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In order to save democracy you must vote for Biden which will probably result in Kamala Harris becoming president. A person nobody voted for.
  • Also the Supreme Court, whom you also didn't/don't/can't vote for, can rule on whatever they want and all you can (legally) do is watch.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I honestly didn't even know esport were on twitch haha. I do like watching League for some reason eventhough I've never played and don't know how. I've only watches the tournaments and finals though

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Some things aren't deep and that's okay. I like watching street food being made but only if they don't talk to me, no clue why but it holds my attention.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I've seen some of Hasans stuff but it was only clips on YouTube, I haven't watched his stream yet. He's enjoyable and bearable

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • They don't do DVD commentary anymore either 😭. Now the kids watch cinosins or therapist reacts or whatever they're watching

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • That's a good point, they dont really do demos anymore so the biggest way to see a playthrough is twitch

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I miss playing video games locally. Now we all have to buy a copy and play in different places. I loves the split screen and taking turns

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • Yeah something about being autistic just makes me hilarious to people. And they say we have no sense of humor

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I still don't get Twitch or watching people play games. It's just hours of unedited content to me

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • I'm in tech[derogatory] and the market now is still pretty bad for new entrant. I have friends with longer resumes than myself who are still looking after previous layoffs.

    If you're good with people and leading, project/product managers can make as much as developers without needed to learn to code. It's stressful in It's own way of having to manage people's work and the success of projects but also not limited to tech so can be transferable. You could probably study for the PMP or scrum master certs to pad the resumes up and skip college

  • How many of you have high paying jobs, and how have you prevented your material means and social circles from eroding your leftist convictions?
  • Hearing from some of my other high paid coworkers talk about social issues reminds me that I'm nothing like them. I think for me, I just happen to have a high paying job and the pursuit of infinite wealth does not interest me. I'd only want more funds to fund mutual aid and things that grow communism.

  • Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?
  • Good system. I'm very very slowly reading the manga. Are you doing the whole show or one pace ?

  • Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?
  • I haven't seen soul eater myself but from a sci fi standpoint, I reccomend picking up mob psycho if you get a chance and haven't already :)

  • Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?
  • 'Oshi no ko' and 'how do we relationship' have been keeping me going. Highly recommend 'how do we relationship' at least, it's a queer drama but the way the mangaka writes characters is so beautiful. They're imperfect, multidimensional, and easy to relate to and sympathize with.

    I half thought about doing contract work or taking multiple lower paying roles, but that's so risky and it feels sleey taking multiple jobs when others don't have one. I'll take the link, it's good to keep options open since at my current place the 'if' I starting to feel like 'when'.

  • Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?
  • You rock for setting up the bookclub. I've also felt guilt not participating as frequently but your work is appreciated

  • Check In Thread - Late Night Edition - How Are You, Comrade?
  • Work is driving me mad. I want to quit but have nothing to fall back on and the tech market is ass and the genocide is demotivating me from wanting to do anything. But that's been in the back of my head for months so I'm learning to manage and revolutionary optimism/organizing is keeping me afloat. It's just this damn job in the way.

    My ongoing manga series keep me afloat too 🥳 something to regularly look forward to.

  • Rare Electoralism W
  • Remember folks. Beating Nazis always works.

  • The redditor "Tienanmen Square massacre" narrative is flat earther levels of crank shit and needs to be recognized as such.
  • "China is bad country that massacred people who wanted democracy. I also hope the police can shut down the encampments at universities because it's illegal"

    I wish liberals at least formed some type of ideology instead of regurgitate half baked ideas they heard somewhere.

  • How law works without government

    The person who robbed me in uninsured so my safety support representative denied my claim

    Source: twitter

    Capitalism breeds innovation

    That's why instead of having 1 fully functional shipping services, we have many half assed and inefficient ones.

    Fedex Rant

    I'm just salty at Fedex for being the worst pakage services and delaying my package 4 times. I paid for 2 day shipping and am now looking at day 5(which I still would have been okay with if it came before the 31st!). What am I going to do with a Halloween costume on Wednesday? I hope all the workers organize and greatly increase their material conditions and the CEOs never see a bonus again.

    Anyone have any other stories about the inefficiency of the innovations capitalism breeds to make me feel better?
