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Let's gooooooooooo!!!
  • Log off and take care of yourself comrade

  • Let's gooooooooooo!!!
  • I see what you're talking about but I don't see why you framed it as an accusation towards user Vampire

  • Let's gooooooooooo!!!
  • What does this mean?

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Riven remake just released. I've been waiting for this day for years. Literally christmas for autistic girlies.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • You clearly don't care about the state of American democracy

    Me, a non american, with the biggest grin on my face: YES!! HAHAHA, YES!!!!!

  • Minecraft Modding Website "Modrinth" vs UBlock Origin conflict has begun recently
  • We can only hope that this puts enough pressure on these companies and groups to remove tracking from their links.

    Tracking doesn't seem to be a factor in the linked EasyList policy

  • Just got this tagline: TrueAnon Rule: Never release political prisoners to placate protestors.

    Was this one added today after Assange was freed or has it just been cooking in the backend for 2 years?

    What's a good place online to buy a new laptop for a reasonable price? (In Australia)
  • I would suggest going to a store and trying out the demo model laptops IRL before buying. You can physically see things like weight, build quality, whether the screen is too reflective, whether the whole thing flexes, and get hands on experience of how fast it can run a web browser.

  • DuckDuckGo is serving AI garbage now
  • I did some digging and it seems that Kagi does have AI features, however their policy is that AI should always be opt-in every single time; only activated when you choose. If you want to read the techbro blog, it's explained a bit more here:

    Probably best to pay monthly instead of yearly in case they do something you don't like :yea:

  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • If this is a joke, I laughed.

  • In KKKapitaliSSt KKKanada, KKKopSS have banned watching the sun set.
  • they would use ATVs and low flying helicopters

    Even from a shitlib perspective, that's got to be so needlessly expensive, right?

  • How do you get white men at your org to shut the fuck up and make space for other people?
  • In my local org we have chaired meetings and a timer.

    At the start we quickly decide which member will be the chair. Doesn't really matter who. If someone wants to say something, they have to raise their hand and the chair has to call on them before they can talk. Then they have 3 minutes to say their piece. The chair keeps track of the timer and also decides who speaks next, so if two people are dominating the discussion by going back and forth, the chair can choose to wait a moment to see if anybody who hasn't spoken yet wants to raise their hand. We do this for like 40 minutes and then go into informal discussion once it feels like we've run out of things to say.

    At first I found this rigid and uncomfortable, but as soon as I attended a different org's meeting where they didn't have this policy, I wouldn't have it any other way. (Somebody talked about veganism for 45 minutes with long personal anecdotes, and everyone was too polite to tell him to shut up. And he wasn't even vegan.)

  • Liberals: vote so that we can defeat fascism! Them defeating fascism:
  • lol look at this stalinist supporting NEWSPAPERS. like a TROT

  • Chinese news vs American news
  • please let me know if this happens so I can cancel my plans

  • Boo! Something exciting and interesting happened!!! Boo!!!!!
  • Just Stop Oil should have exploded the rocks instead fr

  • take your phone to a protest

    hee hee hoo hoo you should definitely bring the self-surveillance device that is registered in your name, covered in cameras, and reports its location at all times to a legally dubious event

    great plan

    did he?

    this investigative journalism is extremely important for society, thank you snopes for your untiring work to save democracy

    War in space: US assesses NZ's ability to quickly launch satellites War in space: US assesses NZ's ability to quickly launch satellites

    The United States has been assessing New Zealand's capability to help with rapid rocket and satellite launches if war breaks out in space.

    War in space: US assesses NZ's ability to quickly launch satellites

    stooopppppp iiitttttt !john-agony

    Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do' Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do'

    The Department of Conservation has ordered Matutaera Te Nana Clendon to dismantle his illegal dwelling but he says he's not going anywhere.

    Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do'
    Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do' Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do'

    The Department of Conservation has ordered Matutaera Te Nana Clendon to dismantle his illegal dwelling but he says he's not going anywhere.

    Northland kaumātua's vow to stay on Moturua Island: 'I have a job to do'
    Wide-Reaching Surveillance in New Zealand Through ANPR Police use images from number plate recognition cameras for variety of purposes

    Police mostly used the AI-driven tech to corroborate existing evidence, place vehicles at times and locations for an investigation, and as supporting evidence in criminal cases.

    Police use images from number plate recognition cameras for variety of purposes

    >Officers tap into either of two privately-owned ANPR systems several hundred times a day, documents have shown. > >"The images can be used for any number of purposes and an extensive list does not exist and so cannot be provided," technology assurance chief adviser Dr Andrew Chen said in response to an RNZ Official Information Act request. > >"Your request for a list of the 'full potential range of uses' and 'actual range of uses' is therefore refused."

    A definitive list of woke and non-woke foods (a follow up to NZ's facist party's school lunch rhetoric) A definitive list of woke and non-woke foods

    Unsure if your snack gets the David Seymour tick? This will clear things up.

    A definitive list of woke and non-woke foods

    >Chips, packet (ready salted, salt and vinegar or chicken flavour) = NOT WOKE > >Chips, packet (all other flavours) = WOKE > >Chocolate, Whittaker’s Miraka Kirīmi = WOKE > >Chocolate, other = NOT WOKE


    Subscription airbag

    Image description:

    Tweet: Okay I thought this one straight up has to be hyperbole, there's no way they'd make an airbag that checks your subscription status or it doesn't go off, but it's fucking TRUE: "Without the subscription service from In&Motion, the airbag system is non-operational."

    Quoted tweet: Reminder that Klim makes a motorcycle airbag vest that has a subscription service and if you don't pay and get in a wreck it just doesn't go off

    Google results screenshot: Ai-1 Airbag Vest (Klim) - Choose from $12/month or $120/year subscription options, which include...

    Original tweet dated 30th April 2021

    I started replying to spam emails with PPB

    Someone annoying me in my inbox? Now I hit reply, type "please see attached for my offer", and attach PPB.

    I imagine it works even better if I disguise it as a PDF file. Haven't been getting any replies since I started using this method.

    23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews 23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews

    At least a million data points from 23andMe accounts appear to have been exposed on BreachForums. While the scale of the campaign is unknown, 23andMe says it's working to verify the data.

    23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews


    Genetic data from 23andMe users was stolen in a targeted attack. Hackers accessed user accounts by guessing passwords and then scraped profile information from relatives sharing features. They posted a sample claiming to contain 1 million Ashkenazi Jewish users and hundreds of thousands of Chinese users. The hackers are selling access to the profiles for $1-10 each.

    23andMe says the leaked information is consistent with the attackers' claimed methods, but the company is still working to confirm whether the leak is real. The full picture of why the data was stolen, how much more the attackers have, and whether it is focused entirely on Ashkenazim is still unclear.

    Brett Callow, a field expert, says this incident highlights the privacy and security risks of DNA databases that store and share sensitive genetic information.

    Used Game Sales Increase 400% After Taylor Swift Seen Playing a Sega Game Gear Used Game Sales Increase 400% After Taylor Swift Seen Playing a Sega Game Gear

    A photograph that features Taylor Swift playing a Sega Game Gear has caused major disruptions in the preowned gaming industry.

    Used Game Sales Increase 400% After Taylor Swift Seen Playing a Sega Game Gear

    (Article text from Hard Drive, the world's most trusted insider source for video game information)

    NEW YORK CITY — A photograph taken by tabloid outlet TMZ which features Taylor Swift playing a Sega Game Gear, a portable gaming console from the 1990s, has caused major disruptions in the preowned gaming industry, sources have confirmed.

    “Busiest week of my life,” said Bert Grantham, owner of Bert’s Bits, a used gaming store in Brooklyn. “Lately, I’ve been struggling just to pay my bills, but Monday I come and open up, and all these girls in Taylor Swift shirts say they need Sega Game Gears, and they need them now. I sold out of games, accessories, damn near everything. These girls were so curious about video games all of the sudden, they were buying strategy guides to stuff they didn’t even have. Then all the ones who arrived after I sold out of Game Gears threatened to put me out of business.”

    The surge of new customers proved curious to established patrons of Bert’s Bits.

    “Doesn’t really make sense to me,” said Troy Agnew, a regular customer. “She’s on a tour bus all the time, plus now she has time to kill at her boyfriend’s football games. Every reason in the world to own a handheld console. Also, please remember that Taylor Swift can afford to get into whatever hobby she wants, even collecting retro video games. I think it’s cool if a bunch of Swifties get into gaming, but they’re just not able to have the same experience she is. Maybe at least download some emulators and see if you like it before you make it your whole thing, you know?”

    As of press time, Swift had announced her next stadium tour would be composed of “probably about half Sonic covers.”
