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Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 28/5/2024
  • Sorry, damn work keeps on getting in the way of social media. Yeah that price isn’t amazing for the bambino; checked priceme and it definitely goes on sale with steeper discounts. Could always check again for Matariki at the end of June.

    The barista express is the same machine as the bambino but includes a grinder. I think you said you already have a grinder?

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 23/5/2024
  • Weird. My account is already showing 1 year.

    Guessing voyager must be rounding somehow.

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 13/5/2024
  • Yup that’s the one we got. Definitely makes decent coffee, heats up instantly and my wife is happy with the milk frother. Only additional thing we bought for it was a tamper as the plastic one it comes with is crap. The stainless steel milk jug and 4 portafilter baskets are all good.

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 13/5/2024
  • Just bought the Breville Bambino over ANZAC weekend. On sale it was about $250 and I’d expect it to be discounted again over King’s Bday in a few weekends time.

    We were looking at the Breville Barista Express as well, but all the info online suggested that the grinder breaks first and isn’t economical to repair, so you end up having to buy a separate grinder anyway. Bambino on sale + Baratza Encore ESP is not much more than the Barista Express and the Encore is a much better grinder than the bundled one and is designed to be repairable at home.

    Otherwise the Brevilles actually review well for their espresso making capabilities. I fell down the rabbit hole on /r/espresso and they come highly recommended as entry level machines.

  • Shadows of the Empire retrospective by raodaozao
  • Recently tried to play it and ran out of lives multiple times in the first 20 mins or so. The AT-ST inside the base just keeps smashing me.

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 7/5/2024
  • I guess I haven’t really compared my usage to others in quite some time. I did think it’d be defensible given there’s usually a 80GB+ patch or game install each month but just didn’t want the hassle of having to explain each month if I could avoid it.

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 7/5/2024
  • Legend. Thank you that’s exactly what I was after.

  • Aotearoa Weekly Kōrero 7/5/2024
  • Does anyone use Hot Shot as their ISP?

    I’m moving house and eyeing up a new fibre provider. They look very reasonably priced and a quick search of reddit and geekzone suggests their uptime is good. However im more concerned about whether I will get pinged for “reasonable use” under their unlimited plans given that I use between 200-400GB a month and sometimes more.

    Despite slingshot being extremely expensive they at least haven’t said anything when I’ve hit 700GB in a month. It’d also be a dealbreaker if Hot Shot does port blocking with no way to control it and selectively open ports.

  • 'Right in the firing line': New lab-grown milk substitute could threaten NZ's dairy sector
  • Most of our mountainous land is protected. Even if it’s not, dairy farms aren’t being run on rugged terrain. Cows aren’t exactly known for their adventurism.

  • New AMD Ryzen 9000 CPU series confirmed, thanks to Gigabyte
  • Pretty sure that diagram only applies to mobile chips and apus. For desktop cpus the first digit denotes architecture.

    This article is about forthcoming desktop cpus.

  • Analyst: Vision Pro Demand Fell “sharply beyond expectations,” Leading Apple to Reduce Shipments for International Debut
  • It’s expensive, first gen, there’s a cost of living crisis, and the quest 3 has good enough MR for 1/4 of the price.

    I don’t need my economics degree to understand why it has poor sales.

  • Taking care of the space around you is self love
  • Original artist is Mike Davis for any like me who were wondering.

    Mike Davis’ paintings

  • Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 2/4/2024
  • Been in the hospital overnight again which has been pretty traumatic. Just counting down the minutes until my wife gets here and I can go home.

  • Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 2/4/2024
  • Damn that sounds painful. I think our bread knife is the sharpest knife in the block. Use it to score the fat on pork belly as the teeth are great for getting through flesh.

  • Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 26/3/2024
  • Had my tonsils out on Saturday and feeling pretty messed up from the cocktail of drugs they’ve got me on. Currently watching all the fast and furious movies and then moving on to the Lord of the Rings extended editions.

  • 'I've run out of sick days': Researchers reveal NZ’s migraine misery 'I've run out of sick days': Researchers reveal NZ’s migraine misery

    They're excruciating and debilitating - and some 640,000 Kiwis regularly suffer them.

    'I've run out of sick days': Researchers reveal NZ’s migraine misery

    This hits really close to home for me.

    I had severe migraines that would last for days over a 6-month period. I’d suffered periodic migraines from the age of 15 but this was something new where even when I didn’t have a “proper” migraine I still had a constant dull headache.

    Nearly lost my job even after seeing the company doctor who noted that allowances needed to be made for my sick leave. Saw a neurologist, got an MRI, kept going to the doctor, and no diagnosis came out of it. I eventually had a seizure for the first time in my life and was rushed to hospital.

    Finally, got a diagnosis of chronic daily migraines and was put on medication that has controlled them, but the damage it did to my career set me back by years. I was a high performer prior and then I was suddenly blacklisted from promotions because of my sick leave.

    My heart really goes out to people struggling with the same pain who have yet to find something that works.

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 6/3/2024
  • Any mild acid should do. Would suggest trying undiluted white vinegar or lemon juice if it’s particularly built up. If it’s not too bad then mix one or the other into some water.

  • What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?
  • They wish they could be our western island.

  • Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 4/3/2024
  • Yeah I rewatched part one on Saturday because I couldn’t remember where it finished. What surprised me was how early in the story it wrapped up.

    I think because I’ve read the book so many times I’d created false memories of scenes that I thought where in part one but weren’t (e.g. Jamis’ water weighing ceremony). Doesn’t help that there’s the flash forward clairvoyance scenes jumbled in there as well. However, where those false memory scenes were included in part 2 they were much better than what I had imagined.

  • HTC Vive Pro 2 in 2024?

    So I bought a second hand Reverb G2 in mid-November and of course a month later WMR was announced as deprecated.

    I’m eyeing up a second hand Vive Pro 2 that includes the base stations. New this is retailing for NZD 2200, but I can grab it for NZD 1400. I’ve also considered the Pimax Crystal, which I can just afford, but it’s NZD 2900 and I’m a bit put off by it using a battery pack and still using proprietary software.

    I’ll be using it primarily for simracing and my thought process is that the Vive at least has a steam app so if HTC stops supporting it I’m not completely screwed like I am with the Reverb. Pimax is different because their software is completely standalone as far as I’m aware. So is it worth saving 50% or so and getting something comparable to the Reverb, or am I selling the Crystal short?

    RWC Final Discussion Thread

    It’s match day!

    Been great to discuss the games as they happen throughout the tournament. How are we feeling about this final?

    Using a commercial VPN behind OpenVPN on router?

    I have media server which is using a commercial VPN that I got with my Usenet subscription. This is the only device on my home network that is using a VPN.

    I tried to set up pihole on the same server with my router redirecting all traffic to it but couldn’t get it to work while the VPN was active. I’m now looking at getting a Pi 4B solely for pihole and considering running OpenVPN on my router so that my phone can run back to the pihole while I’m out.

    My concern is that running the dual VPN setup may expose the traffic on my server. The commercial VPN does have an OpenVPN configuration that I could apply on my router but that’s not my preferred option.

    Will my server traffic still be masked if I’m running a private OpenVPN configuration on the router?

    AK Have Your Say - Auckland’s Future Development Strategy Future Development Strategy

    What the Future Development Strategy will address The Future Development Strategy sets out the big picture vision for how and where we should grow over the next 30 years to achieve the best outcomes for Tāmaki Makaurau. A changing environment There has been a lot of

    Future Development Strategy

    The FDS will guide where housing growth is targeted over the next 30 years and has a huge impact on the provision of housing and transport infrastructure. Submissions are open until the 31st of July.

    This update proposes pulling back from some of the most wasteful greenfield expansions in the Northwest near Kumeū/Huapai and in the south between Drury and Pukekohe. These are the “Supporting Growth” areas where AT and Waka Kotahi have been investigating billions of dollars worth of transport infrastructure to subsidise sprawl.

    Greater Auckland has an article out today summarising the strategy and changes

    Third of Auckland bus services 'suspended indefinitely' as driver union talks break down Third of Auckland bus services 'suspended indefinitely' as driver union talks break down

    The decision by NZ Bus follows threats from its drivers to refuse to charge customers for riding the bus over the long weekend.

    Third of Auckland bus services 'suspended indefinitely' as driver union talks break down

    Looks like I’m not going into the office next week.

    What to watch after Dr Who?

    I’ve been prescribed medical for about a year for chronic insomnia and have been slowly making my way through modern Dr Who before bed. Almost at the end of Calpadi’s seasons and need some recommendations of what to watch next.

    Star Trek: Lower Decks has been good to pad it out, and unfortunately I recently rewatched the GOAT reboot of Battlestar Galactica recently so that’s out.

    Hit me with your best sci-fi and or fantasy fellow ents.

    Support terraborra
    Has anyone successfully subscribed to kbin communities? looks to have some of the magazines/communities I’m interested in that aren’t currently hosted on lemmy but the links don’t seem to be propagating.

    In theory we should be able to subscribe as we’re federated with them. Has anyone managed to get it working?

    Kia ora Tāmaki Makaurau

    The rest of the motu seems pretty active so it’d be great to connect with others across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.

    terraborra terraborra
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