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Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us?
  • Benefits for cats: No FIV infections, no car injuries, safe temperatures, no fights, no parasites.

    Benefits for wildlife: no murder, fewer vectors, no loss of habitat to cats

    Benefits for community: no roaming cats triggering sensor lights/setting off other pets/damaging property with claws, no toxo transmission, no digging up poo while gardening/losing plants to cat piss

    Cons to cats: Keepers must provide entertainment

    Cons to keepers: Exercise the level of basic responsibility every other keeper of pets is expected to, or parent with children.

    Issue: Controversial??????????

  • it's me. I'm the one who rules
  • Is that from the swan princess or something? I feel like I recognise that character from one of the films my little sis watched on repeat when like 8.

  • Humans need to stop being cruel
  • Some carnists are so awful they can't even be satisfied with their almost complete hegemony. They have to come into our spaces to explain why we're actually dumb dumbs who changed huge portions of our lives and isolated ourselves socially without really thinking the basics through.

  • vampire rule
  • Fuck the fucking fuckers. Swearing as much a part of human communication as cadence is.

    Puritans can fuck themselves with a pineapple. It's as ridiculous as finding full stops offensive and insisting the rest of the world bow to them by using double commas or something.

  • Senate condemns 'from the river to the sea' chant after Labor MP broke ranks
  • Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh this is all so despicably one sided and Pearl clutchy.

    Children are dying, just fuck everything else come on children are fucking dying. It's not fake, it's not propaganda, it's right fucking there.

    Children are dying en masse from hunger and thirst, under rubble, torn apart by bombs in what can only at it's most charitable be described as a campaign of terror and revenge.

    Fuck all this reporting on such and such a sign or such and such a chant. Children are dying, it is fucking obvious to anyone with more than a shard of charcoal where a heart should be what the salient issue is here.

  • 'From the river to the sea': Labor senator breaks ranks to accuse Israel of genocide
  • Isn't that an indictement of the leaching class haha. Can't quite realise other people are human unless you can golf with them while discussing landlording or whatever haha.

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • it's just such a pathetically juvenile way to describe politics. "mr big punches women in face man going to tackle mr hires assassins brutal dictator of maybe the third most powerful country in the world man". Uh huh, I bet he is. As we all know politics is about how much testosterone you can smear from your glands on each other while wrestling and not a largely redundant performing into being of relationships between people orchestrated by thousands.

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • It makes me think of the awful time when Australian news became obsessed with "shirtfronted". Shit like this makes a little piece of my brain die every time I remember it.

  • Mental health rule
  • The real jokes were the posts we made along the way.

  • Mental health rule
  • whack. I usually only see that opinion in usaians and teenaged to early twenties boys who've never been in trouble and needed help.

  • Mental health rule
  • You from the usa?

  • Mental health rule
  • Maybe my post is a joke. Maybe you're a joke.

  • Just no
  • Italian nationalism around food had fascit roots. It's fictional and stupid. Grow up.

  • Mental health rule
  • No. Like this ideology of putting yourself first is a bit stupid. you can't come up with univeral rules (at least ones that can be expressed in a small picture) for human interaction.

    If you feel anxious but your family member needs a lift out of a sketchy party then yeah, you're a dick and should feel guilty for that. If you would have debilitating panic attacks while driving maybe not, but you're also shit if you don't call a taxi or something. We have obligations to each other. "we live in a society"

  • David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents
  • I like to take every government act I think is a bit iffy and contextualise it as "north Korea does X" to see what my opinion of it really is.

  • David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents
  • If we want militaries to be more than murderers for hire then murders by militaries must be taken at least equally as seriously as murders by random citizens.

  • David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents
  • I think often when people think of other people dying they internalise it as a headline does. Such and such died, ok that's sad I guess.

    I think the correct way to interpret it is to take the death of the person you have been the closest to ever. All that pain and grief and rage, multiply that by the number of people expected to feel that per person, then by the number of people dead. you start to interpret pointless, preventable, or cruel deaths with the appropriate amount of madness-tinged grief then.

  • David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents

    McBride, who had pleaded guilty to stealing commonwealth information and passing it to the ABC, receives non-parole jail term of 27 months

    David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents

    Complete bullshit. Regimes that punish whistleblowers harder than war criminals reveal themselves as dreaming of tyranny.

    The entire trial was cooked, and I'm furious :(

    That non parole period is nuts too, pure revenge. What danger does this man represent? If he's out on the streets some war criminals better watch their backs?

    edit: I should add, it's also quite frustrating that at the end of all this top brass has had no light shone on them, which was his initial goal on leaking. He thought the SAS was being investigated overmuch as a distraction from leadership failures. I guess we'll never know. A slap on the wrist for the executioners, no systematic investigation, and an inconvenient man in gaol.

    So this slightly funny list from the guardian got me thinking: What in your opinion are good books to understand modern China?

    So I came across this: and the headline piqued my interest but the books all seem of a rather particular slant. I am a fan of reading from a series of broad perspectives when trying to understand huge things and it's obviously a bit farcial to suppose the lives of 1.4 billion people are gripped by terror and pain in a country that somehow still chugs along.

    Since of everywhere on lemmy I think I'm likely to get some pretty interesting recommendations here, if we can do it without igniting the china good/bad flame war what books would you recommend to give insight into "understanding modern china". That is phenomenally broad and vague so I'm keen to see anything from histories to fiction.

    edit: thank you all for your opinions, I will endeavour to check most of them out and communicate my thoughts on them later. I'm especially interested in what the lives of boring arse people are like in different sectors of society (e.g. migrant underclass, party bureaucrate, officer worker, house wife, farmer etc) , if anything like that comes to mind.

    Police stopped Brad on his morning walk for wearing a hoodie. Ten minutes later, he was dead CCTV caught Brad's final moments before he was shot after being stopped for wearing a hoodie

    Brad Balzan died a violent death in his own backyard. Some are calling it "the worst outcome imaginable of proactive policing".

    CCTV caught Brad's final moments before he was shot after being stopped for wearing a hoodie

    Alternative title: NSW cops murder a kid because he ran home when 4 people in plain clothes pile out of a car and accost him. For wearing a hoodie.

    3d printed jig for assembling LED cube layers

    Includes a little jig off the side to bend the leads regularly, and holds the LEDs in consistent orientation using the cathode cutaway on the rim.

    Designed by my lovely wife.

    btw It is food safe to drink coffee next to 3d printed parts nerds ;)

    P.S. this filament is awful, filamentium pla. The worst thing I've used since early reprap days when variability was high.

    Any ideas what's causing that "shadowing" between the holes? those parts printed last I think but at the same speed/ironing pattern etc as the more matte parts between.

    pretty basic but I made myself a less mess espresso basket prep ring thing.

    It'a detained by magnets so it doesn't get in the basket and interfere with spreading out the grounds. Needs a clean up with a lick of sandpaper, pretty stupid but these things cost like 50 bucks /shrug


    EDIT: appreciate all the concern for my health, it touches dry coffee grounds. I agree that if it got wet there'd be health problems but unless it gets real humid there's just no opportunity for decay. As for random leaching same diff, without heat and wet it's not really a concern.

    That said I probably will seal an improved design, this is just a test piece.

    Echoing my post on masto: Does asafoetida smell amazing to you?

    Does asafoetida smell amazing to you? and if yes do you consider yourself someone with an accurate sense of smell (e.g. identify if someone needs dental work in a conversation, smell who someone has been hanging out with, identify spices and herbs used in a meal with high accuracy, identify the perfume someone wears etc)

    I've gone with super terminal heavy setups for years. If I want to dip my toes into a more GUI oriented setup what's your rec?

    I've got a refurbed thinkpad yoga in the mail. It's a stylus oriented laptop so I need to change the software I use to be more clicky.

    For years I've favoured stuff like netctl, xrandr, xbacklight etc etc over GUI alternatives and usually gone for very minimal WM setups (e.g. dwm).

    For obvious reasons this would be actual hell with a stylus in tablet mode, but it's been around 15 years since I last had a clicky linux setup and I'm really lost as to how to set one up on arch. What do you folks recommend for laptops?

    EDIT: update for wayward souls. Went with plasma, less works nicely out of the box but gnome hung occasionally on a 2019 yoga x1. There's a lot about plasma I would say is annoying but configuring it is vastly easier than gnome.

    Share your warm up and your stretches? This is knowledge I can be trusted with

    Silly title aside what do you do to warm up and if you do any stretching for mobility after a run what are they?

    I confess to being extremely lazy. My idea of a warm up is just running a bit easier than normal and the only stretch I do is foam roll my calves and stretch out the old hams on a wall.

    Every time I look up articles you get insane fitness blogs regurgitating the same 3 page "easy" routine that you absolutely must do all of or you will definitely die.

    So what do actual other human beings do? Come, share your wisdom or commiserate in haphazardness.

    Australia’s system of indefinite immigration detention to face high court challenge Australia’s system of indefinite immigration detention to face high court challenge

    Lawyers for stateless Rohingya refugee seek to overturn 20-year-old precedent that allows those who can’t be deported to be kept in detention

    Australia’s system of indefinite immigration detention to face high court challenge

    This should be an interesting case to watch. It seems on it's face something utterly inhumane and so it will be important to know whether it is considered legitimate.

    Share your techniques for maintaining motivation when recovering from injuries

    I started running about a year ago. No specific goals just for fun, was making good progress till I got up to being able to run about 7 km 5 days a week no problem.

    Unfortunately a series of health problems lead to getting really out of condition and I'm dealing with some knee tendonitis due to irresponsibility when doing strength training.

    Now I'm gasping after 3 km and having to carefully pace myself to avoid aggravating the knee while I build it back up.

    On one hand I know that a lot of the long term adaption isn't totally gone, that I'm not starting from zero. When I started I would throw up after running a block.

    On the other hand it's demotivating as fuck putting in so much effort to hobble through stuff that recently was relaxing.

    I'm obviously not the first person or the last to deal with this so I'm asking if you could share times when you've dealt with recovering and what kept you going.

    Inconsistent results with auto bed levelling. Creality ender 3 s1.

    See attached photo for the results of the bed levelling test using superslicer's calibration test.

    This is using the uhhh mriscoc firmware after heating to thermal equilibrium, tramming to tolerance, doing a 9x9 mesh which found a high point at the super messed up bottom left corner (higher than tramming result? but slightly further out).

    I have M420 S1 in my custom gcode, and for insanity's sake checked the gcode of the part and it's in the custom block and start block.

    Any ideas what's going on? every other section is okay, although back right is a bit distant.

    EDIT 2023-07-11T08:27(UTC): So after some shenanigans the current findings are summarised as following:

    • Z travel speed during probing needs to be slow
    • multiple probing (3 samples) creates reproducible meshes and tramming wizard results
    • Trying to enable the mesh via G29 A ; Activate UBL \n G29 L0 ; Load mesh in slot 0 \n G29 J ; Correct for skew didn't seem to work. Replacing that whole block with M420 L0 S1 makes the Z axis move during XY translation (from which I infer the mesh is loaded and being used correctly vs my printer is possessed)
    • The above would seem to me to indicate the marlin documentation is wrong? as it suggests using G29 L# and G29 A respectively.

    As of the time of update, that lower right corner is proving troubling, still. I think it's an issue with the location of the probe and interpolation results vs actual geometry of the bed. By that I mean, if we define down on your screen as positive X and right on your screen as positive Y the probe is located at MX, -NY vs the print head, thus the extreme location cannot be sampled. If the bed geometry is not smooth at that extreme then the automated fill in of my 9x9 grid might be wrong. I will attempt manually leveling that section and see if that helps

    EDIT the second:

    I'm going insane. Will take some photos in the morning but mesh values in the left front of the bed are wildly different from actual height.

    Building the mesh with the probe will report a sort of hill in the centre going to low corners, the front left will report something like -0.3mm (although the mesh display only shows -0.2 mm editing the value shows it's lower) but if I go into the edit mode and manually probe that location it'll crash into the bed hard.

    Setting it for light dragging on paper akin to the sort felt in the centre of the bed where values are accurate will have the mesh height at ~0.1 mm. A 0.3 mm difference? what the fuuuuuuuck?

    EDIT: 2023-07-13T08+00:00: I figured it out. Thanks for your advice and patience. I will add pictures of the meshes at various stages to this post at a later date to assist any other wanderer in madness in identifying and solving the same problem.

    In essence neither X or Y were square, the probe being offset in both X and Y created the problem. Because of the gantry construction it would be non trivial to square the XZ gantry to the Y axis so instead I verified that Y was not twisted and instead squared X to the best of my ability and precision tools.

    Then I printed this part: to which my eternal gratitude goes out to a Mr S Grindset for providing in order to move the probe to be colinear with the print head in X. Ensuring that any error due to Y not being square is even for the probe and print head.

    Now it is pretty good! Auto leveling works well enough to get "pretty even" layers, certainly none of the nasty ripples and ploughing I was experiencing.

    naevaTheRat naevaTheRat

    Despite all my rage I'm still a rat refreshing this page.

    I use arch btw

    Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0's sockpuppet.

    Pronouns are she/her.

    Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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    Comments 998