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If presidential immunity is absolute..

Could Biden order Trump's execution and win the next election?

"relationship" with kids mom

I am beginning the process of divorce. There was no history of anything bad, just general lack of compatibility. We've been together 13 years, and at least the past 3-4 we've been shells of who we were.

Though we both care deeply, we both know we want to be loved differently.

Right now I'm still going between the depression/despair and some irrational nostalgic notion that maybe things could be the way I thought they were (in my mind I know that these are rose tinted memories)

How do former couples get along usually? I'm a child of divorce, where my Mom moved two states away and I went with her. My parents were cordial, I think.

My ex thinks that we should remain friends, but I think that will make the grieving process harder for me. I wonder if this desire to remain friends is a way for her to not fully have to let go. But if you want the milk, you buy the cow.

Should I be wary, or should I be grateful here? How do I protect myself from catching feelings some days and dragging my healing for to long

Windows 10 is the last version of Windows Windows 10: the Last Version of Windows?

Instead of releasing a whole new version every few years, Microsoft plans to improve Windows through regular updates.

Windows 10: the Last Version of Windows?

Raising this dead article as Microsoft now delivers extended support pricing details for those who choose not to migrate to the newer version of Windows. The one they were told they'd not ever have to migrate to

the agent's argument in the matrix
  • This perspective is really interesting to me

    I have admit,I tend to agree. I make comments like "individual people are smart, but people at large.. they're idiots" it's the way I can rationalize how we're facing a rematch of Biden v Trump in the US the year.. And other things that defy reason

    But in weighing the positives and the negatives of the totality of our impact - how many good small acts does it take to overcome a Khmer Rouge? What about when those loving families are torn apart by religion, patriotism, morality etc and the angels fight? Conflict, like death and taxes, seems undeniable - maturity, much less so

  • the agent's argument in the matrix
  • I agree that existence is truly a wonder.

    Yet I don't see how everything else being great around us means we're so great for just seeing it all.. I'd ask, a net positive to what group? Our own, of course, because we procreate. But.. at what cost? Does the cow share your zeal for humanity, you know

    Is the point of existence merely for wonders to be observed?

  • the agent's argument in the matrix
  • I don't know what human nature truly is, or if there can be a singular definition.

    However, judging by the historical record, we seem to be quite good at exploiting things and beings for our own benefit at their expense, which doesn't really make a compelling case for worthiness

  • the agent's argument in the matrix

    He said to Neo that humans are like a virus, breeding and infecting the world with our "stick" and general disgustingness.

    I look around the world, at the state of society, the environment, international conflict and the enshitification of humanity - I've gone through my life blindly accepting that life for life's sake is beautiful, and worth it.

    But as I see the state of it all, our perpetual need to destroy each other over ideas and resources, I struggle to come to grips with it. Societies around the world are facing population shrinkage... Do they all know something I don't?

    Is human life beautiful, and objectively worth perpetuating? Or are we a blight? Why should we be?

    Israel appears to be in breach of ICJ orders on Gaza, senior UN official says.
  • I think many of the people in Palestine felt betrayed that they did not use the words cease fire. When faced with this existential crisis, nothing less is acceptable.

    The icj used language that practically meant cease fire, but mid east news expressed disappointment.

    So I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you're admonishing "Western" media, but if that was the perspective you heard - No cease fire was called for - it probably accurately represents the sentiment of many of the people there.

    The South Africans understood what the icj said, and their comments immediately following the decision illustrated that.

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