have a voting history proving they regularly vote in favor of the middle and lower classes. And again, I'll repeat, your ONLY two options for the foreseeable future, until a 3rd party gets off their asses and does some real hard work, are either Democrats or Republicans.

        Now, if you're admitting you either didn't vote or protest voted, you probably don't have the brain cells to grasp anything I just said, but hopefully others reading this will.

  • I could vent for an hour about everything that's wrong with this, at least an hour.

    • Dancing dudes with beards and round tits on the beach?