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We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • @Soyweiser @V0ldek

    The multi-electrode systems at the lab I worked in 2009 used a fiber connection to the host PC and generated terabytes of data, for just 128 or 92 electrodes (I forget) at not-all-that-many samples per second.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • @self

    A lab I worked in (as an IT guy) used them for data collection, studying visual attention in monkeys.

    Not a happy place for the monkeys although I'm confident the scientists did their best to not make it any worse than it had to be.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • @Varyk @pikesley

    Not the first, actually a late entrant.

    I worked in a lab using implanted brain-computer interfaces 14 years ago.

    Other labs using the same system had monkeys controlling robot arms, and a human controlling a computer.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • @Varyk

    Cryonics is a grift, nobody is going to be cured of death by future Dr Jesus.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • @dgerard

    I don't understand the hate for transition lenses. You don't have to get them in frames last fashionable in 1982.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • @mii

    Mary reads a book, Paul plays chess, and Peter sneaks out to molest a child.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • @blakestacey @techtakes

    “"I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department,””

    He is the PR department.

  • EA is becoming a cult? It must be wokeism fault
  • @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM

    This post is the worst Burma Shave roadside ad ever.

  • jonhendry Jonathan Hendry

    \#Mac / #iOS #developer since #NeXTSTEP 2.x, currently taking care of a parent and cultivating an epic resume gap.

    Also interested in #electronics, #3dprinting, and #machining.


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