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Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]

OK this is my list. But first, I need to say that this isn't a condemnation of those into such thing. They just don't vibe with me.

  1. Cannot get into ASMR. I've tried. Often its women 20 years younger than me, rubbing their fingernails on hairbrushes. The intentional sounds they make with their lips and fingers are things that would make me want to change seats on a bus.
  2. Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff. This is a real issue when I'm single and I need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things.
  3. My students' taste in anime. I try to be all cool and show off my cool taste in anime, maybe drop a Azumanga Daioh clip. It's all ancient history for 17 year olds.
  4. Photo and videos done in portrait mode. I guess I don't watch videos on the go. See #2

Things that the kids these days do better:

  • Usually better opinions on current events than people my age
  • I wish that cosplay existed when I was a teen. The default when I was younger was drugs.

If anyone insults the kids, I will visit you at your home and do an adventure-time

  • obsession with streamers. I literally cannot wrap my head around the appeal of watching another person that isn't an actual friend play a videogame.

  • Usually better opinions on current events than people my age

    I'd even say that young people today have better opinions on current events than people my age had when they were their age. Most late Gen Xers were always awful about politics, just pure end of history garbage. We're the generation that grew up with AES being replaced by Pizza Hut and shock therapy, and the kids these days grow up with the planet being set on fire by capitalism, so this shouldn't surprise anybody.

  • I'm early Gen Z and the thing I kinda dislike is how shameless this generation is.

    Anime is a good example. It used to be a niche thing for nerds that you were kinda ashamed of outside of Studio Ghibli, but now it's really mainstream. That's all well and good but then you have some people with hentai stickers on their school laptop. Instead of adopting anime as a medium, we adopted the worst forms of otakuism. Instead of mass adoption tempering the worst aspects, it appears to have emboldened them instead.

    I also know some people who go around sfw anime cons and pay women to step on them in public. When I said this was kinda weird, I was the one in the friend group that got flack. Gen Z is more willing to embrace their weird habits but some stuff should be done at home or with private groups.

  • The kids seem mostly fine. They probably don't understand quite how extraordinary the pressure is on them compared to even just 25 years ago. I'm very concerned about how their math skills are developing, but I think that has something to do with how much schools have fallen apart and/or turned into performance pressure cookers. They're kinder than previous generations, and honestly it's surprising to me that they are because of how fucked society is around them.

    I don't get their humor, but I assume it's very funny if you're in the know.

  • Video tutorials.

    Just give me some damn written instructions I don't retain anything from watching someone else do it 😣

  • Honestly, younger people today seem pretty alright. One thing in particular is that is seems bullying in school seems way less tolerated than it was back in the day. I mean, I'm sure lots of bullying still goes on but back in the 90s it was not only pretty brutal and pervasive, but it was generally not seen as something that required intervention and it was "just part of growing up".

    One thing I really don't get though - and maybe this is just more a local thing - but it seems like the kids are really into Sublime. I don't get it, I didn't like their music when they were first popular and while they had a hit or two, they weren't anywhere near as popular with my peers than they are today, it seems to me.

  • I still don't get Twitch or watching people play games. It's just hours of unedited content to me

  • This isn't new per se, but much more mainstream now: fandom

    I love art and there's tons that I'm passionate about but like, the whole "obsessing over a character and writing fanfic and getting into fights over ships, etc." and stuff is a completely alien mindset to me. Don't get it

  • Saw a group of about 12 bro kids, they were all wearing sandals, pink boat shorts and white button up short-sleeves with the 'Edgar' haircut I've only really seen online prior. Bros have gotten off popped collars and fauxhawks but the update gives the exact same vibe. So I hate that but also hated how those same people dressed when I was younger and just overall just don't like that genre of guy

  • This is a real issue when I'm single and I need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things

    Unironically would make me more likely to swipe yes.

  • As somebody who fits best in the zoomer archetype:

    Cannot get into ASMR. I've tried. Often its women 20 years younger than me, rubbing their fingernails on hairbrushes. The intentional sounds they make with their lips and fingers are things that would make me want to change seats on a bus.

    I really understand this. I'm not massive on ASMR but there are a couple I think do a pretty good job. I gravitate towards the more non-sexual stuff and higher-concept, higher-effort stuff, and tend to avoid anything that's too intimate because it makes me very uncomfortable as an aro.

    Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff. This is a real issue when I'm single and I need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things.

    I also don't use Instagram or really any phone apps like that. I only have a Whatsapp for work. My opinion of TikTok has changed from "I have no idea what's going on there and want nothing to do with it" to "Hm, maybe it actually does have some potential if the US wants to get rid of it" but I still will never download it, just very uninterested.

    I feel like I'm an odd zoomer as I don't really use social media beyond Hexbear and checking my twitter for ~10-20 minutes per day for geopolitical news, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a very large minority of zoomers who also not plugged into this stuff and we just find it difficult to find each other because, uh, that would usually require social media nowadays.

  • Most of the stuff I don't 'get' comes from really good places.

    Like, I don't get all the hyper-specific labels for gender and sexuality, but I'm so glad we live in a time where people are able to actually talk about that sort of thing openly.

    Same with mental illness. I'm always baffled when young people will just tell yme they have autism or anxiety or ADHD or whatever because when I grew up that sort of thing was so stigmatized you never told anyone. It's a good baffled though. Like, go you for saying that. Don't say it at a job interview, but go you for saying it.

  • Not really. They're little weirdos, but not much differently than any other generation of little weirdos.

  • Whatever "Roblox" is. Whenever I see or hear about it, it strikes me as some sort of scam or something. I think it's some sort of game engine? But seemingly way more proprietary than any other?

  • I'll build on your 2nd and 4th ones. I truly do not understand the appeal of the TikTok aesthetic. Vertical video is already really ugly. But now we're doing incredibly bad green screen of a floating head talking at me like I'm holding up the self-checkout line at a grocery store. And then the auto subtitles that I cannot turn off that change colors or some other nonsense rather than focusing on readability that are autogenerated and contain numerous errors (subtitles are very good, but should be VTT or the like files that can be turned on and off so the platform can place them properly on the screen). Then there's just an ugly UI laid over it along with seeing reactions pop up on screen further just making a mess of styles and crowding the screen.

    I feel like some old guy that loves paintings seeing these new fangled moving pictures everyone is talking about and not understanding how anyone can willing fry their attention span on them.

  • I can't really think of anything aside from TikTok or other short form video scroll thingys. How did this video format become so popular? I try scrolling through tiktok and I can feel my brain melting from how erratic and all over the place all of these videos are.

  • Why the heck do people my age and younger all universally use phones for everything? It sucks.

    Just browsing on a phone alone weirds me out. I work in tech, my phone is fairly modern and sizeable, I'm not even that old, but I simply can't get on with it.

    • Phones are almost always slow to load, ugh
    • 95% of people don't use Firefox + Adblock so it's full of shitty ads and I don't even know how to use the internet with ads anymore
    • Touchscreens are never precise enough to touch small buttons (and I have dainty fingers),
    • So many sites have a 'mobile-friendly' version that often lacks functionality I need. A big percent of website visits on my phone require me to use 'Desktop mode'.
    • Typing into stuff requires the on-screen keyboard, which takes a minimum 40% of the screen, so I can't see and type at the same time.
    • Screen tiny.

    I do browse on my phone, but holy hell do I hate it. Why does anyone prefer it ever when there's a choice? Is it just because I have a dedicated ergonomic desktop setup? But even then I'd prefer using my laptop on my bed any day of the week before being confined to my phone.

    And don't get me started on using any mobile OS other than Lineage. The amount of undisableable notifications makes me cry.

  • The kids are all right, siri play the Offspring

    I know so many younger people who are trendy and hip and wayyy too online, people obsessed with short form content, I guess it stems from twitter? Snapvhat stories, vines, shit you make, is seen once, and then its gone (but theres no privacy involved and meta harvests all the data, and I've seen communities around mr tear themselves apart on fucking instsgram instead of talking to people, wait thats it! these damn kids wont make a phonecall ~my grandchildren wont call me~ sorry dear, what was I saying? lol)

    grumble grumble

    I've been terminally online since i was 14 but it was out of necessity from being isolated and having no irl people to bond with, it feels like people are doing it deliberately now, I feel for them.

  • I am an early 00s baby so I can give you some insight on a couple of those things. First, I like ASMR, but it has to be really specific. There are only a few creators I watch and I only watch specifically sci-fi or medical roleplay. I have no idea why these are the only videos that work for me, but they are. But when they work, they feel great. I get a really relaxing tingly feeling in my head, like when you're a kid and your parent is scratching your head. It's definitely weird but it works for me. I can't explain it.

    I use Instagram loads, but only really to look at memes and talk with my friends. I don't post much, and most of my friends don't post much either. My feed is 95% shitposts and 5% cooking videos.

    Anime is so popular and moves so fast now, and has so much support, in comparison to the 90s when a lot of it would never get an English dub or sub. There's always gonna be a few popular battle shonen - it used to be Bleach and Naruto, then Attack on Titan, now it's Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia. But there's also so many seasonal anime that asking someone "do you watch anime" actually doesn't tell you much about their tastes.

    I always take my photos and videos in portrait because I guess that's the best way to look at them on a phone. I never turn my phone sideways because it's easier to scroll in portrait.

    Also, a lot of people are saying that Gen z are a lot cooler than our predecessor politically. That may be true (idk I wasn't there when you were young), partially because we grew up in a post cold war, post 9/11, post 2008 crash world, but also partially because of the movements which came before us. I would say most young people are very good on LGBT issues specifically, and I think that's in large part thanks to the especially vocal movements of older queer people who came to the forefront as we were growing up. We were more exposed to gay and trans people in a positive light, thanks to a lot of millennials.

  • You made me realize I haven't really interacted with anyone between 16-30 in a long time.

    My nephew is into fortnite and roblox. In my day we played more competitively oriented games like quake or counter strike (I'm young enough that those were a thing) and I don't get the appeal of the newer games.

  • Nah way man, I'm gonna keep rocking forever, forever, forever...

  • I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016.

    Nope, that's me. Never had one. gigachad

    Generally I have less problem with the yutes than I do with my own age cohort. Most of my contemporaries have let life and circumstances beat them into submission and now they care about property values and are aghast at the very idea of public transportation. Kill the suburb inside your head, late-30s people!

    1. ASMR as well.
    2. Some of the Music, mainly stuff like Semetary. Also the incredibly short songs sometimes throw me a bit.
    3. Some of the memes just go over my head so much.

    Otherwise I think the kids these days are great. Have learnt so much from them, about drawing boundaries, neurotypes, gender. I am very happy to be the parent of one of these younger humans, they make the best comrades.

  • I tend to like the young folk and identify with them way more than people my age, not in a creepy way I hope. Probably because I don't have kids and am terminally online. I'm optimistic about everything. I don't think there's anything about younger people I fundamentally don't understand.

    I don't get sending huge amounts of money to streamers, but I also don't have huge piles of money to throw around.

    I actually like how younger people are going more minimalist in their fashion taste. Lots of reappropriation of stereotypical work clothes, like Dickies pants, overalls, stuff like that. That's a neat trend I've noticed.

  • Bass boosting as humor. The rest of younger people stuff is perfect for my obscene ADHD, but I'd rather not take hearing damage during the last second of a meme.

  • I honestly can't think of anything off the top of my head. There's plenty that I personally wouldn't indulge in, but just understanding why younger people like a particular trend isn't that hard. If anything, it's older people not understanding a particular trend that makes me baffled. Stuff like not understanding skibidi toilet (it's just gmod + body horror), not understanding Tiktok (if you can understand the appeal of dancing badgers with music being played in the background, you can understand the appeal of Tiktok), not understand streamers (if you can understand why people would football on TV or why people follow celebrity gossip, you can understand streamers). To go over your examples:

    1. ASMR: It's just a particular genre of Youtube video. Genres can be quite specific. I personally like the genre of video where you watch a timelapse video of a plant growing from a seed. I think ASMR got popular because you don't have to actually watch the video since it's all audio. So, you can just treat the video like a podcast while doing chores or studying.

    2. Instagram: It's just a social media site that grew large enough, and once a social media site is large enough, people will go to it no matter how much of a dumpster fire it is (see Facebook, Reddit, and LinkedIn). I mostly see Instagram as taking the photo part of Facebook and turning that into its own thing. There are people with 10000+ photos on Facebook, so why not create a social media site specifically catering to those people? We already have imageboards like 4chan, so the idea of a social media site centered on images is nothing new.

    3. My students' taste in anime: I mean, Azumanga Daioh aired in Japan 5 years before they were born. Like, it predates Lucky Star and K-On. If you showed me those GI Joe cartoons from the 80s when I was a teenager, I would've given you a similar response. It's also an awkward time period where it's too old for me to enjoy as a kid but too new for my parents to enjoy when they're kids. If you showed me The Adams Family or some other boomer show when I was a teen, you would've at least gotten a "oh yeah, my parents showed me these before, and I thought they were pretty cool." There's a decent chance you would get a flash of familiarity if you showed them Transformers or GI Joe since their parents (or at least their dads) probably watched them.

    4. Photo and videos done in portrait mode: It's just a stamp of authenticity and immediacy that translates to an aesthetic. Awhile back, there was a trend on Tiktok poking fun at how millennials start videos with this 5 second awkward pause while zoomers start videos by fumbling their phones. Even though they're very different on the surface, they're ultimately both trying to convey the idea that the video isn't edited but something that spontaneously happened. The millennial video has that 5 second pause to communicate that it was done unscripted with a single take, so I have to gather my thoughts for 5 seconds. The zoomer video has the fumble to communicate how I spontaneously wanted to create this video out of the blue. To loop back to portrait mode, if you take out your phone from your pocket, you're already holding it in portrait mode, so shooting the video in portrait mode is to communicate, "oh my God, I just have to shoot the video. I don't have time to flip the phone to portrait mode. I have to shoot it now." Eventually, it just becomes its own aesthetic just like how Unregistered HyperCam 2 became an aesthetic for certain early Youtube videos.

  • ASMR =/= whispering and crinkling wrappers. You ever listen to a song that makes you tingle at the base of your skull? that's ASMR some people just get it from weird noises. Some people get it from doing stuff. I learned to do it on command. There are certain schools of meditation where expanding that feeling into every moment of life is the goal. There's a song by Wilco "less than you think" which is about it and its a really good trigger.

  • I understand parasocial relationships and the feeling of community that comes with watching streamers, but when it's a stream with a large amount of folks and there's just a flurry of a chat it gives me anxiety I have no idea how they enjoy typing into that setting or what they're seeing

    Watching the emojis fly by I feel like I am Neo seeing the Matrix code for the first time. nothing makes sense to me but I can tell something is going on

  • My students' taste in anime. I try to be all cool and show off my cool taste in anime, maybe drop a Azumanga Daioh clip. It's all ancient history for 17 year olds.

    I-was-saying I'm Gen Z and I watched Azumanga Daioh when I was 17, it was my second ever anime!...

    ...What do you mean Azumanga Daioh is now older than every 17 year old alive today...? Nyoro~n.

    Photo and videos done in portrait mode. I guess I don't watch videos on the go.

    Honestly honestly mood though

  • I'm wildly out of date with all sorts of social media. I made the cognitive choice to not make any accounts on MySpace or Facebook when they came out and were gaining widespread popularity and I've been left in the prehistoric ages ever since. Hell I didn't even have a smartphone until like 2016.

    I don't get phone selfie filters. Maybe that's more of a me thing because I hate getting my picture taken, but I really don't get the appeal.

    I also don't understand why kids, this one's more aimed at parents, are being raised with phones in their hands when they can't even use the bathroom by themselves.

  • Not sure how widespread it is but I see a lot of younger women complain about this so I assume there’s a shift: young people being way more lackadaisical about using condoms these days, especially for casual hookups. Obviously HIV isn’t the death sentence it once was, but it’s still there and it’s not the only STD with long term consequences. Yet there seems like an attitude of “Well she is (or I am) on hormonal birth control so there’s no concern then.”

  • There’s an entire piece of at home technology that used to exist and tons of people used to have that I don’t think anybody under the age of 25 has ever actually seen: The VHS rewinder.

  • need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things

    I don't use dating sites, but if I did I'd definitely message the person with goofy pics like this instead of fake bs

  • Honestly feel that the newest generation has a majority of their numbers knowing how fucked the US is both currently and from a historical perspective (leftist tiktok is a big thanks to this). I do feel that there's some differences in consumption such as entertainment that boomer corporate suits do not at all comprehend (I was in highschool when markiplier began and you had streamers making boatloads of cash) that is interesting in a comical way like FB trying to monetize shit already invented like VR chatrooms but within a proprietary environment but not understanding that kids both don't have the money for that nor the inclination to be bound to it compared to buying cheaper VR headsets and settling for 3rd party and open source stuff.

  • My students' taste in anime. I try to be all cool and show off my cool taste in anime, maybe drop a Azumanga Daioh clip. It's all ancient history for 17 year olds.

    I'm in the field of "not interacting with teenage kids," but probably watching some more recent stuff can help with that. While there's a lot of trash, there's some goodies from the last few years - Bocchi the Rock and Brave Bang Bravern are among my recent favorites. No idea if kids are actually watching these shows, but they're at least not prehistoric lmao.

    Edit: and I say this as a person who has been binging on 70s anime for the past few months

  • I genuinely think pop/rap/rock was all better before circa 2008 and this is material rather than preference. The rise of the computer and social media changed the way music was made and understood. Rappers and electronic are worse at sampling, new artists overproduce without the skills of the insane studio producers in the 70s and 80s.

  • lol, i am in my 40s and i get ASMR. big time. i remember stumbling across a community a long time ago and immediately recognizing the fumbling attempts to describe the sensation, because it's not universal and i had once tried to explain it before as a teenager and failed, embarrassingly. also, some people have certain "triggers" that others don't, or are less reliable. and sometimes the triggers are less about the action and more about the memory connecting to an earlier experience.

    in those early days it was about finding/sharing videos online that gave the sensitive viewer the sensation... which is sort of like transfixing or mesmerizing. my first experience that i recall was IRL as a 1st grader when my desk neighbor was explaining a math problem to me that i already understood. just sort of quietly talking while tapping / scratching their pencil lightly. it was like being caught in something, but pleasant. another time IRL i was in a meeting with this guy who was like late 50s and he had this meandering style of speech with a low voice. same deal, i was just kind of there, locked in, and could have listened to him prattle on about literally nothing of consequence for hours. i could snap out of it, but i could feel myself not wanting to, even though the meeting was a huge waste of my time lol. i also remember getting it from watching some public access channel as a kid for a show where they did algebra on a whiteboard for some local community college. and one where they taught conversational french that was recorded in the early 80s, when they would go over conjugation. super-chouette!

    the way the phenomenon has exploded i attribute to monetization, because in those early days of people looking for videos they were all these like random clips of unintentional stuff. like a guy demonstrating a suit fitting, or a transferred VHS recorded lecture on body posture. so like some youtube channel for a very niche audience would have like 15-50 views on their dozen or so videos and then one that would have like 3.2 million views lmao. and frankly, if i just search ASMR on youtube, like >95% of the content is way off the mark. like annoying, weird etc. some up close face making mouth sounds.

    it's really only probably something like 1% that hits it, and usually it's not content that is made to produce ASMR. this has been recognized broadly by us ASMR enjoyers and there are entire communities that chase and curate collections of "unintentional ASMR", which honestly has a better track record in my experience.

    though, there are exceptions: content makers who seem to know they are giving off the whammy and how they are doing it, but they tend to be associated with the "fascination" and "mesmerism" community which is more adjacent to weird hypnotist stuff and those grifts.

  • there's a lot tbqh but there's a lot I dont get about ppl my age and older too

    (as long as it doesn't negatively impact me, I try not to get too worked about much. I feel like there used to be a lot more of "well I guess that's not for me" rather than "fucking kids are the death of society" among older generations before lead poisoning became so prevalent.)

  • I'm in my 30s and young people seem so damn square. Like yeah yeah yeah I get it, it's probably really nice not getting into fights or having trouble with cops etc but dammit how do you grow up without irresponsible sex in a golf course? Underaged binge drinking? hanging out in a train tunnel taking drugs and practicing tagging?

    Buncha squares the lottaya! :p

    You're alright though, I guess. Hmph.

  • I think I'm too autistic to get any generation. I'm a millennial and I have a much easier time understanding and communicating with Autistic people from Gen Z than allistic people from my own generation.

  • Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff.

    I fucking hate instagram. Having a private personal instagram for friends/tinders I don't give a shit about and getting my horny spam link in bio instagram banned every 6 months probably because some asshole with bots wants me to pay them for "marketing services" (which actually means becoming one of their bot accounts or it means ripping my paid content for free) or some asshole was hanging out, fuck that place.

  • Most asmr is psychological torture to me UNLESS its asmr specifically of typing on nice sounding mechanical keyboards then its glorious.

    I don't understand why kids care about trainers. I don't think anyone gave a shit about shoes when i was a kid unless they were light up sketchers. Otherwise it was the cheapest reebok or puma trainers from JD sports cos we'd demolish them a lot playing football

  • 1. RE: ASMR, what most people think of as ASMR is only a small subset of what's out there. I also find those intentional trigger videos (where people are just tapping on or brushing various objects) uninteresting to actively offputting. My favorite types are unintentional ASMR (particularly people talking about technical things) as well as personal attention roleplay (not the relationship roleplay stuff, which squicks me out, but things like medical exams or customer service). Whether unintentional or not, verisimilitude is the key-- that's part of why disconnected triggers don't do it for me, but also I tend to be triggered by voices more than anything else

    Here's a classic video which ticks all the boxes for me (unintentional, accented English, tasteful amount of tapping and rustling, and amusingly technical given the subject): table tennis racket inspection. Another unintentional classic which launched a million roleplay ASMRs is this cranial nerve examination; a big part of it is the soft speaking and high gain on the mic as well as the personal attention. Actually, I probably should have lead with this, but the modern ASMR phenomenon was born out of people discussing these various unintentional videos and then people deciding to have a go at making intentional videos that have similar effects.

    Not everyone experiences the pleasant tingles, which is something to keep in mind. Personally, I experience misophonia to the point of feeling pain in my ear when people blow onto the microphone, so any videos involving that are right out, and other people will have similar non-negotioables. It's totally fine not to enjoy ASMR regardless of the reason, but I just wanted to share that there's more variety out there than you might think!

    With the rest, I'm basically right there with you.

    1. Never made an Instagram because I have absolutely no interest in posting or looking at people's photos, although 15 year old me would have been into it so I can't blame the kids for that.

    2. What are the kids watching, out of curiosity? If it's the latest battle shonen stuff (e.g. Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer) then yeah, I have no interest because I don't enjoy that genre in general, but I wonder if there's any other series where we might have some overlap.

    3. YouTube pushing vertical streams has been driving me nuts. I don't mind watching a YouTube short here and there, but it's just not a good format for 99% of what I want to watch even if I'm watching on my phone.

  • I avoided the sock thread the other day but honestly what is the deal with the full length white socks. I like to keep up with fashion trends but this is one that has not clicked with me yet. Gonna stick with my ankle/no show socks

  • idk, Gen Z seems alright. I guess the only thing I get lost in is the lingo from time to time, but everything else is whatever. They're really just way more online than I ever was.

  • I think the slang is funny but i feel bad that they have such a melted husk of the internet i knew growing up.

    Also there was more space to do stuff outside and get into trouble without actually getting into trouble

    I don't judge them because i was shit and a bad guy as a youth

  • Instagram. I was maybe the last person to get a smart phone. It was probably 2016. I'm just fully lazy to take photos of stuff. This is a real issue when I'm single and I need to start putting photos on dating sites, as all pics of me in my phone are me squeezing carrots in my nostrils and similarly goofy things.

    The stories you might get from using those photos might be worth it.

  • .

  • i hate the idea that my peers are some sort of communist generation

    the majority of them are fuckin succdem ass libshits at best, in fact i think the kids are getting worse overall when it comes to politics. Had to explain to a fuckin college student what colonialism was and why it was bad. America has and will ruin every generation, do not put some blanket trust that they will do anything but get co-opted into war with china or some shit.

  • I could only Only complain about the kind of things that I couldn't fathom when my peers did it when I was young, like whatever my early 0's equivalent was to these disgusting shoes kids these days wear and collect, saw one running around at the store the other day wearing big puffy shreck shoes That looked like they had been stung by bees and probably get thrown away after a month at most

    Disgusting wasteful trash, but same as it ever was for American trends I suppose

  • Do you mean you don't get why they like it or don't feel the vibe cause it isn't hard to explain.

    I feel like I am keeping up well with the younger generation. A sometimes I feel weird about it like I should stop liking new music at some point but I haven't yet.

  • Honestly? I don't care. They can do whatever lol

  • Loud noises/ADHD content (not meant in a negative way)

    What I mean is the seemingly endless stream of clips and videos where something happens then a super loud BREH rips my eardrums out. Or like content that totally lacks a linear storyline of any sort, has random elements thrown in, I dunno. TikTok type stuff I guess. My ex-gf (basically same age, couple years younger) would show me all these videos and I was intrigued by like "wtf is this" but I had no idea how to interpret it.

    Holy fuck I feel old typing this. I need that Joe Brandon speedball

  • Their return to oversize boomer glasses. Well, maybe I do understand - the narrow, futuristic glasses of my youth disappeared along with the concept of the future itself

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