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Can a judge sue a defendant for slander/libel?
  • The short answer is "yes" if you define "suing" as filing a lawsuit with a court. Anyone can file a lawsuit in court for pretty much any reason. Whether or not it goes anywhere depends on the strength of the claim and other factors.

    The longer answer is still "yes" if you narrow your definition of "suing" to filing a legitimate lawsuit with the potential to be successful. Judges are still people and can suffer real damage due to libelous or slanderous claims. There are certain elements that must be proven to be successful though. One of the defenses is for rhetorical hyperbole. As a hypothetical example, if a defendant with a penchant for grandiose and bombastic hyperbole and known for calling everything and everyone under the sun "corrupt" because he's a pathetic baby calls the judge corrupt, it would likely fail based on the comment being rhetorical hyperbole. It would be similar to saying someone "killed" another person when no actual murder took place and it was like a verbal smack down.

  • False right-wing reports about Trump trial jury instructions fuel threats against judge
  • Every single source is unreliable and biased.

    See mine's different. He doesn't claim my sources are unreliable or biased. In fact half the time I just use his very own sources. The problem is I'm digging into the actual data from the study. He doesn't get past the impotent rage inducing clickbait headlines. So he'll take someone dying shortly after getting the vaccine as incontrovertible proof the vaccine is bad without understanding how often (and more frequent) it hairball happens in the unvaccinated. "ArE tHe NuMbErS wRoNg??!!" ... well no. Your idiotic interpretation is wrong and you don't even comprehend why.

  • One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds
  • I still like to pepper in "guilty" every once in a while. Sometimes a little Trumpette will bite and try to correct it to "liable". I then confirm that they knowingly support someone liable for sexual assault and defend the distinction as if it makes it better.

  • Flood water use
  • Why can't they pipeline water?

    Physically there's no issue. But oil goes from one specific spot (where it's located) to another specific spot (where it's refined). Floods and droughts are a little more random. So you're setting up massive infrastructure for sporadic use going from one random point to another. And all this doesn't generate money. Maybe it could save money, but bean counters don't care about that.

  • Biden campaign plans to get more aggressive once Trump trial ends
  • Are they going to wait for the appeals to be heard before saying anything?

    Oh heavens! That just wouldn't be proper. In keeping with decorum they must wait an appropriate amount of time out of respect. Surely the American people will understand who is truly the more ethical choice.

  • Are there games similar to Borderlands Science?

    I'm hoping to find a game similar to Borderlands Science. Preferably something that can be played on a phone. Top tier would be the ability to play offline (sometimes I don't have great cell service though I understand it would need to be connected to some degree).

    I can easily zone out on somewhat mindless games and play for hours if I have the free time or spare attention. Progress tends to be my limiting factor. If I've just put 10 hours into a game and the next time I pick it up is the exact same as the first it can feel like a waste. If instead, those mindless hours were going to a good cause that is progressing (even if I don't directly see that progress), it might make it easier. Plus it's going to a good cause.

    How does dog pee ownership work?

    The cliche understanding is that dogs mark their territory with pee. At times I've been on walks with family and friends with half a dozen dogs. There have been occasions where they form a line just to pee in the same spot.

    So how does the ownership work? Is it like a co-op? Last one to pee wins?

    Adderall side effects

    How bad are everyone else's side effects? I currently take a 30mgXR in the morning and 10mgIR part way through the day. I can get some facial tics and other OCD like symptoms. They aren't bad enough to lower my dose or make other changes at this point. Just wondering what others are experiencing and if anyone has any tips or tricks to dealing with stuff like that.

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