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  • lmaooo

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Cool labor action but SEP continues to demonstrate their chauvinism

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • acceptable to the independents

    Ok now I know you're not being serious

  • The Biden initiative will refer some migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the US-Mexico border.
  • all the Ukrainians refugees who got moved to the Ukrainian suburb of my city are now being ostracized for being too slavic

  • The Biden initiative will refer some migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy as part of another effort to discourage people in the region from traveling to the US-Mexico border.
  • it is so easy to conceive of a mutually beneficial immigration plan where these people are moved to rust belt cities in population decline

  • Egypt warns it is ‘ready to respond’ after Israel’s seizure of Philadelphi corridor
  • sisi you can permanently alter your historical legacy with this one weird trick

  • Massive lithium discovery across Rust Belt states. The Marcellus Shale formation, known infamously for fracking to extract natural gas, is found to have enough lithium to supply 30-40% of US demand
  • They haven't looked into how much lithium is in wastewater in neighboring states like Ohio and West Virginia.

    Boy it would be very good for Eastern Ohio to have a major green energy industrial boom under a planned socialist economy

  • Hubris is intoxicating
  • Joe Biden, if you want my vote, bomb Tel Aviv

  • A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over Biden’s reelection prospects, even among those who had previously expressed confidence.
  • We are in month 8 of a sustained mass protest movement, unprecedented in the US in I don't know how long, and have literally seen many people in the primary voting based on foreign policy.

  • "Mao's wife was so mentally ill she decided to pee for hours on end" - brand new anti-communist talking point from Tumblr's brightest
  • the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry

  • You gotta hand it to Prager U, they know their audience
  • You should just send them a link to your hexbear account

  • Don't be a boomer. Try flickstick.
  • I wish games on console supported this because it is truly the best way to play

  • Democrats
  • Illegal, too, because it was the primary loser - NY law explicitly bans them from running in the general.

  • People's Conference for Palestine | The War on Palestine (Friday Livestream) People's Conference for Palestine | The War on Palestine

    The Palestinian people have experienced endless warfare for over a century, yet never before have Palestinians endured a genocide of such catastrophic propor...

    People's Conference for Palestine | The War on Palestine

    BT News is live streaming this week's People's Conference for Palestine in Detroit. I sadly couldn't make it with my comrades who traveled there, but I'm gonna watch as much live as I can.

    every single person who served in the IDF deserves to die, no exceptions

    every single one; when I see a shitty tel aviv influencer join the IDF, I look forward to them being exploded by heroic Hamas resistance fighters; I pray constantly for their violent death

    United States | News & Politics jack [he/him, comrade/them]
    PSL - Our Feminism Must be Anti-Imperialist!

    cross-posted from:

    > !PSL has been doing these casual roundtable conversations lately and they fucking rule

    The hyper-credulous dipshit libs of ResetEra working themselves into a lather over havana syndrome yet again

    > And there was people saying it was a mass paranoia event. I remember reading it here when was a lurker morphing into a member.


    > The mass hysteria claims is looking shaky with this new evidence. Russian is clearly up to something.


    > SO MANY PEOPLE HERE GONNA EAT CROW IF THIS IS REAL. I remember all those previous threads about this.


    > The clowns in the House of Representatives that are either neutral or pro-Russia regarding the Ukraine invasion look even worse than ever with this story. Time to apply even more pressure to get them to either do the right thing (extremely late, which meant Ukrainian lives/initiatives needlessly lost) or go on record as being stooges for Putin so voters can keep that in mind.


    > Because of what these victims have dealt with, I keep an open mind.


    Actually, compared to previous Havana Syndrome threads there, the responses here are pretty skeptical. There are lots of folks saying "this shit again?". ResetEra is even more !LIB than !reddit-logo so that's a bad sign for !amerikkka

    UN Security Council adopts resolution demanding immediate Gaza ceasefire (US abstains)

    Everyone who has spent the last six months organizing, protesting, harassing zionist ghouls, and calling out Genocide Joe has a part in this. The US would never, ever allow something like this to pass without the large, persistent, and threatening popular movement that has demanded a ceasefire and Palestinian liberation.

    Imperialists screaming and crying rn

    Israel to launch Rafah attack unless hostages released by March 10

    This is an unusual approach given how the campaign has gone so far. Why?

    Book recommendation: China's Revolution and the Quest for a Socialist Future China's Revolution and the Quest for a Socialist Future

    Between the end of the Opium War in the 1842 and the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949 China, long the most prosperous and sophisticated country in the world, was subjected to the military, economic, and political domination of Western imperialism. The old dynastic system was overthrown...

    China's Revolution and the Quest for a Socialist Future

    cross-posted from:

    > Short, succint book put out by !PSL outlining why we support China's socialist project via a historical overview of the PRC and an analysis of current conditions and policy. I'm just finishing it up and found it really informative and understandable. > > Bookwyrm link:


    keywords: metal gear, naked, punished


    can you believe we have armstrong but none of snake himself?

    keywords: metal gear, legend, kojima


    Keywords: Claudia, Karina, PSL, MY president

    Readings/podcasts on Kerala?

    where can I learn more about this commie state in a capitalist country?
