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‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Interesting reading all the comments about how you can understand those who don't want to fight.. yet, most of you support financing this war...the Democrats are sending BILLIONS of dollars, and god forbid we question where all the money is going... right?

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • How did Trump destroy democracy when he was president? How horrible was your life? What freedoms did you lose when Trump was President? Again, scare tactics from the Left that we've been hearing for years now... I'm old enough to remember when they said the same shit about Bush Jr...

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • Neofascism an overrated word thrown around by the Left. That's like me saying that the Democrats are going to turn our country into socialism, when we know that's not true. We heard all these things before, how horrible the country would be if Trump got elected, the "end of democracy"...and yet, under Trump none of those things happened. Both sides use scare tactics, the Democrats are no better.

  • 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic
  • I find it ironic when the Left says "I don't care if Biden is senile and incoherent, I'll still vote for him!" no one cares... But, when the Right says "I don't care that Trump is being charged with all these different things, I'll still vote for him!" they're idiots... funny how that works on Lemmy and Reddit...

  • America is still haunted by the ghost of Ronald Reagan's corruption
  • So, when are you getting involved into politics and changing things? I swear, some of you make it sound like you know better than all of our political leaders throughout history... it makes you wonder, with all these leaders making these "horrible" decisions, why is the US still one of the strongest countries in the world, and people are risking their lives to get here?

  • If you want to understand Trump’s appeal, look at John Gotti
  • I'm just trying to offer a different opinion. This site (like Reddit) is 99% Left leaning. I like to voice my opinion as someone who leans more Right. Or, should Lemmy only be for people on the Left? Should Lemmy only be for people who vote Democrat, have liberal views, and support Biden?

  • Biden’s $30m weekend fundraising blitz breaks Democratic Party records.
  • It's funny how the Left looks at the rich and power as the enemy... when in fact, the vast majority of them in this country are Democrats.. all of Hollywood and the entertainment industry like to say "we're just like you!" and the Left eats it up..

  • New poll finds strong majority opposes gender-affirming care bans for trans minors
  • I don't care what you want to do with your body, but I do care if a child is making those decisions, and everyone is just like "okay!" I mean, let's be honest here, did any of us REALLY know what we wanted and what direction our lives were going when were young teens?

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • I think you have it backwards. Social programs don't help, because that takes an effort by the individual to get involved and be part of something. Most criminals and people who are going to commit crime, are not going to get involved in a social program. I don't know how old you are, but when I was younger, I was absolutely afraid to steal because I didn't want to go to jail. It seems nowadays, that fear isn't there. I would argue more police presence is what a country like the United States needs. People forget just how big, and how many freedoms we have. Hoping that all these people, from all different walks of life and backgrounds, follow all the same laws, isn't going to cut it. We need strict laws, more police, so that people know that crime, no matter the level, is not tolerated anywhere in the United States. I want to live in a country where people are afraid to break the law. I know that sounds crazy...

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • Force those that are homeless, who clearly have mental issues, to live in an adult care facility where they can :

    A) Get treatment for drugs/alcohol

    B) Get treatment for mental issues.

    Have them go through a process to get better, if it doesn't help, they don't leave.

    This is what needs to be done in order to get most of these people off the streets. But, it's considered "cruel" and "unusual" by Democrats, so, nothing gets done. We'll never break the homeless issue problem in California with Democrats/Liberals in leadership, that's a fact.

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • I'm glad that crime is down, overall, but it effects people differently depending where they live. I live in California, and drive for a living...traveling to Northern and Southern California often... while some violent crime is down, things like car break-ins, retail theft, petty burglary, and hate crimes have not really changed. Again, people will only react to what they have personally experienced. I was in San Francisco last week... it's still a shit show. Homeless using drugs, crazy people walking around threatening everyone, theft... nothing has changed.

  • EU elections 2024 live: Emmanuel Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections after huge far-right gains
  • So, what do you suggest countries do? Allow anyone and everyone to come in, and government should instead spend all their time and resources going after the wealthy? Are you saying, that if the rich stopped having money, and just..disappeared, everyone would be better off?

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • What? Where do you live? I live in near a big city in California, crime is out of control There's no consequences for many street level crimes now, especially retail theft. I have personally seen people run into stores, grab stuff and run...while employees are just hiding, scared. They call the cops, who won't come because they're backed up with more "severe" crime in the city... so, it continues, and continues. Who's to blame? The cops, who are already stretched thin? The homeless, because hey, they need to eat too! I mean, it's nuts...I feel like I live in a third world country sometimes..

  • ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city
  • So, are you suggesting people just keep voting the way they do, and nothing changes? I mean, we're dealing with the same shit in California. The Left literally does not want to do shit about the homeless crisis. The Right wants forced intervention.. and of course, we can't have that, so we're going in circles. Nothing is getting done with Democrats in power, they literally believe the homeless issue is okay.

  • EU elections 2024 live: Emmanuel Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections after huge far-right gains
  • This argument is old and tiresome. It's the same shit they try and say in the US. "hey, who cares about the immigrant problem, let's go after the rich!" This isn't about the rich, this is about who's the problem for the average, middle class citizen NOW. This is about, why are things different NOW, and what can I do to change them? Many countries are bringing in immigrants as a curtisoy, to help those in need...but it's effecting a class of citizens differently, and now those citizens are voicing concern. The rich will always be here, and that issue will always go in circles because the rich are helping many countries sustain an economy (we always want to attack the rich in the US, but in the end, what would happen if the rich stopped paying anything, and just left?). The argument of "it's the rich people's fault!" has been a battling call from the Left for 100's of years...and they will always default to this, even when it's clear that immigration is causing problems..

  • EU elections 2024 live: Emmanuel Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap elections after huge far-right gains
  • The Far Right movement is gaining momentum because many of their own people are getting tired of the "immigrants are more important" mindset their country is creating. Many of France's own people are getting ignored, so that the political parties in charge can focus on helping poor immigrants from other countries. Well, France's own citizens are getting tired of this, and have started to vote in more people who have a "French People First" mentality (similar to what Trump wanted to do, and everyone called him a racist for being "America First"). So, the party RN (National Rally) wins and now their going to get rid of all the current members in Parliament, and have a new vote to get people in. I think that's what it means?

  • Mexico’s president says he won’t fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a ‘Mexico First’ policy Mexico's president says he won't fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a 'Mexico First' policy

    Mexico’s president says he won’t fight drug cartels on U.S. orders, in the clearest explanation yet of his refusal to confront the gangs.

    Mexico's president says he won't fight drug cartels on US orders, calls it a 'Mexico First' policy

    Remember when Trump said "America First" and everyone cried? Pepperidge Farms remembers..

    How come only Fox News has articles like this?

    Fox News has a bad rap on sites like Lemmy and Reddit for being "fake" and "too conservative." However, they're always reporting stuff that's actually happening, that other news outlets seem to ignore. Like this article for example, which talks about criminals being arrested at the border, yet ignored by other news outlets. I never see news like this anywhere else, when in fact it's actually happening. Why is that? Do news stations like CNN and MSNBC just think it's not a big deal? Or, do they only pander to the Left, which seems to think there's no border issues?

    How do I change my layout back to white background?

    Not sure why it changed, but I don't like this black background on Lemmy...any way to change it back?

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