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Now i'm definitely cheering for Rulestein
  • The US doesn't support Israel for our safety. We do because historically being anti-Israel alienated the following groups.

    • Evangelical votes in the US
    • Jewish voters in the US
    • A strong Pro-Israel lobby, who would give a LOT of money, and therefore a lot of votes, to opponents of an anti-Israel candidate.
  • Edges of caulk pulled up from surface
  • When I try without the painters tape in the past I'd ended up with something not quite as bad as the example on the left here. (Not my photo)

    I'm sure I could get good enough to do it properly that way. Seems like using just the right amount of caulk, and no more, is likely the key.

  • Edges of caulk pulled up from surface

    I'm (obviously) not great with caulk but needed to re-caulk where our kitchen counter meets the outside wall as it has a crack all along the counter. House was built about 20 years ago and it may be original and just settled.

    Anyway, I watched a video and the person put down painters tape on the wall and along the counter so you could get a straight edge. They showed pulling off the tape pretty quickly after applying the caulk. I did so and the caulk pulled up from the counter (and, to a lesser extent away from the tile on the wall.)

    Is this an OK technique to use, generally? What could I have done to keep this from happening? I had cleaned the surface well. Should I have pulled the tape off with an angle closer to the counter? I think I pulled it off about 45 degrees. Would it hurt to wait a little longer for the caulk to adhere to the surface a bit? I'm concerned if it starts to cure much at all that it will be harder to pull off the tape without pulling the caulk away from the wall.

    Going to wait until it dries, then scrape it out and try again. This is a small section that I'm using to work on my technique.


    Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time.
  • I agree. The options at the voting center are rarely great. Action is certainly better.

    But getting off the sofa to vote for the least-evil option is critical. Especially in the primaries and mid-terms. Vote. Every. Time. Vote for dog-catcher, school boards etc.

    If you're young it's even more important.

  • Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time.
  • Not sure I agree. Obamacare is better than then nothing-burger that was available before if you didn't get healthcare through an employer. Biden is trying to at least get some student loan relief through congress. Getting the right people elected to state governments can help make abortions available again in some states. (If you're a right-wing person then choose the opposite topics for your examples.)

    People who are defeatist about voting come across as complainers who are too lazy to get off their butts to help.

  • Phones should have FM radio again
  • I just built a website that makes it easy to find and stream community radio stations (which you refer to as 'donation funded') There are over 100 stations listed. Just choose from a drop-down and hit 'play'. Looking for more beta testers

  • Phones should have FM radio again
  • Can you pick up any community radio in your area? We have one and every couple of hours it's a different type of music. Blues, Rock, Hip-Hop, Reggae etc. All music chosen by the person you hear on the air.

  • New users look here
  • St. Louis metro area checking in. Long time Reddit user transitioning away from that site. IT guy. Older but not cantankerous (yet) : ) I like board games, playing and listening to music, hanging with the family, gadgets, Linux, 3D printing, homebrewing, blah blah blah.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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