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WhatsApp is finally bringing voice message transcription on Android just an year after iOS
  • There is the automatic caption feature which works great in my experience.

  • I'm not your pardner, guy!
  • Replace www by old in the url to access old reddit

  • Pre-IPO Reddit lets ads be dressed up as promoted user posts
  • I thought this was illegal in most countries

  • Yeah yeah, we know you're special
  • I got two drives with one being nvme1pX and the other nvme2pX and I don't know why but they just swap names sometime. I'm new to linux though so it may be some misconfiguration on my part and I rarely need to access them with their name.

  • Yeah yeah, we know you're special
  • A yes, my beloved nvme1p2 partition that changes name every reboot

  • The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS.
  • The axis is somewhat misleading. A jump from 8k to 11k installs is nothing.

    Edit: just saw from the comments this is the number of installs per day so its bigger than I thought

  • Thank you American software
  • It doesn't matter where the servers are located physically but who can access the data that's on them

  • Pirate IPTV User Fines "Coming Soon" But Are Not "Psychological Terrorism"
  • But you don't understand, if people stop pirating, the subscription prices will go down because of all the parasites who get it for free. The corporations would never just take the additional money and raise prices to get even more, right?

  • How can I get persistent USB to properly work?
  • You could dualboot with two efi partitions. That way one os does not touch anything from the other. You'd need two drives for that but a USB drive should also work (no guarantee, I am using two m.2 SSDs)

    I'm currently doing it with manjaro and windows.

  • Systemd controversy be like
  • Me who doesn't know what it is and just uses it because it came with my distro

  • [Solved] Update on the federation situation with
  • Thanks a lot for putting the energy and time into fixing this.

  • Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo
  • Right-sizing the People Team

    Sounds like mckinsey speaking

  • Do you guys think this Citra current successor?
  • The real successors are pablo's fork or forks of other devs who were already working on the project.

    Just forking and changing the name gets us nowhere.

    You need competent devs to work on such projects.

  • Yuzu Nintendo Switch Emulator Lives On With The Nuzu, Suyu Projects
  • Somebody forked the repo and changed the name != the project is being continued

  • Yuzu Nintendo Switch emulator must cease operations after $2.4M lawsuit
  • Big companies are probably better at finding people than law enforcement is

  • Was habt ihr für Erfahrungen mit Fitnessstudio kündigen?

    Ich überlege mich beim Fitnessstudio anzumelden. Da ich mir nicht sicher bin ob ich es wirklich lange durchziehen werde, denke ich jetzt schon darüber nach wie die Kündigung des Abos läuft. Bei mir geht es speziell um Cleverfit aber ich würde gerne auch von anderen Fitnessstudios hören. Ich habe vor ein 1-Monatsvertrag abzuschließen.

    Im Internet hab ich bisher nur negatives gehört (gekündigt aber trotzdem abgebucht, Widerspruch eingelegt und dann Inkasso, die meisten Geschichten enden mit einem Anwalt).

    Sind das nur einzelne negative Fälle und man hört nur von denen bei denen es schlecht läuft oder ist das immer so. Würde gerne von euren Erfahrungen hören.

    Android emulator for Android

    Crossposted from:

    > I am looking for an app that can emulate another android device. > > A few years ago I used vmos but: > - it looks really sketchy > - it requires an account > - quick online search tells me some features are locked behind a paywall > > I looked for alternatives but they all seem pretty sketchy and I will propably login with a Google account so idk. > > My requirements are: > - At least Android Nougat (7.0+) > - GMS > - pass the Google security checks (I think it was called safetynet at some point > - not to slow as I want to play a game > > The reason I need this is that I want to use a modified version of a game next to the original version. > > I hope someone has a suggestion for me, > Thanks in advance.

    Emulation on Android redditReallySucks
    Android emulator for Android

    I am looking for an app that can emulate another android device.

    A few years ago I used vmos but:

    • it looks really sketchy
    • it requires an account
    • quick online search tells me some features are locked behind a paywall

    I looked for alternatives but they all seem pretty sketchy and I will propably login with a Google account so idk.

    My requirements are:

    • At least Android Nougat (7.0+)
    • GMS
    • pass the Google security checks (I think it was called safetynet at some point
    • not to slow as I want to play a game

    The reason I need this is that I want to use a modified version of a game next to the original version.

    I hope someone has a suggestion for me, Thanks in advance.

    Good VPS providers providing anonymity

    Are there any good VPS providers you would recommend that don't require to much data and where you can pay with privacy friendly payment methods like monero?

    I found some on google but I never heard if them before and just because they offer crypto payments doesn't mean they're privacy friendly.
