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Deepfake Creators Are Revictimizing GirlsDoPorn Sex Trafficking Survivors
  • because I refuse to subscribe to the world that needs them.

    Can't see that biting you in the ass, down the way.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • No, numeracy is when you goin' around in public and ain't got no clothes on.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • In Louisiana, they think numeracy is what gets you run outta town or burned alive, and they're not entirely wrong there either, historically speaking.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • fixed coveting to close loophole inv. neighbors' wives, daughters, and all other livestock

    (for clarity: "holy" books are largely penned by bigoted pedos. full stop.)

  • The United States will need 7 million migrants to cover old age support programs for baby boomers
  • You know the ones who, at the same time, want to pay people to "support boomers" a non-livable wage are many of the same ones who need the boomers' vote to stay in power... Something tells me the solution to both problems is in there... 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Dr. Cox/Dr. T'Ana: A Mathematically Perfect Physician
  • Where can I register to receive your newsletter, fellow citizen?

  • Low effort but it had to be done...
  • So many thoughts, so many guesses, one question.

  • This Robin Williams scene perfectly encapsulates why AI is fundamentally shitty
  • I wish I were in the timeline he's still alive in.

  • As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • LetMeSoloHer did it in his diaper and for free, noobs! 🤩🔥🤌🏾

  • 6 months after revealing plans to become 'aggressive in applying AI', Square Enix's president announces he's being careful in applying AI
  • RemindMe whenever Nintendo first sues someone for making a Tifa lifemate AI and marrying it.

  • The Emperor’s New Clothes is the epitome of Sarah Case in point-the Palessi prank
  • Let's just, for a quick second, ignore the blatant factor of your dumb ass. I've gotta know if your username is "fish OS" or "Fish Os"; is it a gawping flop of code as useless as a limp handshake, or a collection of spherical cloacae? I'm betting you couldn't read past the "your dumb ass" part, but I'm curious nonetheless.

  • House Republicans' burning problem: 'We desperately need a place to smoke cigars'
  • What. Public restrooms no longer a safe place for homophobes to suck cock by proxy? I thought that was classic Republican 101 stuff right there. What has the world come to‽

  • House Republicans' burning problem: 'We desperately need a place to smoke cigars'
  • What. Public restrooms no longer a safe place for homophobes to suck cock by proxy? I thought that was classic Republican 101 stuff right there. What has the world come to‽

  • What a terrible curse!
  • If you must use the word "very"

    To describe yon twig & berries

    You're unlikely a "cleric of Gond" 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Destiny 2: The Final Shape has the highest Metacritic score of any major release this year (93 on Metacritic)
  • It's still Destiny: a pay-to-win grindfest PoS. Side question: I wonder how the marketing team accomplished that feat. Oh, wait. 🤌🏽

  • The Swipes – Atomic Stomp – YouTube

    New album drops on March 15th, 2024!

    Is good ol' Materialize the only real option out there for 3D printable file sharing?

    Hypothetically, one could be avidly seeding terabytes of files there, but is that the only place to do so at this point? Where else could one help the cause, and find rare and/or the latest sculpts?

    littlebluespark littleblue✨
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