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Any good books on leadership?
  • You doing people management? I'd really recommend a podcast called Manager Tools - it helped me out in a few things when I got promoted some years ago. It's a bit "corporate America", but there's such a back catalogue that they've covered most situations you'll come up against in one way or another!

  • To all our new users, I only have one question...
  • Yes; if you don't like owls, are you even alive?

  • min min [she/her]

    šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø Soggy transfem with teefs (She/Her)\ šŸŒˆ Born in the 80s\ šŸ’› UK\ šŸ¤ Girt big lesbo\ šŸ’œ Bewilderer of men\ šŸ–¤ Somehow whimsy goth\ šŸŖ© Rave kid\ šŸ’¬ DMs are open (but I reserve the right to block)

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