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Microblog Memes nifty
B horror movie plot just dropped
  • Reading the news too much can take a toll

    Can’t solve it all in a day 🤷‍♀️

  • Microblog Memes nifty
    Same day shipping
    adherence to the rule is the 4th law of robotics
  • The term “divine spark of creativity” is meaningless if it’s used to describe something created by a non-human entity. Why? Let me explain, but note that I am not biased against machine learning systems or whatever we’re calling “AI”.

    From what I can remember from my studies, the act of creation (in topics as broad as art, engineering, policy making) is inherently biased towards some kind of exploration and examination of how groups of humans can function together. Humans started creating to facilitate and ensure their propagation by communicating and sharing ideas in different ways. Ultimately, if we look at how things came to be in human history (of society, culture, religion, science etc) the goal of this organization around how we think and do things is to ensure our own development as a species.

    Specifically, regarding a piece of “art”, whatever it may be: I disagree with anyone who says that “just because it makes me feel it’s art”. Your drug-induced hallucinations can also make you feel, but they’re not art because they’re not an experience that anyone else but you can accommodate.

    Similarly, I think that if a creator cannot understand or communicate with some sense of the human condition, their act of creation is devoid of meaning for human intellectual development, and is simply an exercise in mimicry of human creation—it gets the job done, but it’s not moving anything forward for the human collective. For any number of cynical reasons we may “hate” people, but humans are really the only living organism that we know of which is capable of reasoning about the nature of reality and existence. It doesn’t mean anything to “AI” that you or I or anything exists. Or that itself exists. So what’s the point of its creation?

  • But it's a necessary chore for successful business dogs
  • Your comment is insightful and presents a different pov, I don’t think it should be downvoted simply because its point is against the grain of the comic

  • Well, we can't have that... [Extra Fabulous Comics]
  • I think you’re right! His head is gray and the dude lifts him up by the suit

  • Circle of Rule
  • False, an AI which perfects itself will have a contingency for solar flares or EMPs

    Or idk, it’s fun to imagine it could save itself, perhaps may even be benevolent 🤷

  • I need to wake up early
  • Do you have the option to go to bed early enough that you can just wake up at the desired time without an alarm? May not work effectively till you’ve recovered sleep debt. You may need to sleep in late a few weekends to recover sleep debt, but don’t get carried away such that you can’t sleep that night. It also helps to tire yourself out with exercise so you can sleep when you want and then wake up without an alarm.

    For other options, try a programmable butt plug maybe

  • fuck you jeff. you could Rule this land with an army of mommy milkers and yet you do nothing
  • Technically it’s bimba for women and bimbo for men


  • Well, we can't have that... [Extra Fabulous Comics]
  • Butt also why is he naked? Interdimensional space travel, but no slacks?

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in North Carolina
  • This is how you sue dumbasses who pass this law

  • Transportation mode, World vs USA
  • Disagree, the U.S. does a lot of things right which quietly go unnoticed because the failures are fun to point out (“haha Richie rich state is failing loool”). All countries have their issues, and the U.S. desperately needs market socialism.

    But please give me an example of any other top GDP country in the world where immigrants can become elected officials (not president) at the federal level. Russia? China? India? All of the other examples in top GDP earners are inherently xenophobic.

  • As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too
  • Will give it a view when I can, thanks

  • Justice Department formally moves to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug in historic shift
  • Will they retroactively commute sentences of people who were charged with the previous classification?

  • As conservatives put religion in schools, Satanists want in, too
  • Sorry to ask, but could someone summarize the video? Cannot watch it rn, and will probably forget later.

    That said, all organizations face this kind of “what’s the orgs vision or character” challenge. Thats why good leadership is important. Sometimes it’s best to cut loses and reorganize, and also market how you’re different now.

    Supporting eugenics in any form is unconscionable, but people make mistakes and can grow from them. There are examples of KKK members who became activists in other direction, and we shouldn’t lock people in to their past bad decisions. I encourage the idea of “reformed racists”.

    As asinine as I think the idea of “Satan” is in general, I see value in contenders and challengers to established religious authorities. As a rule, we should remove religion from policy making.

  • Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering
  • Death is permanent and cannot be undone. Once someone dies they take all their love, potential and beauty with them. We can only live with the memory of it, but that memory doesn’t have the ability to create new things or react to life in new ways.

    That said, people should be able to end their suffering in a dignified manner of their choosing without suffering more. No one asked to be alive, it’s a burden imposed on them by the will of the living. The least we can do, then, is to make living as devoid of suffering as we can for everyone.

  • Rule
  • To keep it from sharting in the face?

  • Overnight by grandma
  • lol I am guessing it’s a hostel and they did that to discourage visitors from having sex

  • Those poor jeans had it rough
  • That’s why you gotta pair those with the right footwear

  • me_irl nifty
    Political Memes nifty
    Applies to a lot of millionaires as well
    I learned so much

    Edit to say because I kinda feel bad now: I have nothing against English teachers! Please don’t send your mafia of learned lit nerds after me! …Or do, lit nerds are hot.


    Sorry for low res mobile screenshot upload, the meme is from some shady looking site so I don’t want to link the site on lemmy.

    nifty nifty

    smol, femme, nerd

    libera te tutemet ex machina, and shitpost~~

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