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Squatters take London’s housing crisis into their own hands
  • Walkaway by Cory Doctorow.

  • JWST Detects the Earliest, Most Distant Galaxy in the Known Universe—And It’s Super Weird
  • Ok Dougal, one last time. Small… Far away…

  • Ironing
  • I’m pretty sure ‘Declump pocket flaps’ is in section 1 of the Apollo Launch Configuration checklist, right before Lint Valve Override.

  • Microsoft Account to local account conversion guide erased from official Windows 11 guide — instructions redacted earlier this week
  • I suspect it’s not dissimilar to the way spam emails are full of typos and grammar errors. You may wonder why they don’t just get those fixed, but they’re specifically to filter out the people who notice them and dismiss the spam, as they (the spammers) are far less likely to successfully scam someone who is offended by the way the spam is written. They are a kind of first level filter.

    MS are filtering out the vocal, knowledgable people who will cause problems next time they have some security breach or do something shady around privacy. Convert that relatively small number of people to Linux, and you’re left with a compliant and fully tracked customer base—far more use in the long run.

  • Which side are you on?
  • Downvoted because it didn’t end with /s.

  • AI took their jobs. Now they get paid to make it sound human
  • I guess the company was providing a kind of UBI? Not sure what will happen when all of those non-jobs disappear…

  • It's a great honor to wear the hat
  • Dynax owners know…

  • Voyager 1 returning science data again
  • Sounds like my webpack build.

  • Customer service
  • Maybe I’ve been lucky, but I bought an HP M476DN in 2015, and no problems using non-oem toner, toner top up, etc. No subscription nonsense, no firmware upgrades nobbling things. Maybe I’ll regret posting this when HP find out but it doesn’t owe me anything nearly 10 years later…

  • Microsoft Sued For AI Article Accusing Innocent Man of Sexual Misconduct
  • My PhD was in neural networks in the 1990s and I’ve been in development since then.

    Remember when digital cameras came out? They were pretty crappy compared to film—if you had a decent film camera and knew what you were doing. I fell like that’s where we’re at with LLMs right now.

    Digital cameras are now pretty much on par with film, perhaps better in some circumstances and worse in others.

    Shifting gear from writing code to reviewing someone else’s is inefficient. With a good editor setup and plenty of screen real estate, I’m more productive just writing than constantly worrying about what the copilot just inserted. And yes, I’ve tested that.

  • Microsoft Sued For AI Article Accusing Innocent Man of Sexual Misconduct
  • Surely boilerplate code is copy / paste or macros, then edit the significant bits—a lot less costly than copilot.

  • Spotify CEO sparks backlash after social media post that claimed the cost of making "content" is "close to zero"
  • No worries! I’m looking to move away from Spotify and so comparing was on my radar :). Think Tidal family with playlist import might keep the moaning from the rest of the clan down. But will check out bandcamp too.

  • Spotify CEO sparks backlash after social media post that claimed the cost of making "content" is "close to zero"
  • Deezer seems like the most expensive compared to Spotify and Tidal, and pays artists the least according to this:

    Just curious what’s the added benefit?

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • Plummeting against what currency?

  • particles
  • Physicists:

    This is just Occam's razor again: a hypothetical particle that can't interact with anything, and therefore can't be detected, doesn't exist.

    Also Physicists: 85% of the universe’ mass is missing!!!

  • Meme Fame
  • What happened to his ears?

  • Conservatives plan to bring back mandatory National Service
  • At this rate, they’re going to need 18-year-olds to do national service as Tory MPs.

  • OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game
  • Just use Reader view or whatever that’s called in your browser. I use Arctic for Lemmy on iOS and it has a ‘default to reader’ for opening links. Can’t remember the last time I saw a paywall. There’s one news site that doesn’t work but it’s pretty obvious straight away.

  • Enhancement: Option to turn off background refresh
  • And I don’t know if it’s useful but I often find the ‘jumping’ is pretty transient—it will happen once but then scrolling up and down over that section is smooth.

    However I just found this post whose comments are full of images, and this one jumps pretty consistently for me—thought it may help as a test case if you didn’t already have one :)

  • Such a Photogentic Cat~
  • Apurrture.

  • One community from linked post

    I saw this comment which included a link to a crosspost in a different community. When I open that link, I see the post and the top of the view has the community name with menu. But I seem to be able to do everything (subscribe, favourite, block, read the sidebar) except just ‘open’ the community to see other posts. Am I missing the right place to click / menu entry?

    Post image preview not showing in feed

    Don’t know if this is from the most recent update but I just saw this post and it doesn’t show the image in the feed—just a grey placeholder box. Opening the post shows the image.

    Be careful

    Google classify their own security alerts as spam. Or they just can't be arsed with sorting out DKIM.

    Bug: Clicking messages in inbox don’t navigate to the comment

    I got a reply to a comment in what’s become quite a bit post (≈150 comments). Clicking the message in the inbox goes to the post comments but not to the reply. It seems to go to a slightly different place each time I open it.

    I saved the original comment I’d replied to, and navigating from my ‘saved comments’ does go to the right place.

    Enhancement: Option to turn off background refresh

    This is an assumption on my part, and may have other explanations. I’ve noticed sometimes the feed ‘jumps’ down a post while scrolling, and I’m assuming this is due to a background feed update combined with a sort order that puts a new item anove where I was currently scrolled to. If that’s the case, having an option for manual refresh only would be great.

    If that’s not it, there might be a bug somewhere but it’ll be hard to find I guess, as it happens quite rarely.

    Enhancement: settings for more theme colours

    I find the high contrast cards in the main feed a bit hard on my eyes. I’d like to reverse the back card background and the grey page background, and maybe also dial down the text colour a bit. It would be fab to have RGB colour pickers for those kinds of elements.

    Bug: Default post sort order not saved

    Sorry, can’t quite remember if you’d mentioned this already, but it resets to Hot if you force quit and restart the app.

    Inbox bugs / enhancements

    Direct messages in the inbox tab always show as ‘unread’ and there doesn’t seem to be a way to clear that. They also don’t show the name of the other person you’re messaging (seems to show my id instead). It would also be great to link to their profile so you can find their posts / comments easily.

    Bug: Changing sorting / filtering options

    Not sure if I’ve got the right expectations here, but for me, changing the sort ordering on All or in a community seems to have no effect. I also just turned off ‘Hide Read Posts’ and yet refreshing the feed still hides those I’ve read.

    Sometimes quitting and restarting does seem to change the sort order, but I’ve also seen it come back still showing the previous ordering.

    Are there known problems with sorting / hiding, or is this news?

    Check back to see much less

    Skype pretty much always stuck like this.

    Feature: Refine image viewer behaviour

    First, please let me know if you’d rather these be elsewhere—new to Arctic but really liking it.

    I’m on a quest to find the perfect Apollo replacement since leaving ‘that place’. Arctic is so nice and close I know this is nit-picking now. But the image view was practically perfect in Apollo and just a couple of tweaks if they’re possible would bring that joy back.

    First off, hiding the phone status bar and action buttons on first open—just the image, scaled to fit.

    For zooming, double tap to zoom in is great, but Apollo had single tap to zoom out again which combined with swipe to dismiss made getting back to the feed almost a single action—effectively a double tap with drag on the second tap. It was so slick.

    The action buttons don’t currently show / hide on single tap when zoomed in so I don’t think that change would break any existing functionality.

    Bug: Saved posts via swipe vs button

    Opening a post and saving it using the middle ‘save’ button, then returning to the feed still shows the swipe left action as ‘Save’ (rather than ‘Unsave’).

    Likewise if you save via swipe then open the post and ‘unsave’, the swipe action does not flip and still shows ‘unsave’.

    Bug: Mark Read on scroll 2

    Also just noticed that the very top post in a feed goes ‘dim’ as if it’s marked as read when scrolled off the top of the view, but then pull to refresh reloads it as unread. Opening the post to mark as read and then refreshing hides it as expected (I have hide read enabled).

    Bug: Mark Read on scroll

    At least, I consider this a bug… :). It seems the scroll out of view trigger fires no matter which direction you scroll, and I think it should be only when scrolling posts ‘up’ off the top of the view.

    For example, scroll a post until you can just see the first line of its title then scroll it off the bottom again. It will be marked as read when in fact you’ve only seen a few pixels of it.

    ? Feature request: Show community above post title

    Apologies if this is old and I can’t find it. I’m making the move (somewhat reluctantly) from Memmy, as I think development has stopped there which is a shame. Arctic is the closest I could find, and has a couple of key features like mark read on scroll that I really like.

    But I’d love to see the community name above the post—gives good context for how to treat what you read in the post title, etc. I find I’m having to scroll down first then back up to read the content.

    I couldn’t see an option anywhere for that—is it possible?

    Autowedgie Woman lifted by shop shutters

    Anne Hughes was waiting for the shop to open in Tonteg, near Cardiff, when the back of her jacket snagged on the shutters which then hoisted her into the air...

    Woman lifted by shop shutters
    Filling in a form for a 17-year-old

    Also, how can you be aged 16 and below? I know, not technically the software's fault, but still...

    dave dave
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