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Linux Inventor Says He Doesn’t Believe in Crypto
  • Nah it's literally a waste of physical resources. Crypto currency is a waste of fossil fuels. AI has its functions at least.

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • For me it's a pattern of "Ctrl+t" to open a new tab and then I search "my interesting query". After that, I use "shift+tab" or "Ctrl+shift+tab" to navigate between tabs. Rinse and repeat until I get tired.

    I don't like searching in my current tab because I don't want to lose the info I have.

  • Polyamorule
  • Source for the whole kidnapping aspect?

  • got him
  • Oh yeah Linus famously hates C++. Still confusing syntax imo

  • got him
  • It requires some decent knowledge of dereferencing and C++ "++" operator overloads. It's not exactly trivial to glance at and feel confident you know what's happening

  • Polyamorule
  • We're getting closer and closer to wrapping back around and just having community. Just remove the sex aspect and boom you got a community going.

  • This card doesn't work rule
  • I tried it so you don't have to. It didn't work.

  • Heathcliff without Heathcliff 5/6/2024
  • Why are the clouds inverted? The cloud shape is black and the moon is visible inside it, but it seems super clear that the purple part has too many sharp edges to be a cloud? Therefore the black shape is a cloud? It's just weird looking. Also the garbage men seem ancillary.

    Weird artistic choices.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • I was talking about meat replacements but I put tofu in that category as well because I don't have a lot of experience with tofu outside of "we have this instead of meat".

    Vegan food is cheaper in America, for sure. Beans, veg (some) and rice are cheap. However fruit is expensive.

    But the alternatives to meat are not cheap: tofu is like $5/lb compared to chicken which can be as low as $2.99/lb. Steak is expensive in America, but it can be close to the cost of tofu. It's definitely cheaper than the steak-alternatives like beyond meat.

    While you might find meat replacements to be unnecessary, most Americans (myself included) struggle. 90% of the meals I used to eat were some variation of: protein (meat/chicken/fish), plus a veggie, plus a carb (rice/bread). That was the basic dinner. It has a nice ratio of protein to carb. It was tasty (to me at least) and the cost wasn't too bad.

    I'm guessing I'm not alone, culturally. It's not like you can fry up two slabs of tofu and just call it a day. Tofu is just different. It doesn't cook the same and it doesn't taste the same. I cook tofu at least once a week, but I treat it very differently.

    It's just not easy for Americans to justify going vegan. It's culturally very different and - if you want to stay within the culture - it's expensive.

    But that's why I always advocate for meat reduction, not replacement. Eat more vegetables. Try other dinners. Etc. But most Americans are remiss to be told what to do.

  • [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?
  • There in lies the rub, though. Most vegans are vegan for a moral reason that they believe applies to you:

    • Animals deserve life / don't deserve livestock conditions
    • "Growing" meat is speeding up global warming compared to growing crop

    There are more fringe reasons for veganism such as: diet, health, etc. But those aren't relevant to the point I'm making.

    "Live and let live" doesn't apply to situations where we're talking about global warming or the abuse of animals. Most vegans are trying to educate others and - yeah - they probably vote for things that would result in more expensive meat or less meat being available in your local markets. I believe most vegans are hoping their efforts will slow global warming and provide better living conditions for livestock.

    I'm not trying to sit on a moral podium here and judge. I eat meat too. I'm not vegan. Though I've tried to reduce how much meat I eat in yet another small, feckless, civilian effort to slow global warming. All I'm saying is: I sympathize with people who want to improve the world and I understand why they spend time and effort talking about being vegan.

    But meat in america is cheaper than the vegan stuff and definitely tastier. So it's hard for us to meaningfully change.

  • ‘RANDOM FLUFF #57’ [OC]
  • Dyslexia is broader than you're thinking. Struggling to spell, read, or write can all be signs of dyslexia:

    Scroll down to school age/teen symptoms for such examples.

  • I respect people who don't like snaps, but Canonical will not abandon a successful project
  • I didn't until apps started breaking. The snap version of steam, Firefox, and Unity (I think?) all started to have issues. When I googled around people would often ask "deb or snap"? I uninstalled the snap packages and installed the deb packages and most of my issues went away.

    I ultimately switched to Linux Mint because I kept having stability issues and I was just desperate for a solution. But snap was not a great experience for me.

  • After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat
  • Yeah the majority do it and I think it's bad.

  • After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat
  • Thermostats are easy to change out. So this isn't a huge deal. But I don't love the idea that tech isn't built to be self-hosted or maintained in any meaningful way. If you're not shipping an open source version of your software when you close up, you're an asshole.

    Yeah, self hosting isn't for most lay people if it's just a GitHub repo. But GitHub repos quickly become adopted by nerds like me who build tooling around it that eventually let lay people self host software with the click of a button.

  • Mandelbrot
  • Resolution limits

  • Working in the year 2039
  • Yes. Beer kills things in the brewing process.

  • How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?
  • If you want to build stuff but are struggling to motivate yourself, take a walk or go exercise and stop thinking about it for a bit. Sometimes that helps me. I'm in the same boat. I tend to work on a lot of things but I have a treasure trove of 10%-50% completed projects.

    Lately, I've used ChatGPT 3.5 to help me figure out ideas or work through places I'm stuck.

    I've gone to 4 conferences in the past 6 months. Most of the open source devs there that made big waves in the community are actually doing their jobs and their company open sourced their work. React, by way of example, is a Meta project that was open sourced.

    So, sometimes, the intimidating projects have someone working full-time on them. So don't feel like you should try to accomplish that.

    As other people said, if you end up not being interested in doing development in your free time, don't worry about it. It's normal and fine to just go home and enjoy your life.

  • Working in the year 2039
  • It's not just the boiling process. The alcohol in beer is anti-bacterial which allows the water to remain safer to drink for longer.

    It wasn't beer in many cases. Grog is basically rum, water, and limes/citrus which help sailors prevent scurvy whilst also protecting them from bacterial infections. I don't believe they boiled the water at all in that case. I believe it was just mixed all together.

  • Could a uniform interface (like the command line) ever exist for smartphones? What could it look like?
  • I see. Well without a command line, I wouldn't call it a terminal. I think you just want tooling to be available on an Android? It would probably look like a button or series of buttons on an app. Maybe you could connect the dots between them to insinuate a pipe? E.g., you have a "mv" button and a "file" button. When you drag from mv -> file you could maybe kick off a process that moves the file. Maybe it would prompt you for other arguments like destination? I suppose this theoretical app could allow people to install additional tooling and make their own custom commands.

    But I just feel like a button UI for these kinds of things will always be awkward. If you don't have a keyboard/terminal interface, it's hard to implement anything that would even behave like terminals in terms of functionality.

  • What does rehabilitation look like in Star Trek? How might we apply some of these ideas to a western prison system?

    I'm curious about rehabilitation. I believe crime comes from access to resources and/or from a lack of emotional education (such as empathy, patience, and sympathy).

    When I hear news stories of horrific crimes, I often start to wonder: what would have prevented it and how can we move on from it?

    I don't believe in the death penalty and I don't believe in forced labor. I do believe "confinement" paired with education, food, comfort, and time to reflect is part of rehabilitation.

    What does it look like in Star Trek? In other words, what does western culture see as the "epitome" of a rehabilitation center?

    I was doing fine until Steps 3 and 4

    Generated with self hosted ollama llama2-uncensored:7b (the small model since I have a small rig)

    How do you know if your server (e.g. is federated with another server?

    I want to see a list for each popular server (e.g. the top 10 lemmy instances) and I want to see - for each instance - with whom they federate. How can I do this? Any sure-fire way to know if a instance like is being federated with How do you know?

    [Meta] Want a free way to watch Star Trek in the USA? Buy a $10.00 antenna online and get access to H&I (a heroes and icons)

    This is a bit of an ad, but I swear I don't sponsor H&I. I just use them a lot. My wife and I bought "bunny ears"/an antenna for our TV when we lived in the Midwest. We also watch H&I on the west coast. Almost every night they play one episode from each popular, live-action, series in order of production: TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise. The start time depends on your location, but I believe it starts around 7pm Central Time.

    It has commercials, but I don't mind since the shows are "free" over the airwaves. I haven't tested in the east coast but I bet a lot of the country has some coverage.

    Our antenna also has some MacGuyver, Stargate, Baywatch, and some other popular old shows. I just think it's cool that we can have access to such great shows with a one-time cost (and commercials). It's also great because it works during internet issues (as a backup if streaming is failing). My wife and I often just left it on in the background while we worked or made dinner!

    is this forum meant to support people with basic programming questions?

    If people are going to post questions with code samples in this forum, I think we need to maybe address some basic underlying requirements. Personally, I prefer a loose moderation wherein we try to ensure a few basic quality of life requirements in posts:

    • Try not to provide screenshots of code since that's harder to review
    • If you need help debugging, please try to only provide the bare minimum portions of your code which are relevant
    • If possible, try to provide a runnable example of your code in question
    • Try to explain: what you've tried, what the error is, what you think the problem is

    I'm not trying to sound pushy about forum etiquette. But I personally am much more likely to review code that meets the above requirements. I like something I can compile and run quickly. I prefer some context as to where the issue probably is. Everything else is sort of secondary to me, but still matters.

    What does the community think? Also, what do we want this community to do? Support specific programming questions or general CS career/education questions? Both?

    captainjaneway Captain Janeway
    Posts 22
    Comments 284