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Lemmy community discoverability is not user-friendly and can be improved App side
  • login to travel to and be able to comment.

    See, this is kind of impossible because of security reasons.

    Imagine logging in on gmail, going to facebook (without any further action in between) and being able to read your emails. That would be convenient but catastrophic!

    Yes, I know, FB and gmail are two different things, but the concept of auth is the same. A website saves a cookie in your browser and uses it to check whether you're authenticated or not. And that website can AND SHOULD only be able to read its own cookies.

  • What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs
  • oh man... I'm such a dumb dumb .. didn't even try 10.3.0, now I did and the docker version works and is extremely fast, compared to a CPU... Thank you so much.

  • What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs
  • It would the first scenario you described... i'd just interact with a chatbot occasionally like I do with chatgpt now...but I'd also like to try to experiment with copilot like models to test and use with vscode. So no training of models or 24/7 batch operations.

    I was wondering whether a custom built gaming PC is the only solution here or if there are other cjeaper alternatives that get the job decently done

  • What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs
  • I have the exact same gpu and tried that. But couldn't get ollama docker version (rocm) to work with the gpu. even changing the env variable to 10.30.1. (rocminfo reports gfx1031)

    would you mind giving some instructions or a link?

  • what's a good ip camera for home assistant?
  • Yeah, I've already heard about such a solution, where I'd need a Pi that acts as the streaming client, which then should work with any camera.

  • What would be the cheapest and most cost-effeciant way of self hosting LLMs

    I've a minipc running an AMD 5700U where I host some services, including ollama and openwebui.

    Unfortunately the support of rocm isn't quite there yet and not to mention that of mobile GPUs.

    Surprisingly the prompts work when configured to use the CPU, but the speed is just... well, not good.

    So, what'd be a cheap and energy efficient setup to run sone kind of LLM for personal use, but still get decent speed?

    I was thinking about getting an e-gpu case, but I'm not sure about how solid this would end up.

    what's a good ip camera for home assistant?
  • can these be configured to stream TO a remote frigate server?

    Example: I'd like to install one at my parent's house, connect it to my parent's wifi, but have it stream to frigate, that's hosted on my server in another city?

  • European diplomats warn Rafah strike could lead to strict interpretation of ICJ ruling
  • yeah... US should really outsource their bomb production somewhere, where they care about quality control

  • ‘Exterminate the beasts’: How Israeli settlers took revenge for a murder in the West Bank
  • This is exactly what pisses me off about all of this... it's 2024, we see live footage on various platforms, and the "leaders" make eurovision-like decisions all over the past few months.

    It's not 1945 where they used to make decisions based on hearsay, its 2024 ffs, with live footage.

    They spread fakenews about beheaded babies without any proof and justified the killings. But the footage that clearly shows acts of crime isn't remotely considered to stop this cruelty.

  • ICJ Ruling Won't Immediately Change War in Gaza, but Danger Still Looms for Israel
  • yeah let's nuke everyone who's committed some form of genocide in the past few (50, 100, 1000) years... until we're just left with people living on some unpronounceable islands.

  • ICJ Ruling Won't Immediately Change War in Gaza, but Danger Still Looms for Israel
  • And then Russia? And we all live in peace happily ever after?

  • Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage
  • dude, no one gives a fuck about the Hamas, it's a fight against the IDF and innocent civilians

  • Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage
  • Then by all means, go to FB if you're more familiar with that kind of communication

  • Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage
  • OP: "you guys repeat superficial platitudes"

    Also OP: "what is IDF ought to do, when hamas launches rockets, while hiding behind civilians?"

  • Israeli strike hits Rafah area after Hamas barrage
  • you lost me at "planting themselves in civilian areas"

  • At least 40 killed in Rafah after Israeli missiles hit camp for displaced
  • Easy... Anything that criticizes Israel is non-credible, and everything else that excuses civilian deaths as "hamas hiding behind civilians" is credible.

  • How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war

    The United Nations and other organizations have presented credible evidence that Hamas militants committed sexual assault during their Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel.

    How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war

    > Working in a kibbutz that was ravaged by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Otmazgin — a volunteer commander with ZAKA, an Israeli search and rescue organization — saw the body of a teenager, shot dead and separated from her family in a different room. Her pants had been pulled down below her waist. He thought that was evidence of sexual violence.

    Is there anything I can do with endless recaptcha's?
  • well, no offense, but what else do you expect, if you don't select the tile that includes 1px of the motorbike that's part ofthe surrounding tiles? get over it, man!


  • Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population
  • Oh man, I just love it how you guys downvote these propaganda faschists into oblivion. They think Lemmy is like FB, where they can get together and push their BS onto us, distracting from the real problem that they try to hide.


  • Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population
  • cool... let's do this...

    #CeaseFireNow #FreePalestine

    Is this antisemitic enough? Sorry for the stupid question... It's my first time, so I'm not sure whether I'm doing it right.

  • Google Feed alternative

    I like how GF shows me articles (with images) of different websites and topics.

    I tried freshrss, and the general RSS workflow, but it's somehow too frustrating having 20 articles of the same site when scrolling through the feeds and it also looks somehow dull without images.

    But maybe it's just me not using the right tools.

    What do you guys use to aggregate news about different topics?

    Lidarr++Deemix - A service to automatically add albums from Deemix

    As someone who listens to a lot of niche artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution.

    Meet Lidarr++Deemix!

    This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that hooks into the process without modifying Lidarr itself, and injects additional albums from deemix.

    Lidarr++Deemix - A service to automatically add albums from Deemix

    As someone who listens to a lot of niche artists, I was upset, that not all albums were present in MusicBrainz. So I came up with a solution.

    Meet Lidarr++Deemix!

    This tool helps to enrich Lidarr, by providing a custom proxy, that hooks into the process without modifying Lidarr itself, and injects additional albums from deemix.

    Is it just me, or is packaging for Flatpak a nightmare?

    I'm trying to package and publish a tool I've been working on, but for the life of me, I'm struggling with Flatpak.

    It's a wails app, that relies on webkit2-4.0 and some additional libraries that are not present in any of the Sdks I'm using. (javascriptcore, etc...)

    To get those libs, I tried building the app AND webkit itself against the specific platform. But since webkit takes such a long time to build, I'm running in circles.


    RAID or single drive for backups?

    Basically title. Is it common to use some kind of RAID for backing up other RAIDs or do people just go with single drives?

    Help me understand contacts, calendar and caldav/cardav

    I've been using Google for the last decade and am owly moving away from it.

    I'm on Fastmail (FM) right now. While I love their mailservice, the calendar and contacts integration is okey-ish, compared to Google.

    Right now, my contacts are scattered across these services. New contacts that I add on my Android phone, are obviously not available on FM, and vice versa.

    Therefore I'd like to setup a self hosted solution to manage contacts/calendars on a centralized place.

    But right now, I can't seem to wrap my head around this topic. I often see caldav/cardav mentioned, but don't know how exactly they are related.

    FYI: I'm a software developer, and I already host a bunch of services behind a reverse proxy.

    Example scenarios:

    • Install a full-featured calendar app (mobile, desktop, web) -> connect to my service
    • Someone sends me a calendar invite to FM -> sync to my service
    • I add a new contact on my Android phone -> sync to my service (make it visible in FM)
    • I add a new contact in FM -> sync to my service
    • I send a new calendar invite via FM -> sync to my service
    • Bonus I send a new calendar invite via App, and it get's sent via FM to the recepients.

    So my question is what self-hosted solutions (besides Nextclowd) are out there that would allow me to accomplish that?

    Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic

    Hey guys,

    I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

    It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

    PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

    Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

    I hope you guys like it. Cheers!

    Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic

    Hey guys,

    I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

    It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

    PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

    Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

    I hope you guys like it. Cheers!

    Resticity - a cross-platform frontend for restic

    Hey guys,

    I've been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it's at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it's FOSS of course.

    It's intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.

    PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)

    Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.

    I hope you guys like it. Cheers!

    Boom... down!

    Seems like there are some real outages going on, right now.

    Amazon FireTv Cube scares the shit out of me

    I just received a new Fire TV cube gen 3, because my old one is malfunctioning. I know, I hate these devices myself, but it's the only option right now, since a new version of the Nvidia shield isn't coming in the foreseeable future.

    So, I plugged in the power chord and the HDMI cable into the cube.

    When it booted up it showed a screen that it's downloading the newest update. At first I thought this must be some typo-bug on the initial boot steps, because I haven't even connected it to the internet yet, neither via cable nor did I go through the wifi setup.

    After the update has finished, I was greeted with my real name and the cube indeed had the actual WiFi settings!

    WTF?! How's that even possible?

    Are there any apps with kind of an educational feed for mindless scrolling?

    cross-posted from: >We all get bored sometimess and scroll mindlessly through various social media feeds, like instagram (fuck you), reddit (fuck you) or lemmy (no offense, love you guys). > > Most of the time content is a wild mix of everything, from news to memes and educational stuff, and very hard to filter out. > > Is there anything out there that contains educational stuff only? where you can just sit there, scroll through it and learn something. thinking of like a short text or image showing some facts, or some math examples, or physics, or whatever. > >

    Are there any apps with kind of an educational feed for mindless scrolling?

    We all get bored sometimess and scroll mindlessly through various social media feeds, like instagram (fuck you), reddit (fuck you) or lemmy (no offense, love you guys).

    Most of the time content is a wild mix of everything, from news to memes and educational stuff, and very hard to filter out.

    Is there anything out there that contains educational stuff only? where you can just sit there, scroll through it and learn something. thinking of like a short text or image showing some facts, or some math examples, or physics, or whatever.

    Concerns about

    The instance has been down several times over the past few days?

    Is there some ongoing maintenance, or are we doomed to face the same as

    Why does my ~/.local/bin contain a bunch of python executables?

    I was just about to try to compile btop with cmake, which gave me some errors about python. which cmake returned ~/.local/bin/cmake which made me curious. After listing ~/.local/bin I found several files there, which all have a similar script within them. `from import main` ``` #!/usr/bin/python3.11

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import re import sys from cmake import main if name == 'main': sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(main()) Have I caught some sort of malware/virus? Are these save to remove? I know that pip installs `--user` binaries into ~/.local/bin, but after inspecting it, there are just these pip list --user Package Version ------------ ------- configparser 6.0.0 protonup 0.1.5 razer-cli 2.2.0 ```

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! adONis
    Why does my ~/.local/bin contain a bunch of python executables?

    I was just about to try to compile btop with cmake, which gave me some errors about python. which cmake returned ~/.local/bin/cmake which made me curious. After listing ~/.local/bin I found several files there, which all have a similar script within them. `from import main` ``` #!/usr/bin/python3.11

    -- coding: utf-8 --

    import re import sys from cmake import main if name == 'main': sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(main()) Have I caught some sort of malware/virus? Are these save to remove? I know that pip installs `--user` binaries into ~/.local/bin, but after inspecting it, there are just these pip list --user Package Version ------------ ------- configparser 6.0.0 protonup 0.1.5 razer-cli 2.2.0 ```

    The files in quesiton: isympy protonup razer-cli poetry keyring pyproject-build doesitcache jsonschema virtualenv dulwich pkginfo qmk milc-color hjson pyserial-ports pyserial-miniterm torchrun convert-onnx-to-caffe2 convert-caffe2-to-onnx wheel ctest cpack cmake lit lpython jc blackd black ttx pyftsubset pyftmerge fonttools autopep8 pycodestyle bluetooth_battery vpn-slice

    Could we send electric data across time?

    Given the fact that data is an electric circuit of ones and zeros, flowing at the speed of light, could we technically send information across time?

    ad_on_is adONis

    Developer by day, gamer by night!

    🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go

    🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora

    🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

    Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn't work and hangs, but hey.. it still adds to the charm, right 😂

    Posts 29
    Comments 283