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‘femicommunism is indoctrinating an entire generation of men into thinking that there's something "nice" about witnessing so-called "female sexual pleasure"’
  • Femin*zi (lmao it's censored that's unironically great), femicommunism... I think there is a good chance femitankie makes its big break this decade, comrades!

  • Nightmare Kart, formerly under development as Bloodborne Kart, has just released for free Nightmare Kart by LWMedia

    Race through the gothic city streets and beyond in this PS1 inspired horror kart racer!

    Nightmare Kart by LWMedia

    RIP Bloodborne Kart and fuck Sony

    NASA helped write a paper about the possible outcomes of extraterrestrial contact back in 2011 - Would Contact with Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? A Scenario Analysis - arXiv
  • There's still some weird implications and assumptions though. Either galactic civilization must not be highly developed b/c we'd notice all the megastructures, or they put a planetarium around our solar system (paper mentions this). But how the hell would that work? The answer is just shrug-outta-hecks indistinguishable from magic. Same thing with hiding infrared emissions.

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    TERF island has two political wings, and both hate people
  • It's OK, we'll have our revenge. microplastics-cool

  • NSFW
    TERF island has two political wings, and both hate people
  • Unlimited puberty blocker bersiap on the cisseskkksueel world scared-fash qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

  • Breaking: Jeremy Clarkson embraces Mao Ze Dong thought.
  • Right yeah there's physical labor that isn't just farming.

  • Breaking: Jeremy Clarkson embraces Mao Ze Dong thought.
  • This is what Concerned Ape won't tell you. We gotta make a cottagecore farming simulator that feels awful to play.

  • Breaking: Jeremy Clarkson embraces Mao Ze Dong thought.
  • In the advanced capitalist countries of the world, employment in agriculture is under 5%. Under 2% in the USA. If we cycled this work it would just be a couple of weeks per worker. I'm not against the idea, but it probably just makes more sense to focus on agricultural productivity and automation.

  • lmao Victoria 3's (in-universe) anti-communist propaganda
  • Bourgeois marriage is, in reality, a system of wives in common and thus, at the most, what the Communists might possibly be reproached with is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalised community of women.

    Communist Manifesto

  • lmao Victoria 3's (in-universe) anti-communist propaganda
  • "But you Communists would introduce community of women!" screams the bourgeoisie in chorus. marx

  • "Mass casualty event"
  • BREAKING: Mass casualty event at a Boston gathering.

    Five military-aged men passed away following the officer-involved incident.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Principles of Communism, section 15 is a brief overview of how social relations follow from the mode of production. In other words, "human nature" is flexible to material conditions.

    The State and Revolution, chapter 1 is more detailed and quotes Engels a lot.

    Sorry can't think of a good Marx source at the moment.

    She could also just pick up a liberal anthropology book. Even liberal academics acknowledge that states and large-scale conflicts only exist once there is class rule.

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    Alright, who's gonna invade the US then?
  • World Liberation Army. Trust the plan.

  • NASA debris impacted a house, NASA finds NASA Statement on Orbital Debris

    In March 2021, NASA ground controllers used the International Space Station’s robotic arm to release a cargo pallet containing aging nickel hydride batteries from the space station following the delivery and installation of new lithium-ion batteries as part of power upgrades on the orbital outpost. ...

    NASA Statement on Orbital Debris

    I'm sure the racists over at r/space discussed this as well...

    Bourgeois anthropology moment (OC)

    Lenin Cat advice animal placed where Yuri Knorozov's cat, Asya, should be. In the mid 1900s, J. Eric S. Thompson was highly influential in Mayan studies. Yuri Knorozov figured out that Mayan hieroglyphics had a syllabic component and thus could actually be read, but Thompson and therefore almost the entire field of Mayan studies rejected his discovery for twenty years until the Brit finally croaked.

    Step aside "white genocide" - by 2531, everyone in Japan will be named Sato Demographics Professor Warns that by 2531, Everyone in Japan Will be Named Sato

    image courtesy Mainichi Shimbun Despite today's date, this is not an April Fool's prank. At a press conference in Tokyo last weekend, professor Hiroshi Yoshida from the Tohoku University Research Center for Aged Economy and Society, sounded the alarm bell for a looming crisis. By the year 2531, e

    Demographics Professor Warns that by 2531, Everyone in Japan Will be Named Sato

    No one is talking about surname genocide.


    Thai House of Representatives passes marriage equality bill House passes landmark marriage equality bill

    The House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a marriage equality bill in its final reading, in a landmark step that moves the country closer to becoming the third in Asia to legalise same-sex unions.

    House passes landmark marriage equality bill

    96% of MPs voted for it! !gayroller-2000

    It will very likely be approved by the Senate and then needs to be approved by the king (lmao).

    Although the amendment makes marriage gender-neutral, the two parents will still be legally referred to as "mother" and "father" regardless of gender.

    For those unaware, GDQ's Frost Fatales is ongoing

    Frost Fatales began this past Sunday and will end Saturday night. It is a part of Frame Fatales, a twice-a-year video game speedrunning charity event featuring only women and femmes. Games are played between around 1:00 PM and midnight EST, so there are no late night games like in the main GDQ events. There's also no live audience, and the runners instead stream from their homes.

    Website here:

    3% of Americans aged 18-29 deny the Holocaust - not 20% Online opt-in polls can produce misleading results, especially for young people and Hispanic adults

    We examine how an opt-in poll may have unintentionally misled the public about the sensitive issue of Holocaust denial among young Americans.

    Online opt-in polls can produce misleading results, especially for young people and Hispanic adults

    There was an opt-in survey in from YouGov & The Economist that seemed to show a fifth of young Americans denied the Holocaust. The Economist ran a piece on it.

    Well, Pew Research did a random sampling and found completely different and far less worrying results.


    China to debut large reusable rockets in 2025 and 2026 China to debut large reusable rockets in 2025 and 2026

    China to debut large reusable rockets in 2025 and 2026 China’s main state-owned contractor plans test flights for two new large diameter reusable rockets in the next couple of years, despite existing commercial reusability efforts.

    China to debut large reusable rockets in 2025 and 2026

    Various companies, including the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation plan on launching reusable rockets in the coming years. CASC's announcement was made yesterday. Before then, I believe they only had plans to make the Long March 9 superheavy rocket reusable in the 2030s? Or maybe I missed some news a while back. China's space industry is very convoluted. I should probably make a master post about it sometime for everyone's sake.

    Biden makes move towards banning Chinese automobiles, concern trolls about privacy Statement from President Biden on Addressing National Security Risks to the U.S. Auto Industry | The White House

    American automakers and auto workers are the best in the world. The iconic Big Three and American auto workers are leading the world in quality and innovation. A dynamic auto industry is vital to the U.S. economy. China is determined to dominate the future of the auto market, including by using unfa...

    Statement from President Biden on Addressing National Security Risks to the U.S. Auto Industry | The White House

    Twitter commentary from Glenn Luk:

    The walls are closing in on Bibi...


    Nippon Steel Corporation to Acquire U.S. Steel

    Back to the 80s? Japanese corporate giants once again threaten American industry! 😱 (It's interesting that this time it's happening as both countries are in terminal economic decline)

    Making this a text post as I want to include two links:

    Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC) to Acquire U. S. Steel, Moving Forward Together as the ‘Best Steelmaker with World-Leading Capabilities’ Article is by U.S. Steel themselves

    The U.S. Steel name will remain, its HQ in Pittsburgh will remain, all collective bargaining agreements will remain.

    USW Slams Nippon Plan to Acquire USS Response by United Steelworkers

    They want U.S. Steel to remain a domestic company. USS and NSC did not reach out to the union, violating a partnership agreement, so NSC will probably fail to adhere to preexisting union contracts.

    Raising a child in the US seems hellish compared to India

    In India, your servant cleans your house, your servant drives you around, your servant cooks food for you, your servant ties your shoes... community 🥰

    I can't think of one other person who doesn't appreciate these luxuries! Wait, what do you mean "proles are people"?? !porky-scared

    In Taiwan, we have freedom fried rice



    Ever get confused who the Axis of Evil is nowadays? Just use this handy D🙲D Alignment chart to figure it out (OC)

    God damn Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Kkkhaganate now because of your damn hyperwar we don't have communism

    President Kim Jong Un Votes in Election of Deputies President Kim Jong Un Votes in Election of Deputies

    Marshal votes in elections for people’s assemblies while visiting Hamhung City of South Hamgyong Province.

    President Kim Jong Un Votes in Election of Deputies

    There was an election in the DPRK for provincial, city and county people’s assemblies. The candidates had already been nominated and approved by the people beforehand. Turnout was 99.63% due to people working abroad as well as like one person who didn't vote. Approval was almost unanimous. Contrary to popular belief, the DPRK has four political parties and independent politicians, making it more diverse than the very boring US political scene.

    If anyone has more information about how candidates are chosen and discussed, as well as the efforts during election day that allow for such a high turnout (mandatory voting in liberal countries yields results that are a bit lower) then please chime in.

    iridaniotter iridaniotter [they/them]

    I'm a communist 😈

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