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Chronically online arch linux users when regular citizens of their favorite communist country uses the world's most accessible and compatible operating system
  • I can feel a shit storm brewing Randy! This is going to start the Linux struggle session isn't it?

  • Locked Removed
    Chinese companies using Windows 11 with Microsoft Edge in their industrial automation πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  • I assume a lot of the machinery itself does run on some flavor of Linux (or maybe even some real-time operating system like VxWorks) that has been stripped down for embedded use, Windows just wouldn't run on this kind of hardware. I imagine this desktop is (as you can kind of see in the photo) just a display that sits in an office and serves as an overview of the machines, display warnings, and all that kind of stuff. Though, since it seems to just be a website, I'm not sure why they also wouldn't use Linux in this scenario either and set it up in a POS (point-of-sale) fashion where all it can do is display that website and nothing else. Maybe they also use them for general office work as well? Who knows.

  • Locked Removed
    Chinese companies using Windows 11 with Microsoft Edge in their industrial automation πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  • They're in the process of moving away from Intel/AMD chips in all government machines now that their domestic alternatives (namely LoongArch) have gotten to a state where they're good enough for most day to day tasks. I give it some time, but I wouldn't doubt them requiring a similar move away from these chips in extremely crucial settings like this.

  • M'lordddddddd, my cyberwagon hath crashed itself.
  • Sorry to hear this. On the contrary, my Cybertruck saved me the other day by engaging automatic emergency brake when I was distracted for a moment!

    Another good comment:

    Tesla isn't lining any pockets so the lobbyists are practicing some internet gorilla warfare

    Gorilla warfare? Never seen that before, but I imagine it'd be pretty scary!

  • USMC F-35 crashes off of airfield near Albuquerque airport
  • That leaves like what, only 1 more that can still fly? che-smile

  • Fleet of Boeing planes found to have fuel tank flaw that could cause explosion
  • Yep, this sort of thing happened when the New Palestine train derailment happened. For a month or so after it happened all you heard about was how another train derailed even though it's (unfortunately) very common in the US and statistically multiple of them happen every single day. It's not like trains just started derailing out of nowhere, it was always happening, it's just that the media found something new that gets them clicks and keeps rolling with it.

  • New guy idea: Stereotypical redneck in every way, but instead of believing "The South Will Rise Again", believes "The USSR Will Rise Again".
  • Damn, don't know much about this guy but I've seen a few of his videos and from what I saw he seemed like a cool guy. stalin-bummed

  • New guy idea: Stereotypical redneck in every way, but instead of believing "The South Will Rise Again", believes "The USSR Will Rise Again".
  • Was his death ever confirmed? I saw people saying he died but I never saw like an actual confirmation if it was true or not.

  • Capitalism has triumphed all over the world, but this triumph is only the prelude to the triumph of labor over capital. - Vladimir Lenin
  • It will happen, it's inevitable. Capitalism can't sustain itself forever despite what people think. It may not happen during our lifetime, but it's still our job to lay the groundwork of a better future so the comrades that come after us can pick up where we left off.

  • New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC
  • Where will Windows users draw the red line? Please, for the love of Lenin, just install a Linux distribution. It's not as scary as it seems, I promise. Pick something that has a large user base, things like Fedora, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, literally anything is better than Windows at this point. This is especially important if you're doing any real life organizing that requires you to do things on your computer, don't just hand over everything to Microsoft (who will hand over everything to any government that asks) out of convenience.

  • East Germany = Best Germany
  • "Homosexuality, just like heterosexuality, represents a variant of sexual behavior. Homosexual people do therefore not stand outside socialist society, and the civil rights are warranted to them exactly as to all other citizens." ― Supreme Court of East Germany, 1987

  • Am I wrong though?
  • Which you will most likely be able to disable with a policy.json just like Librewolf does with Pocket and other Mozilla services. I personally rather just build Firefox from Mozilla's sources and use my own configuration rather than having to put trust into some third-party to do that for me. Though I understand that is definitely not everyone's cup of tea, so I guess Librewolf is good enough for the majority of people. Though I'd be weary because a lot of the settings Librewolf enables (namely the things under privacy.resistFingerprinting) break a lot of websites which some people may not want to deal with. In that case, I'd just take Arkenfox's configuration and remove all that stuff from it and call it a day.

  • Am I wrong though?
  • Meh, it's just Firefox with a config applied out of the box and some new branding. They don't really patch anything of importance out of Firefox, pretty much all of their patches are just changes for their branding/styling.

    You can find the config that comes out of the box here: which appears to just be with a couple of extra things added like Brave's query stripping list.

  • A second grader with autism at a North Carolina school was ultimately pinned on the floor for 38 minutes, according to body camera video of the incident. The officer put his knee in the child's back.
  • I'm neurodivergent and this shit fucking traumatized me in school, and honestly, not even just the cops in school just cops in general. I really fear the day I'll have to interact with one of these fucking pigs for whatever reason because I honestly expect to get shot or something because I did something "wrong".

    I've said it multiple times but it can't be said enough... Death to America amerikkka

  • Macklemore - Hind's Hall - suprised this hasn't been posted here yet.
  • Even the reuploads that don't even contain the music video get age restricted, YouTube working over time as of recently!

  • China will dominate the world of tech, Web Summit’s Cosgrave says
  • Good, the international-community-1international-community-2 can keep it's aging technology built on the backs of the military industrial complex, genocide, and occupation for itself while the rest of the world moves forward.

  • New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser automagically New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

    Microsoft is now using a Windows driver to prevent users from changing the configured Windows 10 and Windows 11 default browser through software or by manually modifying the Registry.

    New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

    !windows-cool !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball

    Long story short: That pop-up you get when you open Firefox (or whatever other browser) for the first time asking you if you want to make it your default browser won't work anymore. They're forcing you to go through their convoluted control panel where you have to change it like 20 times for each file extension.

    10,000 machines powered by the home-grown Loongson 3A5000 CPU and Linux make their way into China's classrooms

    LoongArch will win !xi-cooking

    Rough Weixin post translation by DeepL: > Recently, the Hebi Municipal Government joined hands with the Municipal Education Bureau and other departments to introduce nearly 10,000 units of Longxin 3A5000 computers into the classrooms of nearly 50 primary and secondary schools in Hebi Municipal Direct and Hebi Qibin District. These computers are based on the independent Dragon architecture of the Longxin 3A5000 processor, equipped with a domestic UOS operating system, installed WPS office software, Extreme Domain teaching (operation and maintenance) management software and a full set of genuine licensed software, and through the classroom management to the teaching, programming, national/provincial and municipal management platforms and a total of 104 applications, to help the city in the realization of the education industry in the education industry, the basic hardware equipment as well as education and teaching The company has taken a solid step forward in realizing the independent control of basic hardware equipment and educational teaching and learning applications in the education industry.

    Edit: Someone posted this already, oh well. This won't stop me from !posting

    Check out this dope ass bear

    Just a big silly forest dog if you really think about it !og-hex-bear

    Turns out that piano player from that Reddit post the other day is just a racist

    Really weird (/s) how quickly it went from a couple of Chinese tourists asking politely not be filmed to the guy embracing the racist Winnie the Pooh stereotype and talking about how oppressed Hong Kong and Taiwan are.

    Daily reminder to update your BIOS for security patches Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack

    UEFIs booting Windows and Linux devices can be hacked by malicious logo images.

    Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack

    The news about this specific vulnerability is a bit old by now, but it doesn't hurt to drop a reminder that you should update your BIOS frequently to prevent yourself from falling victim to other vulnerabilities later down the line. BIOS updates can also improve performance as well (or make it worse, cough, Spectre mitigations) in a few scenarios.

    If you have a laptop, it's probably as easy as just downloading your manufacturer's tool from their website, clicking a few buttons, restarting, and you should be set or your manufacturer might provide these updates thru Windows' update system which in that case you don't need to download any additional software.

    If you're on a desktop however, most of the time this involves you downloading a file, throwing it on a USB stick, and updating it from the BIOS screen or by pressing a button on the back of the motherboard.

    Either way, you're probably only a [insert search engine name here] search away from finding a guide on how to do it for your specific motherboard/device.

    A few words of caution though: If you're on a desktop without a battery backup it's probably wise to only do these updates when you have high confidence that your power isn't going to drop during the update. If you lose power during one of these updates, recovery is not a fun task (unless your motherboard is fancy and has a button to recover from these kinds of scenarios) and your motherboard basically becomes a cool looking paper weight unless you want to flash the chip manually, which is possible but is kind of annoying to do and requires the right tools (but they're pretty cheap from Alibaba or whatever)

    Anyway, rant over. Make sure you keep your computers up-to-date comrades, it's always worth spending the half an hour or so it takes to update everything on your computer so you can have some extra peace of mind.

    Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières convoy attacked by IOF MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to Israeli army responsibility | MSF

    On 18 November 2023, an MSF evacuation convoy came under fire in Gaza killing two people. After collecting the testimonies of MSF staff present, we consider that all elements point to responsibility for this attack to the Israeli army.

    MSF convoy attacked in Gaza: all elements point to Israeli army responsibility | MSF


    Zvyozdochka Zvyozdochka [comrade/them]

    If you have the capacity to tremble with indignation every time that an injustice is committed in the world, then we are comrades.

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