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Brain worms have spread through the entire anglosphere
  • it has me wondering if she licks the lid to get every drop between sips or if she drinks like a pupper and enthusiastically licks the spout during sips

  • NSFW Removed
    ‘femicommunism is indoctrinating an entire generation of men into thinking that there's something "nice" about witnessing so-called "female sexual pleasure"’
  • I'm more attracted to women, but I find their sexual pleasure disgusting!

    this feels a little bit like the clay that rapists are made of

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • idk if it's because I'm autistically naive or if it's because I'm old and words meant different things back in the day, but I was under the impression that the Q part covered everything that wasn't vanilla cishet, and that's why "Queer" was synonymous with "weird."

    so kink just seems like an inherent part of it to me, because I thought Pride was about being out and proud about being Different from the vanilla cishet mainstream

    but also I'm just some rural yokel, what do I know

  • Amazing
  • I thought that was a fun tweet but didn't think anyone would fall for it 😂

  • Simcity 3000 has a building designer, so I am going to create a brutalist paradise.
  • I used to love customizing my buildings! This is a super cool project, I'm excited for you and looking forward to updates 🤩

  • NSFW
    (cw: discussion of consent regarding children) I think I hate "parents rights" people more than any other group of people in the earth lol.

    I honestly think they were more upset by my complete lack of fucks about it than the perceived insult from my child. Asking "Why in the world would I make him hug you??" like it's the stupid question that it is was very offensive! 😂

    to be fair, they did their best to beat defiance out of me when I was small, so I'm sure it was shocking that I wasn't willing to do that to ensure total compliance in the future

  • NSFW
    (cw: discussion of consent regarding children) I think I hate "parents rights" people more than any other group of people in the earth lol.
  • dogwhistle

    can confirm - my bio dad was a parents' rights and MRA guy who abused me until I was a teen

  • I just need to say this to somebody.
  • I think most of this is lovely and kind, but this usually helpful advice

    Start surrounding yourself with the kind of people who can love you for who you truly are.

    overlooks that KhanCipher said this is something that is specifically a trouble area

    any resemblance of community around here is steeped heavily in religion of the evangelical variety. So even if I wanted to I couldn't do anything without being told some nonsense about how everything wrong with me is that I'm a 'lost sheep' that needs to reconnect with god

    KhanCipher is here, so not totally without community, but the irl part is a point of struggle when KC is surrounded by culture steeped in the religion KC left.

  • I just need to say this to somebody.
  • I think your impulse to start with therapy is a really good and healthy one. Can you do therapy online? I wonder if Open Path Collective might be a good resource for you - sliding scale, lots of modalities and specialities to choose from, etc.

    Fwiw, I don't think you're screwed out of a normal life. I was raised in evangelical church, went to a christian school for 8th-12th grades with the "Beka Book" textbooks. My life 25 years after high school isn't perfect and I struggle quite a bit, mostly due to childhood trauma and (until recently) undiagnosed ADHD & autism, and I don't have many friends, but I've got a really cool kid and a wonderful partner and some amazing pets.

    I believe in you. ❤️ Happy to talk anytime, please feel free to DM me. 🤗

  • I read 'Das Kapital' the manga, and I kinda...liked it
  • This is maybe what I need. I got exactly as far as you did with the original before I also gave up.

  • Millennial nostalgia
  • it's beautiful 😍

  • Want to see H5N1 wastewater data?
  • (edited content into post)

    Edit v2:

    figure out which community was best for posting this

    the edit history of this post would suggest I should be confined to /badposting or /postingkindergarten until I learn how to use the site

    Edit v3: Also, where should I have posted this?

  • Want to see H5N1 wastewater data?

    This post from led to me poking around /r/H5N1_AvianFlu, and I found this other post discussing a way to view H5N1 wastewater data:

    > >I seem to have found a secret link to the H5N1 data in wastewater on the Verily website. > > > > >To access the H5N1 data > >1. Click on the chart icon in the upper left, underneath the pin icon >2. Ignore the text box, click anywhere else. >3. Select respiratory, influenza, and subtype "H5" >4. Select all locations, I used the heatmap and found Michigan and Texas to have positives. > >

    (These instructions are for the desktop browser - someone in the comments mentioned how to do it from the phone.)

    Here's the long, ugly link to the chart I generated following those instructions.

    It lets you generate an image, but it also kept crashing my phone as it was loading, so idk if I'm pretty sure not every available site is included. (The site does that thing of gradually adding more fields to the chart as it loads, instead of taking forever to load a complete chart.)


    Obviously it's not just human waste in the sewage system, but it does seem worrying, especially in light of a couple of megathread comments from I found while trying to figure out which community was best for posting this.

    New Mexico, Curry County: H5N1 detected in two feral cats with no known direct association with poultry or dairy farms - /r/H5N1_AvianFlu
  • This post led to me poking around that subreddit, and I found this other post discussing a way to view H5N1 wastewater data:

    I seem to have found a secret link to the H5N1 data in wastewater on the Verily website.

    To access the H5N1 data

    1. Click on the chart icon in the upper left, underneath the pin icon
    2. Ignore the text box, click anywhere else.
    3. Select respiratory, influenza, and subtype "H5"
    4. Select all locations, I used the heatmap and found Michigan and Texas to have positives.

    (These instructions are for the desktop browser - someone in the comments mentioned how to do it from phone.)

    Here's the long, ugly link to the chart I generated following those instructions.

    Obviously it's not just human waste in the sewage system, but it does seem worrying.

  • Should Hexbear have a more robust robots.txt?
  • How did you find this information? I know how to check traffic for my website, but idk how to get from "list of IPs" to "these ones are crawlers"

    apologies if this is a silly question

  • Is shitjustworks the worst server on Lemmy?
  • 😔 I thought it was a meme reference, and now I feel like a real dingdong 🤦

    I need adult supervision

  • fellow AFABs, were you punished for crying as a child?

    Sorry for the bummer question!

    saw something that mentioned this being an AMAB-thing, but it definitely happened to me as well, and it just made me wonder how unusual it was to be punished (physically or otherwise) for crying as a girl

    you can just yes/no, you don't need to get into it unless you want to

    (feel free to unload, probably I'm not the only person who will relate)

    I'd Really Like To Get In Your Pants, Because I Just Shit in Mine

    could I please borrow some pants

    what does it mean to "do your best?"

    this is something I've been trying to understand for a while

    What does it mean to "do your best"?

    Are you legitimately always trying to do your best, or are you often titrating your effort based on your internal reserves?

    What does "your best" mean to you?

    super awesome how fucky menstrual cycles get with stress

    oh you're freaking out about your life already?? how about a side of Pregnancy Scare??

    I was 99% sure I wasn't pregnant before I got piss all over my hand trying to check, but it's a really fun little scientific activity to pee in a cup and on myself and then use a little dropper to sprinkle some on a test, so I didn't mind

    haha jk I absolutely hated it


    Frontier Communications got hacked - internal systems have been down all week, PII was stolen Frontier Communications: Third party accessed information

    CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK) – Frontier Communications Parent, Inc. filed a report stating a third party allegedly gained access to information. According to a report the company filed with the U.S.…

    Frontier Communications: Third party accessed information

    We only know about this because they were required to report it to the SEC as a publicly traded company. I've had zero communication from them as a customer, and their website and app just says:

    >We’re experiencing technical issues with our internal support systems. > >Our customers’ internet service is up and running and not affected by this issue. In the meantime, please call for assistance.

    You mostly can't get through when you call, and when you do finally get a person, they can't access your account or any of their internal systems to do anything for you. This is a CYA statement that they absolutely cannot back up.

    From the article linked:

    >Frontier Communications detected the third party Sunday, April 14. The company’s report states the third party “gained unauthorized access” to some of its information technology environment. > >Frontier says in the filing that once they detected the threat, they put their cyber incident response protocols into place in an effort to contain the incident. They say part of this process includes shutting down some of the company’s systems. The filing says that the shutdown resulted in an “operational disruption.” > >The company says it launched an investigation into the incident and determined the third party was allegedly a cybercrime group. Frontier’s filing also states that the third party “gained access to, among other information, personally identifiable information. > >According to the filing, Frontier says it believes that by Monday, they had contained the incident. They also say they then restored their core information technology environment. As of the filing Monday, Frontier said they were “in the process” of restoring their normal business operations. > >... > >Frontier said in the filing they did not believe the incident will materially impact their financial condition or the results of their operations.


    I'm not the only customer who lost service around the time of the attack — This reddit thread is full of people in the same situation, all over the country. It hasn't come back, and as I mentioned at the top, they can't do anything for us.

    There are a lot of people like me who have no good alternatives (there are literally no other DSL or fiber providers for my address, there are too many trees between me and the WISP towers, satellite latency is a problem, and the cell signal here sucks), but there are a lot of people in that thread talking about switching.

    How do I look at my sent DMs?

    I'm sorry if this is an incredibly stupid question.

    I usually use an app for Lemmy-ing, but I've poked around on the browser interface as well, and I just can't figure out how to look at my sent DMs. How do?

    Discover Ohio’s 2,000-year-old archeological wonder, now a World Heritage site

    Some highlights:

    >The earthworks, an archipelago of eight sites sprinkled through central and southwestern Ohio, were built 1,600 and 2,000 years ago by the Hopewell tradition, a sophisticated network of Native American cultures that extended from southern Canada to Florida. > >The earthworks are the largest set of geometric earthen enclosures in the world, many extending for hundreds of feet in the shape of circles, squares, or animals. Some are built in alignment with the movements of the sun and moon.


    >The eight sites include the Great Circle and Octagon Earthworks in Licking County, the Fort Ancient Earthworks in Warren County, and the Mound City Group, Hopewell Mound Group, Hopeton Earthworks, Seip Earthworks, and High Bank Works in Ross County.


    >As white settlers moved into Ohio after the Revolutionary War, many destroyed parts of the earthworks. Some plowed mounds under to plant crops; other earthworks were destroyed by railroads or canals built through them. > >But others were saved by landowners, including the eight World Heritage sites.


    >The World Heritage designation didn’t come without some controversy. The Octagon Earthworks near Newark is on a country club golf course, and in 2018 the Ohio History Connection, as the state’s historical society, used its eminent-domain powers to break its lease with the country club. > >The country club sued, claiming the Ohio History Connection low-balled its offer to break the lease. In 2022, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the History Connection could break the lease, but there’s still ongoing legal action about how much money the country club should be compensated.


    >The Great Circle Earthworks today are surrounded by a residential neighborhood, as well as a sprawl of businesses along nearby State Route 79. But inside the Great Circle, it’s easy to forget about those modern distractions, said Sarah Hinkelman, the site’s manager. > >“I think that’s exactly what it was intended to be,” Hinkelman said. “A sacred space, very separate from the everyday.”


    I haven't been to any of the mounds in 20+ years, definitely past time for another visit!

    Do you hear coyotes regularly?

    Their crazy songs are one of my favorite things about living in a rural area. They sound like a roving dog rave! So much yipping and screaming, so much energy, it's thrilling every time I hear them.

    What crazy shit are they getting up to out there?!? Why do they sometimes sound like they're just a roving party and other times like they're the actual Wild Hunt?!

    I know they want to eat my chickens, guineas, and probably also my cats, but they're just having such a good time out there that I can't be mad about it.

    What does 💨 mean to you?

    I read it as fart/fart noise

    Someone Very Close to Me apparently reads it as blowing a puff of air or a kiss (even though there's 🌬️ and 😘), or going really fast, or sending something, and doesn't think Fart at all

    this leads to frequent text messages that are meant to be very sweet or indicate haste but at first glance read to me as full of farts

    It's Amazing 😂

    What does 💨 mean to you?

    Do you have a different interpretation of another emoji someone you know uses often?

    anybody else wake up cheerful most days?

    of course, the weight of hellworld always gets to me eventually (whether it takes a couple minutes or a couple hours)

    and dealing other humans can be Challenging

    and my aging Elder Millennial body seems to like to be difficult

    BUT before all that oppresses my spirit, I am cheerful as fuck, singing to my pets, chattering to myself, giggling about nothing

    Where's my Sunny Disposition Crew?

    Good morning, Ohio

    Snowy sunrises are my favorite. 🤩

    Wishing you all quiet moments of magic, surprised laughter, and snuggly comfort time! ❤️ Happy Snowy Friday.

    neurodiverse the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    audio version of Unmasking Autism for upcoming book club

    Is anybody interested in an Audible gift? and a few others have been talking about reading this as a group, so I grabbed the ebook - linked it in PDF & epub here - but wanted the audio version for sharing with my husband.

    When I got it for him, I saw we have a few extra credits on the account, and it looks like I can use them to purchase titles to send as gifts. I thought some of you might like to have it? You'll have to DM me the email address associated with your account, but you'll get mine in return.

    What do you know about menopause/perimenopause?

    Experiencing it now? Experienced it previously? Lived with and known intimately someone who has?

    I was gonna post this in /c/womenby, but it's not very active, and I'm not solely interested in first-person perspectives anyway. Long-term partners or roommates, close friends, adult children - your experience is also valuable.

    What do you know? What was it like? What resources are/were helpful? What did you/they do differently?

    My period started getting weird a few months ago, and just on a hunch I looked up symptoms of perimenopause and was shocked. Why didn't anyone tell me all this weird shit was going to happen?!

    I'm going into day 9 of a period that has steadily escalated in flow the whole time and wondering at what point I need to seek medical attention. I've definitely bled heavier than this in periods past, so maybe not yet??? But also, I haven't bled this many consecutive days since that whackadoo post-birth period, so I am kinda starting to wonder if this is getting sketchy?? But I found threads on Reddit and Quora of people talking about bleeding to some degree Every Fucking Day for Years.

    What the actual fuck?

    It seems like it's a total crapshoot whether an OB-GYN has much depth of knowledge about any particular issue, as it is with every specialty, and it's super common to have serious symptoms dismissed because Time is Money and Women Stay Whining or whatever. Also, in keeping with the traditions of my AuDHD people, I don't feel great about going into a medical appointment without a Stack of Evidence.

    So! Obviously I've been searching and digging around, but I'm super interested in your information, stories, and perspectives. What is/was it like for you or your loved one? What changed? (or "What didn't change?" if that's a shorter list 😂) What did you/they do about any/all of it?

    Jfc. I was about to be like, "And why the fuck doesn't anyone tell us?!?!" and then I remembered how terrible most women's health stuff is and yeah, of course there is no support system for this, let alone proactive education. And why would the older women around me want to ruin my good time? "Oh, it's all fun and boobs now, but someday you'll somehow be simultaneously bloody and dry, your skin will be horrific, your body temperature will never make sense or be homogeneous ever again, and you will be allergic to everything."

    I saw some comments saying they made it through 1-8 years of this and have become their No Fucks Crone Life Best Self, and so I'm holding out hope for that. Any delightful little feathers you want to put on that end of the scale will be celebrated, but I will also be very grateful for your thorny, muddy truths. Lay it on me. Please. ❤️

    I just remembered "toasts," so I'm going to be complimenting you all for the next week, and I'm doing it out of love

    Thank you, for the inspiration, which I will take as volunteering to go first.

    Your recent comment about clowns is insightful and expresses a sentiment I appreciated, thank you. 🥂

    the_itsb the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]

    41f artsy late-dx AuDHD married to 42m machine whisperer, teen son trans & also ADHD. We do outdoor equipment & small engine repair from our home, give remote assistance for diy, & make instructional videos. ❤️ dogs, cats, chickens, guineas ❤️

    Posts 30
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