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Peak liberalism: making a goofy ruby to own the commies
  • Can't wait to order this with my free money from the communist party, I wonder why more people don't sign up when it's so easy to get rich

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • Bolivia is reportedly going through a third coup attempt in a row, certain sources indicate that the conspirators behind all of them belong in a certain forum and are desperate to gain upvotes in the news mega.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 1st to July 7th, 2024 - Morales vs Arce - COTW: Bolivia
  • Splitting up right after creating a staged coup rumor that gets proven false afterwards is probably very bad timing for it to happen, unless of course Morales is right and Arce was playing some kind of 5D chess

  • Removed
    Totally not racist lib wine aunt wants a young, white, virile male to run against Trump
  • I'm not racist and sexist, it's the people who are racist and sexist wowee

  • Just a reminder that Trump supports the troops
  • When you introduce your really weird friend to the group and hope he doesn't embarass himself

  • How could the (electoral) left deal with anti-immigrant sentiment?
  • I know I fear the same deeper-sadness

    I come to terms with it by thinking that the Nazis once seemed inevitable and unbeatable, but they got the wall-flipped in the end

  • How could the (electoral) left deal with anti-immigrant sentiment?
  • A populist non revolutionary left only works for the capitalists to capture revolutionary tendencies of the people and direct them in a non dangerous (for them) way.

    When it ultimately betrays the people, it will only serve to justify neoliberal policies and fascism.

    There's a reason why socdem is the moderate wing of fascism even if it sounds extreme, there is no room for compromise when it comes to being revolutionary or not.

  • How could the (electoral) left deal with anti-immigrant sentiment?
  • Capitalism is what makes immigration a "problem". Under socialism there cannot possibly be enough hands providing value, everyone is needed in whatever way they can contribute, and in return they will get their work's worth from social goods that society as a whole produces.

    Capitalism on the other hand limits production by producing only whatever is profitable for capitalists with as little workforce they can get away with. The reserve army of unemployed and homeless people are a necessity of the system and a natural result of capitalism.

    Sending away people who are willing to provide to society based on their origin country has no place under socialism. Everyone is welcome as long as they provide to their ability, and everyone is given the right to work unlike in capitalism.

  • nafo experiences pigpoopballs
  • God damn this flag combination is a NATO chud dark souls boss

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • I imagine the distinction on workers means people who do physical labour etc.

    A handy way for bullshit modern sociology to hide away the class war

  • Blue MAGA gaslighting is insane. It's so obvious that this will probably piss off more of their voters.
  • Sure, and my grandfather is just having a pretty long nap he's definitely not dead

  • Brother, are you telling this to me or yourself
  • Insufferable libs live in their own oblivion for 4 years and then they'll scold you for not watching a "debate" that adresses 0 of the real world issues because in reality both parties are completely in line on them. Democracy must be so nice when it wants you to do the absolute bare minimum to convince you that your opinion matters and affects anything at all. God forbid someone exercises their democracy by "disrupting the peace" and demanding an end to a genocide.

  • Im not a vet... Second losers and suckers txt in a week. Feels really desperate
  • News flash: anyone willing to send you to kill for the profits of some monopolies already thinks you're a sucker despite calling you a hero after you return and get completely abandoned by the state you presumably fought for

  • actual twitter ad
  • Mutiny mechanics in CRPGs would be pretty interesting unironically

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • It still seems a bit too fortunate for the US that the helicopter accident was really an accident. I hope whatever the CIA comes up with in Iran hits a brick wall on a country that very justifiably hates the very existence of amerikkka

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • The Nazi brains are foaming at their mouths for angry brown people to be exterminated, they can't physically think ahead and realize that we're the baddies that cause the immigrations in the first place and then drown them in the Mediterranean

  • actual twitter ad
  • 70 exp were acquired by Jeff, they will eventually trickle down to the rest of the party


  • Rant on voting in the U.S.
  • Communists would never be given real power within a system that is built and enforced around the capitalists.

    The power the working class has doesn't need any office or government legitimacy, it exists no matter what. It's the power of producing everything a society requires to function and massively outnumbering the bourgeoisie. When the working class organises, material conditions are bad enough, and the right opportunity arrives, the working class is unstoppable.

  • Rant on voting in the U.S.
  • Nothing but a violent revolution will actually change anything, but you can still flip the question on electoralism and ask them why they don't vote for a third party and condemn the country to a two party hellhole. They will still claim that it's "a vote for Trump" but it might get them to think outside the narrow box that every American is allowed to think inside.

  • Question on the Jakarta Method

    >While Second World communism was suffering from fissures, the Third World was further united by a bit of First World bumbling. After Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, France and Britain invaded—against Washington’s wishes—to reassert control of the waterway and oust the Egyptian leader. They were joined by the young state of Israel, whose creation had been supported by both Washington and Moscow, but eventually had to back down because of US pressure. Despite Eisenhower’s anger with the new Jewish state, Washington steadily increased support for Israel from the middle of the 1950s for Cold War reasons. It was the nascent alliances between the USSR and radical Arab nationalist regimes, we know now, that formed the basis for a growing US-Israel alliance.6

    Is this true? It seems very detached from reality and no sources are given aside from a note that is kinda irrelevant to the question. Since when was the US "angry" about the foundation of Isntreal and since when was the USSR a supporter of it or even neutral to it at all? This feels like bullshit

    The state of Bing News

    Breaking news is either some useless nonsense like this, or that China is about to collapse, or that China is doing too good and must chill so that the Western economy survives

    Yugoslavia and Kosovo

    Is there any truth to the claim that Yugoslavia slaughtered people from Kosovo or is it just another Uyghur thing?

    (Even if relatively true it still doesn't make the bombing of Yugoslavia justified)

    What is the Maoist Three Worlds Theory?

    I read the tiny Wikipedia article on it but I couldn't draw any conclusions from it and not sure how accurate it is

    European Commision horseshoe theory propaganda aiming young people

    Shamelessly equating the two, judging from the video one might also say that they say fascism was a little better. It makes sense, fascism doesn't get in the way of what they really stand for which is absolutely not democracy.

    Remember to !vote kids, that will keep the Nazis away even if they're already running the European Union.

    Why did the USSR also invade Iran?

    I'm supposing it was in an effort to challenge the USA and keep them from getting a huge strategic advantage, but I don't know for sure

    Unhinged anticommunist propaganda for children by Disney

    Communism is when the "free thinking individual" that thinks he lives in a separate universe to the rest gets rewarded immensely while the people who work together get to share the crumbs of mr. Individual between them. Wait...

    Unpopular opinion: maybe people should stop living alone in an apartment

    He is a right leaning lib and heavily anticommunist. Every damn thing capitalists say about communism ends up being a confession, in this case living with many unknown people in an apartment.

    Pretty based Maria Zakharova response to Greek PM Ζαχάροβα σε Μητσοτάκη: «Μην προδώσεις Κυριάκο, τη μνήμη της ελληνικής Αντίστασης!»

    Στις δηλώσεις του πρωθυπουργού, Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη, σχετικά με την ρωσική επίθεση στην Οδησσό, απάντησε η εκπρόσωπος του ρωσικού υπουργείου Εξωτερικών, Μαρία

    Ζαχάροβα σε Μητσοτάκη: «Μην προδώσεις Κυριάκο, τη μνήμη της ελληνικής Αντίστασης!»

    >The representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, responded to the statements of the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, regarding the Russian attack on Odessa. "He called Russia an enemy of Europe," notes Zakharova in her post on Telegram. "First, we did not terrorize and do not terrorize Greece or anyone else. You won't find a single example. Second, Europe was different. The Third Reich was also Europe. For such a Nazi Europe we will always be an enemy", adds the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry. And he continues: "Thirdly, in my Soviet/Russian school, in the usual music lesson for each of our students, I went through the works of Mikis Theodorakis. I knew both his music and his fate. He was also an enemy of Europe, of Nazi Europe." M. Zakharova concludes: "Don't betray, Kyriakos, the memory of the Greek Resistance!".

    Russia may not be what the USSR ever was and doesn't deserve the credit for it, but this response is probably the best she could have given and shows how the Soviets respected Greek culture more than the Greek government ever will.

    Can we have the same two sided "factual" critique about western capitalist leaders too in NATOpedia?

    >Widely considered one of the most significant and influential figures of the 20th century, Lenin was the posthumous subject of a pervasive personality cult within the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. He became an ideological figurehead behind Marxism–Leninism and a prominent influence over the international communist movement. A controversial and highly divisive historical figure, Lenin is viewed by his supporters as a champion of socialism, communism, anti-imperialism and the working class, while his critics accuse him of establishing a totalitarian dictatorship that oversaw mass killings and political repression of dissidents.

    Just read Watchmen and trying to come to terms with it

    I was looking for an analysis of Watchmen that isn't filled with "everyone is evil, there's no saving humanity" !brainworms but I couldn't find anything that made much sense.

    The obvious remarks are that Veidt is a megalomaniac "self made" bourgeois that has day dreams of being a great emperor/general, idolising the likes of Alexander the Great, Hitler, probably Napoleon even if he wasn't referenced. In his narcissistic view of the world, it's justifiable for him to commit a genocide among other additional crimes in order to achieve a peace that he supposes will be final. He is very similar to a huge CEO, much like Elon, that make the world their play toy and claims that any harm done was for the better good.

    Another obvious remark is the critique of superheroes in general, as a concept of superhumans that use their natural superiority to "bring justice" to the world through brute force, when all they end up doing is enforcing the status quo just like the fascists. Their human nature makes them corruptable, strong enough to inflict massive violence on the working class but not that strong against the oppressive power of the bourgeoisie. They have physical power but their view of the world is still that of a human with no consciousness of how the world works, except the Comedian perhaps. Knowing the grim reality of the world, but unable to change it single handedly, he becomes a radical cynic and sees the world as his stage and himself as a puppet. He commits unspeakable crimes with the excuse that he is only playing his part in a dark comedy.

    Dr. Manhattan essentially becomes a god, and with the massive power he gains, he also gains the "weakness" of seeing the whole universe in its entirety all at once, losing interest in the miniscule matters of a form of life in a tiny tiny part of it. This could be a way of showing why a god, if any exists, allows so much pain and misery while being powerful enough to stop it. It's because such a being would have no reference at all to the world as we see it, our pain is not more to him than specs of dust floating from one place to another aimlessly.

    The working class is largely oblivious to everything going on, observing events unfold around them through the carefully written headlines of newspapers, conditioned to admire people like Veidt as the only remaining hope due to his power and benign facade. Their revolt against masked heroes is an exception that leads to the Keene act being passed, but after that they lose their revolutionary spirit, not seeing that masked heroes were but a large weapon of an already established system that still remains.

    Overall I don't know if there's a single moral of the story at the end, it feels like the point of Watchmen is the whole critique done throughout the comic, and that the ending is not meant to lead to some resolution but to provoke thinking instead.

    Feel free to add any thoughts

    Stalin vs Mao socialism

    What are the most notable differences between Stalin's and Mao's implementations of socialism?

    Many of the differences are likely because of the different state that the two countries existed in before and during the revolution, so I'm more interested on the abstract topics rather than overly specific details.
