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Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • Sorry, can't find the stuff I read about it a while back when I was interested about it, or was it a YouTube video?

    Anyway, here is what I remember: having the radioactive fuel as a liquid makes it easier to leak, and once that's happened, the environment damage will spread faster to ground water. Also sodium salt is liquid at high temperature, at which it will spontaneously catch fire in contact with oxygen (air), so any leak will cause a catastrophic fire, and this is what caused the demise of the French prototype "Projet Phénix" in the 70s.

  • VLC Player
  • We all have Jean-Baptiste Kempf, and many other brilliant volunteer developers to thank for it Jean-Baptiste Kempf

  • Small modular nuclear reactors get a reality check in new report
  • Because it is actually not that simple, especially on the "cleaner" and "safer" parts.

  • Self-balancing commuter pods ride old railway lines on demand
  • Yes, it's regrettable to see public money is wasted on this kind of projects instead of being spent to really improve the public transport infrastructure. Although, in Germany, it really isn't bad. But still.

  • Light Eye of Stuttgart21 [OC]
  • It's interesting to see it from the inside. It has been in construction for as long as I've leaved here. It looks like the inside of a mother-ship of some alien species.

    Of course there is a lot of controversy about this project. I feel rather neutral about it.

  • YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
  • The only way I can keep watching YouTube is with Smart Tube, uBlock and SponsorBlock. Donating 1€ to a content creator is equivalent to watch hundreds of hours worth of ads, so I prefer to do that when I can.

  • Shamelessly stolen from facebook.
  • In French, bat is chauve-souris which little translates to "bald mouse".

  • Using any DE be like:
  • I am always on the freshest Fedora Workstation, and all the extensions I use are always supported from the start. I don't use that many to be honest. But, is extensions compatibility really an issue nowadays?

  • Comfy nugs
  • And not any couch...

  • And it went Gold
  • Another French band that took the advice literally: Ultra Vomit - ÉVIER METAL - [Clip Eau-fficiel / Water-ficial Video]

  • And it went Gold
  • Don't worry mate, I am a music gear nerd as well ;) I am really into guitar stuff, effects pedals and amps. My latest acquisition is Astral Destiny by EarthQuaker Devices

  • Nvidia now has the best business brand reputation in America
  • Or simply not well informed. nVidia is constantly doing shady stuff.

  • And it went Gold
  • my name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me... Giorgio.

  • a cool guide of foods
  • Nothing on this list beats Tartiflette.

  • Drink up
  • LMFAO, wouldn't it be epic if this one was from an actual porn move ?!

  • Drink up
  • photographer Eugeny Hramenkov uploaded the original image

    I always assumed it was from a porn movie 😅

  • What Rom do you prefer for your Pixel device?
  • I am using GrapheneOS on my Pixel 7 and I was successful with Android Auto.

  • On self-driving, Waymo is playing chess while Tesla plays checkers
  • Probably cameras and rain sensor :)

  • On self-driving, Waymo is playing chess while Tesla plays checkers
  • I can't seem to find information about the Ford Escape having a LiDAR, it's not on the spec. Sheet on Ford's website and in the news it's only about prototypes.

    I am not saying Teslas should or shouldn't have LiDARs. I am just curious. I only know about Audi, Mercedes, Honda and Hyundai currently selling cars with LiDAR used for ADAS. They might be more Chinese OEMs selling cars with LiDARs, buy Ford, it surprises me.

  • On self-driving, Waymo is playing chess while Tesla plays checkers
  • The LiDAR you have on your vacuum isn't going to cut it as a safety relevant component onboard your car. Automotive-grade LiDAR are on another price range. Development for such sensors is quoted separately from the part price, and it costs millions of $.

  • Is there any HDD over 8TB using 5400RPM ?

    Hello ! I have a custom build NAS currently using 4x6TB hard drives in RAID10. I am looking for a capacity upgrade. My main focus are low power consumption and low noise (the NAS is in my living room / home office).

    I can't seem to find any 5400RPM HDD over 8TB in capacity anywhere. Is there any model with 10, 12 or more TB in existence ? If not, what could be the reasons ?

    All abord the GIGA-Taxis !

    New video from Adam Something about Zoox (Amazon) Robot-Taxis

    TIL about this tool, the *Reinigungsschaber* !

    I had lost hope with my electric cooking plates. The white circles where completely hidden under a layer of diamond-grade burn residue that no amount of scrubbing with chemicals could even begin to remove. I found this 3€ scrapping tool and it's amazing !!! Sorry, but I don't have the before picture, believe me after 6 years of usage, it was bad.

    The Algorithm - 'userspace' (official music video)

    I would like to present you another French artist, that puts out some real' nice mix of Synth, Chiptunes and Metal. If you like Carpenter Brut this might be your jam as well! Not sure if this qualifies as Synthwave, though. If not, the mod can remove it, I won't get upset ;-)

    Dance with the Dead - Kiss of the Creature [Official Video]

    Dance with the Dead is a band from California, whose music style tips maybe more towards rock/metal, I am personally very found of.

    Stupeflip publie leur dernier album en accès libre sur Youtube

    Stup Forever, le dernier album de Stupeflip sortie en 2022, maintenant en libre accès sûr la chaine Youtube officiel du groupe.

    † Carpenter Brut † TURBO KILLER † Directed by Seth Ickerman † Official Video †

    The tune that got me hooked to synthwave !

    GUNSHIP - Monster In Paradise [Official Music Video]

    From the new album from GUNSHIP titled UNICORN due to release in September.

    Amsterdam Just Closed their Busiest Road

    Amsterdam is trialing its most ambitious traffic project yet. They are cutting off car traffic on a major 4-lane arterial road through the city. This has got the right-wingers panties in a bunch, but the trial is still underway. Will this lead to a utopian city or carmageddon?

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