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Who is doing this?
  • And it looks like it's abandoned

  • Anyone ever removed stock launcher with ADB before?
  • I know that you said you know how to do it, but Universal Android Debloater can restore any removed apps in one click, which might be useful if you decide to try it.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • I think I have the same thing. Is yours also kinda connected to blinking? I can do it without blinking, but closing my eyes at the same moment as rumbling the eardrums feels easier and more natural than rumbling with eyes open.

  • The Internet Archive is under a DDoS attack
  • I set the downvote gesture to reply instead, which I'll definitely notice if I do it by mistake.

  • The Internet Archive is under a DDoS attack
  • Me before I disabled the super-sensitive side gestures on mobile.

  • always seems to bog down and break within a month
  • I like how the KDE apps look on the plasma desktop. I hate how they look everywhere else.

  • [SwayNC] Colorful gruvbox matching my Niri rice
  • I'm now working on wlogout part:

    Picture of logout menu using the same style as SwayNC

  • [SwayNC] Colorful gruvbox matching my Niri rice
  • Thanks. I'm also absolutely in love with Niri, it makes my laptop screen feel ten times bigger.

  • We've all been there...
  • Even the system files like those in /etc ?

  • Not exactly the kind of respect it would like to get
  • That restarts the system. This only attempts to kill the app that uses most memory.

  • Not exactly the kind of respect it would like to get
  • Debian has it by default I think. Arch has it disabled because it might be a security risk if someone had physical access to your computer.

  • Not exactly the kind of respect it would like to get

    Not exactly as funny meme as I would like it to be, but I just found out about that feature after having to hold the power button due to a frozen system countless times, and I had to tell someone.

    I finally found a rule worth posting
  • I see, thanks for the info.

  • Is it weird that I enjoy imagining being a witness/victim of various tragedies?
  • To some degree it's normal. At some point it starts to be weird.

  • [Niri] [Golden Gruvbox] [WIP] I'm starting to like the look
  • I stacked the windows for the screenshot, but I usually only have windows side-by-side, each taking half a screen or more. That's why the browser is so stuffed up.

  • [Niri] [Golden Gruvbox] [WIP] I'm starting to like the look
  • Thanks! The extension is Sidebery. This single extension has changed my browser workflow more than the whole Vivaldi browser that I used before Firefox. I have around 350 tabs open, neatly organized into panels, groups and subgroups. Firefox unloads tabs, so it has (almost) no effect on performance. It's super-customizable, and integrates with Firefox's Multi-Account Containers. It also takes snapshots of all of your open tabs for easy backup or migration. The workflow is amazing. I would think that I would spend much time organizing the tabs, but it's actually much faster than managing the tabs the normal way: I can open 20 tabs in a hurry and when I'm done, just close them all or just collapse them. I can't recommend it more.

  • [Niri] [Golden Gruvbox] [WIP] I'm starting to like the look
  • The compositor Niri is absolutely awesome btw, it's based on infinite horizontal scrolling and I love it so much! Definitely give it a look.

  • [Niri] [Golden Gruvbox] [WIP] I'm starting to like the look

    It's very much WIP.

    • Distro: EndeavourOS

    • Compositor/WM: Niri

    • Floating menu in the center: Fuzzel

    • Bar: Waybar

    • Terminal: Foot

    • Terminal multiplexer: Tmux

    • Shell: ZSH

    • Prompt: Powerlevel10k

    • Editor: Neovim

    • Browser: Firefox

    • dotfiles (kinda messy + outdated README)

    stepan stepan


    Posts 3
    Comments 41