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What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • Haven't tried halloy, but it sounds cool, I wish rust build with shared libs in mind, instead of everything link statically, but it sounds interesting, I'll see how it is compared to srain which is my current choice...

  • What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • srain, becuase of being modern gtk, because of being light on dependencies, because of being available on aur, and because I'd like it more (yes there are several things that are also a matter of taste) than the alternatives, :)

  • I deleted my Google account…
  • mozilla private derivatives such as librewolf on the desktop and mull on android I just fine. So FF keeps being relevant as not being a derivative from chromium/chrome, it can remain apart from google disabling adds removing extensions.

    So yes, FF is food to thrive, and so its derivatives will...

  • security
  • I has improved quite a bit. The phone app still requires navigating over its settings to get less battery consumption, and having ntfy or any other unifiedPush notification provider available in the phone. But with the default configs, you get Jami working at least. I tried it before, and I found before synchronization between devices was a mess. Currently it just works. I still find it hard on immediate/urgent calls or messages, which might not happen when you expect, but other than that it's working.

    On the desktop, the default configs are pretty sane.

    And the best part, it's being actively developed. And the UI is undergoing through lots of improvements. So if usability is your concern, it's getting better, and each release improves over the prior one...

  • security
  • The audit is true, but at least Jami didn't make up its own crypto lib, it uses standard already in use crypto stuff. To there's a huge difference there.

    BTW, they are actually re-writing stuff... But yes, they need more recent audits...

  • security
  • Have you read it's github front page?

    This is an experimental cryptographic network library. It has not been formally audited by an independent third party that specializes in cryptography or cryptanalysis. Use this library at your own risk.

    BTW, if you look at its issues (including closed ones, which most probably aren't really closed) you'll find pretty interesting discussions about its crypto not being right. That said, I'm not sure what irungentoo brings to the picture...

    At any rate, if you're looking for distributed messaging, I'd look into Jami. It also uses DHT and something similar to torrents mechanism. Jami is my only option so far for distributed messaging. There's also Briar, but I don't like it for regular messaging, particularly on phones (too much battery usage), neither its underlying technology, but if it's to your liking, then that's another option for distributing messaging.

  • not syncing xmpp community from
  • BTW. I've already joined... That said, I see the same posts missing. Of course that doesn't apply to one I made myself from There's also a bot one from 9 days ago, but the rest are at least 1 month old...

  • Lemmy Support kixik
    not syncing xmpp community from XMPP - Lemmy

    XMPP [] (aka Jabber) is the community-owned standard for real-time federated messaging. For a quick start click here [] support chat [] admin support chat [

    XMPP - Lemmy

    Hello, ! was locked by my mods, and continued on ! which is entirely fine given federation, so I guessed I could follow it on the lemmy sort of synced space/community, !, where I can post to the slrpnk community without having an account there. But for some reason recent posts on slrpnk real xmpp community are not showing on !, like if they're not syncing anymore.

    Any way to remediate it?

    The stolen valor of terminal emulators! (+ Can you recommend some good ones for GNOME?)
  • What is implied with alacritty not being customizable, what is then .config/alacritty/alacritty.toml meant for? That said, I'd argue kitty has hard coded what fonts can be used with it, though some might think this is good, but in my mind it's a limitation.

    At any rate, this is a matter of taste. I use alacritty with screen. Some might argue kitty is better because of tabs supports, and if that's a thing for them, then that's fine...

    At any rate, again, terminal emulators are a matter of taste...

  • Deleted
  • IT might be, but librelinux for example really removes all binary blobs, although there's some tooling around doing that, so new cases might be missed without human inspection, but they are careful about binary blobs... So from the whole spectrum of open source stuff, if you care about binary blobs, chances are better on the libre/free SW side.

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • Well this one is not false, :(

    Though this one is:

    So it seems not quite fully disabled... But telemetry is supposed to be off on librewolf...

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data See what’s changing in Firefox: Better insights, same privacy | The Mozilla Blog

    Innovation and privacy go hand in hand here at Mozilla. To continue developing features and products that resonate with our users, we’re adopting a new a

    See what’s changing in Firefox: Better insights, same privacy | The Mozilla Blog

    I believe the settings to disable this on Librewolf are set by default...

  • Probably Guix, and GNU endorsed distributions. Binary blobs are not allowed on free/libre distributions, or not on their official repos. That said, most gnu + linux distributions don't care about those. Most will take care, if they get to realize it, about distribution licenses, so if something has some sort of legal issue to be distributed, that will get purged from its repos most probably...

  • Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • I'm not systemd user, and I generally see this absorbing as much as possible as a terrible practice. I don't usually comment on systemd stuff, since I'm happy just not being forced to use it.

    However, even though I don't use it, the decision of people managing systemd really affects non systemd users. See by succeeding in getting all major distros into become systemd distros (somehow now governed by RH, if anyone cares), everything systemd absorbs tend to leave alternatives sooner or later deprecated, or abandoned.

    Even autofs is no longer part of some official repos, given systemd has its own auto mount/unmount functionality... And there are several other examples...

    At any rate, hopefully the more bloated systemd, doesn't make it the more vulnerable. And also hopefully, doesn't make life worse and worse to non systemd distros and users...

    BTW, before sudo there was su, so a life without sudo is possible, :)

  • xmpp android app with omemo and unified push notifications support

    cross-posted from:

    > Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones? > > BTW, I noticed ! community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

    Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

    xmpp android app with omemo and unified push notifications support

    Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones?

    BTW, I noticed ! community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

    Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

    Is having license issues? provides several decentralized federated services, as email and xmpp, besides other cloud services as well... But not sure if asking here is right or not, but don't know anywhere to ask either...

    Is it having a license issue, does anyone know about it? Any status updates?

    ``` Websites prove their identity via certificates. LibreWolf does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for The certificate is only valid for

    Error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN ```

    But also:

    ``` has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that LibreWolf can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

    The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.


    I also tested with ungoogled chromium and pretty similar thing...

    Anyonea aware, and also about disroot saying on this?

    Edit (sort of understood already, no issue with disroot at all): The issue only shows up under the office VPN. It seems like disroot is not recognizing the office's cert...

    Edit: Solved. Yes it's the office replacing the original cert with its own, as someone suggested. Thanks to all.

    Any MT testing framework around shuttle MT testing crate shuttle - Rust

    Shuttle is a library for testing concurrent Rust code, heavily inspired by Loom.

    Anyone aware of a testing framework hopefully integrating well, and abstracting the shuttle testing functionality?

    BTW I found rtest, but it doesn't in particular abstracts shuttle at all, it's a fixtures generic framework.

    Planning to use shuttle to do MT testing targeting C binded code, and looking for a way to abstract as much as possible the shuttle scheduler trait and such...

    Thanks !

    Is Rhino following Ubuntu demoting debs as Ubuntu is?

    Hello !

    As Mint is based on Ubuntu, I’m wondering if it will follow the missteps (to me at least) Ubuntu is doing to demote *.deb packages in favor of snaps?

    Well that based on Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) post, and its discussion.

    From all ubuntu based distros, Mint seems not to follow those missteps, but I'm wondering if Rhino will do the same. Actually I don't like Rhino created a wrapper package manager which actually gets snap support as well as apt on the same bucket. But who knows, it might be they won't follow ubuntu on this.

    Does anyone know?

    My interest on Rhino comes from it being rolling release. But I don't want snap to become the source of common/important packages.

    Thanks !

    android system intelligence app coming with lineageos on pixel 4a 5g

    I just noticed there's an app installed on a recently acquired pixel 4a 5g, "android system intelligence", which I never found installed on other phones like moto or xiaomi ones.

    It also had by default a bunch of permissions granted, which I removes, and only left it with notifications.

    Is this a system app I should leave working with more permissions? Should I disable it instead (if possible, I didn't try)?

    Is it required for an android system proper functionality? Is it bad to remove all permissions except by the notifications one? Does this damage functionality?

    I'm just suspecting about an "android intelligence" thing.

    What have others done about it?

    Upgrades on pixel 4a 5g (bramble)

    Hi !

    I recently got a pixel 4a 5g (bramble), and when installing, I noticed there's a difference with respect other phones I've installed lineageos on, like motorola, xiomi redmi 4x (discontinued) and others.

    On this pixel, and probably others, one needs to flash a boot.img, a dtbo.img and a vendor_boot.img, before sideloading lineageos. The vendor_boot.img is supposed to be the equivalent to the recovery.img.

    On other phones there's only a recovery.img to flash, prior to sideloading lineageos.

    Now, on this pixel majore version upgrades I see documented only the sideload of lineageos. For other phones I usually upgrade both, the recovery.img and then sideload the new major version of lineage. So not sure if I should then should flash all images, boot, dtbo and vendor_boot, when upgrading on major versions. I guess I could, but I'm wondering.

    Moreover, even on same major OTA upgrades, I'm wondering what gets upgraded, if I have selected OTA upgrades to also upgrade recovery image, would it just upgrade the vendor_boot one, or would it flash all other images?

    It's just that it involves flashing several other images, not matching the ones for other phones, :)

    Thanks !

    Nvidianews: NVIDIA’s New Ethernet Networking Platform for AI Available Soon From Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo NVIDIA’s New Ethernet Networking Platform for AI Available Soon From Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo

    NVIDIA today announced that Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Lenovo will be the first to integrate NVIDIA Spectrum-X™ Ethernet networking technologies for AI into their server lineups to help enterprise customers speed up generative AI workloads.

    NVIDIA’s New Ethernet Networking Platform for AI Available Soon From Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo
    Are libreddit frontends for reddit already non functional?

    I started some time ago using a teddit frontend with local subscriptions, and at some point it was hard for the one I picked to keep up, then I moved to libreddit, at that time, then it stopped working and moved to, but it seems it stopped working as well, and finally I moved to libreddit, but some time back there was too much rate limiting, making it unusable, and since yesterday it seems totally down, giving the error "502 Bad Gateway". I also have the libRedirect extension on Librewolf configure to choose among several libreddit instances (so when searching for something any is picked), and most of them seem out of service, or being rate limited as well.

    So, are frontends for reddit finally coming to an end?

    Edit: Indeed, it seems at least non self-hosted front-end instances are way rate limited or down

    New Atlas: Water can evaporate with just light, no heat, says surprising study Water can evaporate with just light, no heat, says surprising study

    Contrary to what we all learned in elementary school science class, it turns out that heat may not be necessary to make water evaporate. Scientists at MIT have made the surprising discovery that light alone can evaporate water, and is even more efficient at it than heat. The finding could improve…

    Water can evaporate with just light, no heat, says surprising study
    C & C++ kixik
    Bjarne Stroustrup's Plan for Bringing Safety to C++ Bjarne Stroustrup's Plan for Bringing Safety to C++

    At the CppCon C++ conference, the C++ creator identified the specific kinds of safety measures sorely needed in the programming language.

    Bjarne Stroustrup's Plan for Bringing Safety to C++
    Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water

    A new solar desalination system takes in saltwater and heats it with natural sunlight. The system flushes out accumulated salt, so replacement parts aren’t needed often, meaning the system could potentially produce drinking water that is cheaper than tap water.

    Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water
    Philosophy kixik
    Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will

    Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generati...

    Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will

    cross-posted from:

    > r/Futurology

    Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will

    Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generati...

    Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will
    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite can beat Apple’s M2 Max, Intel i9 in new ARM’s race for Windows laptops Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite can beat Apple’s M2 Max, Intel i9 in new ARM’s race for Windows laptops

    If Qualcomm’s numbers are accurate, its next-gen Windows platform, due in mid-2024, can best both Apple and Intel in single-threaded scores while being significantly more efficient.

    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite can beat Apple’s M2 Max, Intel i9 in new ARM’s race for Windows laptops
    Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog

    As web users, what we say and do online is subject to pervasive surveillance. Although we typically associate online tracking with ad networks and other th

    Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog

    Any thought on DOH, which is the base for this ECH? I remember in the end cloudfare and some others, providing the service to services, were the ones gathering the information instead of the ISPs... Librewolf still has DOH disabled by default, and although it can be easily change, perhaps that default is overall the sounder way.

    Do Librewolf guys have different thoughts on DOH now, specially with the possibilities of ECH?

    Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog

    As web users, what we say and do online is subject to pervasive surveillance. Although we typically associate online tracking with ad networks and other th

    Say (an encrypted) hello to a more private internet. | The Mozilla Blog
    C & C++ kixik
    GCC Preparing To Introduce "-fhardened" Security Hardening Option
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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