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Burnett asks Biden how he is going to turn the economy around. He said he already has 🙃
  • I mean, Biden's not wrong, he's just flipped the economy upside-down...

  • German opposition wants kebab price cap
  • Not ze kebaps!

    Those are Delicious...

  • Holy shit, WWII remembrance in the Netherlands is terrible
  • 🎵 Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds, a fascist bleeds, scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds, my fair lady 🎵

    Melody: London Bridge is falling down...

  • How close is socialism to coming back in Russia and Belarus? (April 2024 edition)

    Read this one for a change

    In the early days of Lukashenko’s administration, the public economy accounted for about 75% of total GDP. With the reform of state-owned assets in the new century, the proportion of private sector increased, but generally accounted for no more than 30% of GDP, while amounting to 60–80% in Russia, Georgia, and Eastern European countries after the transition. The public-owned economy is also the main force to absorb employment, with those employed in state-owned or state-controlled enterprises accounting for about 70% of total employment (Slon Magazine 2015).

  • How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?
  • Step 2: Fight abusive parents.


  • What's the point of doing business?
  • Careful now, Context... rant more about these bazinga brained fowks, and you might turn into

    : )

  • How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?
  • Well, I was joking too... sorry if I didn't make it clear (this ain't no brush against ye)...

  • How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?

    cross-posted from:

    > We've already talked about school and how we can change it in the past. But today I want to discuss a specific topic related to school: bullying. > > As a neurodivergent person, I've had my own share of bullies pick on me in the past, two of which I was lucky not to get into physical fights with. There are so, so many people who have had even worse experiences with bullying. > > In school, children/adolescents pretty much have to be around each other, making it more difficult to deal with bullying. > > How can socialism deal with this issue?

    How will socialism/communism deal with school bullying?
  • As a ~~ rightist ~~ moderate, I say too harsh

    We should obviously send them to gulags... They can redeem themselves through such work... /s

  • China to host Hamas, Fatah for Palestinian unity talks
  • PFLP tho isn't necessarily aligned with one side only... they can rep with Fatah while fighting alongside Hamas...

  • Right wingers everywhere
  • dictatorship

    Which one? US-backed Chile?

  • Feeling superior arguing with anti-tankies (weird?)
  • Even at its height at the end of the 1970s, the Warsaw Pact never stood the shadow of a chance against global capital

    More like invading western capital...

    I think otherwise, it could stand its own... yk

  • Always amazing to watch people realizing how they're being brainwashed about China by western propaganda.
  • COVID protests... From December 2022

    Also, IDK about you but is it a personal past time to want a government regime changed?

  • Sniper on the roof of student union building (IMU) at Indiana University
  • You think this is just mere intimidation or will he be Chekov's gunman in action?

  • A capitalist pig tried to live without privilege💀
  • Yuhp, and in those challenges, their friends gunna pick 'em up on car and technically that's no dollars wasted on them, so yeah, that's when the challenge becomes very much bullshit...

    these are deeply unserious people we're dealin' with...

  • Liberals type CCP instead of CPC. I'll type AmeriKKKa instead of America.
  • That cuz it sound like Asian to them... Lmayo

  • Liberals type CCP instead of CPC. I'll type AmeriKKKa instead of America.
  • That's just a bit wooden (unnatural) to dat

    What about Americucks

    Or Cancucks (For Canadians)...

    That's somethin'...

  • Happy 154th birthday to certified cool guy V. I. Lenin
  • Cheers to Lenin 🍷 🥂

  • saying "because of class consciousness" like "because of woke"
  • I just got reminded of that song, "Incredible" by General Levy...

    it includes those lyrics...

  • [Poll] Do tf2 players share a single braincell?
  • Experience, Dams? 🫤

  • saying "because of class consciousness" like "because of woke"
  • So, like wicket wicket junglist massive... you mean?

  • Man in Glorious Nippon arrested for selling modified Pokéman Violet save data - loathsome dongeater Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN

    Police in Japan have arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of selling illegally modified Pokémon save data to customers online — a practice which is banned under the country’s 2019 Unfair Competition Prevention Act.

    Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN

    cross-posted from:

    > This dude was selling Pokemans with modified move sets for up to $80 a pop and could now face up to 5 years in prison. > > Is this not insane? Or do you think he could face a much less severe sentence and the 5 years prison and $30k just the upper limit for this particular set of crime?

    Ding dong the witch is still ded!

    Maggie Thatcher's grave still has enough space for all the world's piss to cam intae! Oh, and there's the solar eclipse news at 2 PM...

    How nice...

    I only know this because of William Brown, an Irish admiral who led the Argentine Navy, had a song made in commemoration of him, post mortem of him, and the Malvinas War... which ol' Maggie decided to commit to, after the Argentinians took back those islas....

    Source: " "Admiral William Brown" - Irish Pro-Argentine Folk Ballad [+Lyrics]"by the Wolfe Tones

    I think my brain broke when I saw this guy's response

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > > > > In his first source he cited, there were under 30,000 prisoners overall as 'total number of prisoners per year', which could just indicate the TOTAL PRISON POPULATION OF GERMANY OVERALL, NOT THE INFLOW AND OUTFLOW here... > > Yet his second source states 200,000-250,000 political prisoners overall (not per year), sourced by the Deustcher Bundestag, which is West Germany's parliament speaking.... > > Original thread: >

    "New York Police Surveillance List" New York Police Surveillance List

    Let me know if you're on the list. Thank you to the New York City Police Force for making my whole ethnicity baddie tier Thanks to my Patreons: Discord: Tik Tok: Twitch: https://www...

    cross-posted from:

    > Note: > "nice fuckin' model" > > ! > > Anyways, it reminds me of Jinxedits...

    Don't mind me...

    Why does English dubbed media sound like the way they do?

    Most of the time, it's not the voice-acting quality that's bad...

    It's just a bit of an awkward uncanny valley hearing it...

    Is the Professional Managerial Classes inherently reactionary?

    cross-posted from:

    > To me they're like mere servants of the State, like Lenin talked about in "2. What is to Replace the Smashed State Machine?" in his writing "The State and Revolution" > > Under Capitalism, they are its privileged knights that try to deflect and control, if not defend directly its image as "the only option", who have their incentive in doing so, with their class status stake being in their duty to shepherd the means of production and its resulting benefits > > However, they don't own the means of production, as they merely manage it for the landholding, industrialist, and financier capitalists > > On the other hand, under Socialism, while its privileges will be probably be done away, the PM class on its own would innovated upon, for their new duty of overseeing, managing, and reporting the collectivized cooperatives and state-owned enterprises.. > > Until the final stage of Communism arrives, I think they're pretty handy > > I say this, because I hear such disgusted sentiment in Hexbear against them

    Note: I know a bit about the bazingo techbro culture that the PMC is associated with, please don't criticize them solely on those vibes...

    Is the Professional Managerial Classes inherently reactionary?

    To me they're like mere servants of the State, like Lenin talked about in "2. What is to Replace the Smashed State Machine?" in his writing "The State and Revolution"

    Under Capitalism, they are its privileged knights that try to deflect and control, if not defend directly its image as "the only option", who have their incentive in doing so, with their class status stake being in their duty to shepherd the means of production and its resulting benefits

    However, they don't own the means of production, as they merely manage it for the landholding, industrialist, and financier capitalists

    On the other hand, under Socialism, while its privileges will be probably be done away, the PM class on its own would innovated upon, for their new duty of overseeing, managing, and reporting the collectivized cooperatives and state-owned enterprises..

    Until the final stage of Communism arrives, I think they're pretty handy

    I say this, because I hear such disgusted sentiment in Hexbear against them

    Name a modern company who historically has a hand in causing death and give an example of their atrocities

    cross-posted from:

    > So far, I've only heard of nation-states committing atrocities whose gov't officials end up in the Hague... > > How about companies, whose CEOs and stockholders have a role in committing such large scale crimes who deserve the wall? > > Edit: > Bonus points if you include a death toll... > > From what I've read on wikipedia's Nestle > > >In a 2018 study, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) estimated that 10,870,000 infants had died between 1960 and 2015 as a result of Nestlé baby formula used by "mothers in [low and middle-income countries] without clean water sources", with deaths peaking at 212,000 in 1981.[47] >

    "Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says"

    Can anyone here confirm what if she's actually saying this in Hebrew, just in case for confirmation?

    Here's a potential litmus test for Lemmy users (repost)

    Ask them if they've read about Dessalines, and ask their thoughts on them?

    Whether it be the Github user who founded Lemmy, with his Anti-American and Marxist Leninist essays,


    the Haitian general who fought against the French in the Haitian Revolution, and thus had a hand in wiping out many remnants of the white slave-owners... to create the first abolitionist country.

    Just ask what they know and what they think of him?

    Originally from

    Edit: just a little one...

    deathtoreddit deathtoreddit

    I can sniff you from afar

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