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Are we (linux) ready for Arm devices?
  • I used a PineBook 2 as a secondary machine, daily, for a couple of years. I never felt constrained by the CPU architecture, barely noticed it mostly. I stopped using it because it fell apart physically, but it was perfectly stable. I'd get another if I could get a sturdier one.

  • Are you a hi or a hello person? Or something else entirely?
  • Depends:
    "Hello" or "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening" - express deference or with people I don't know
    "Hi" - more casual, for coworkers or acquaintances
    "Hey", "Yo", or "'Sup" - with close confidants
    "Greetings" (with an over-pronounced T, I'm American) - flying the weird flag

  • What are you brewing this week?
  • Guatemala Proyecto Xinabajul Dos Villatoros from Sweet Maria's, roasted just a little past medium, ground in a Hario Skerton by hand, about 5 clicks on the grinder setting, brewed pour over in a Melitta single serving ceramic cone. Bloom it first, pour splashy the second time. It takes about 2 minutes for the brew to finish.
    I play with beans and roast a lot, I am pretty fixed with brew technique.
    I found some instant in a Vietnamese market once that was interesting. I usually avoid instant.
    Like I said, I keep brew the same so as to evaluate playing with roasting, but I am open to ideas, I could probably do it better.

  • Are housecats aware of how much bigger people are?
  • I am sure they are aware of it. I think it's like us and horses: yes, this creature is much larger and could hurt or kill me if it wanted to, but horses are basically cool and friendly and we trust them.
    I've been with my SO for more than 4 years, and I often don't understand her motivations either.

  • [Question] - What are things you like to cook that are better the second day?
  • We usually cook batches of things on the weekend and eat them for the first part of the week. Quiche is better the next day, Mattar Pander, Caribbean rice and beans, bolognese sauce. Anything with spice based flavors improves as the spices infuse into the other ingredients IMO.

  • Who was your first?
  • I got the CD a little later, it's still in the basement somewhere. All of it ran on a 386 in an XT fold open casse, with a monochrome graphics card and an amber CRT display.
    If you needed more grognard nostalgia.

  • What gets you downvoted?

    What sort of post or comment gets you downvoted the most? Especially if you don't think it's bad behavior in the first place, or don't care. Does not have to be on Lemmy, but we are here... One of the good things about Lemmy IMO is that it's small enough to see the posts that are unpopular. If you do "Top Day" on most channels, you cash reach the bottom, see what people here don't like.\ As far as comments, attempting to rebut the person who is telling me my post sucks, is what gets me into negative numbers most often. The OP is going to voite it down, of course, and nobody else cares, usually.

    How many jobs have you had in your life? What would you consider to be a large amount of jobs for a person?
  • 12, but it's complicated. I was a freelancer for a long time, count that as one job, but I had dozens of customers. I quit one place and went back, and 2 employers have been acquired while I worked there, count all those as one each. Not counting summer or part times while in school. This is all over the span of 44 years, so I'm a little quicker than your 4 years on average. The shortest one was a little less than a year; it was a mistake to take the job in the first place. IMO, switching jobs is the biggest, maybe the only, leverage a worker has vs an employer. If you don't have a credible alternative to your job, they know that, and know they can victimize you.

  • Where do you want to go on vacation/holiday?

    Last year, we stayed in Brooklyn and rode bikes around New York City for a week. We had no car. It was awesome.\ I want to do a similar thing in Chicago this year. What are your vacation ideas? Not so much "the dream vacation that I want to do someday but can't", what do you want that you might do soon?

    App to display notifications?

    I have been trying to reduce distractions from my phone. I have installed a simple launcher (Niagara), and turned off system notifications on almost all apps.\ The good news is that now I can pick up my phone, do something I wanted to do, put it back down and get on with what I was doing. However, sometimes I want to see if I have messages or whatever, without having to open 6 LPs to check each one. Does anyone know of an app that can collect all those, that I can open only when I want to look at them?

    What psycholgy research finding hit a little too close for you?

    For me it's: "Chronic cannabis use during adolescence impairs emotional development in adulthood" "Over achievement in crisis situations is an indicator of ADHD" Both of which provoke "Hmm, ya probably, and fuck you too"

    vi or emacs?

    I think the possible valid answers are: "vi", "emacs", "both", "seriously it's 2024", and " huh?"

    Does anyone use a diet, fitness, food tracker that you like?

    It's time for the annual "look how much weight I gained over the holidays 😞", and New Year's resolution to lose weight. Does anyone use a food and exercise tracker app on their Android device? How is your experience with it?

    Any open source Android users here?

    Do you use a device with open source Android firmware? What device, which distro and what do you do with it? I have a Samsung tablet with LineageOS and apps from F-Droid. Other than displaying dire warnings about the unlocked bootloader every time it cold boots, It's great for a "recliner system": email, Web browsing, E-book reader and MP3 player. What do you have, what do you use it for, and how well does it work for you?

    What do overnight shift workers do when the clocks change?

    If you are at work in the middle of the night when the clocks change, do you work an extra hour in the spring and one less in the fall?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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