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A serious political party led by serious adults
  • The Biden Crime Family is attempting to steal the election right in front of us, just like 2020. 6ers were right. We're in the Storm. Patriots are not in control.

  • Come watch mecha anime 🌈
  • I'm writing a gay mecha anime protagonist right now. It is not going well lol.

  • Despair
  • The vibes for this election are so scuffed.

  • Astronauts stuck in space another week as Boeing, NASA troubleshoot Starliner
  • The previous commander assigned to this mission DID quit. The given excuse was "personal reasons," but I think we all know the truth now.

  • Glad they finally christened it
  • Oi! Where's your Dunkirk spirit, mate? The bloody mole's gone an' floated awhy!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Why the fuck does my dogshit state have a primary for down-ballot candidates and a caucus for presidential candidates and why are the elections held on two separate days?!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • Who are these entitled students to stomp all over the dream that school administrators of every level have been fighting toward for decades? Hold strong administration, your vision of a campus with no students, no teachers, only administrators. The perfect educational institution is just over the horizon!

  • A Ukrainian recon commander in Kharkiv said its first line of defense was missing, in a 'betrayal' that allowed Russian troops to just walk in
  • Nobody[52-year-old conscripts] wants to work[Get blown up in a Slavic mudhole so zelensky-pain can delay prison or a firing squad for one more day] anymore.

  • It should be every chef's goal to offend the Iowan palette.
  • Ours was sour cream-based. Don't get me wrong, large kid out of southeast Texas, I could eat the fuck out of some red sauce and green sauce, that and a 1lb bag of chips and I'm dying.

  • It should be every chef's goal to offend the Iowan palette.
  • We had this in Texas at some of the more inauthentic Tex-Mex establishments like Gringo's or Casa Olé. It's usually called "green sauce" or something vague like that. No one tried to pass it off as guacamole.

  • Hudsonville family sues Wendy’s franchise owner after 11-year-old hospitalized
  • Never keep raw garlic in oil at room temperature. It creates an anaerobic environment in which C. Botulinum thrives.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Amerifat brainrotted dem voters when Putin wins an election with 99% of the vote matt

    Genocide-supporting Russiagate facebook minion-posters when Israel intercepts 99% of the Iranian drones mattjak

  • Ukraine Packed A Cessna-Style Plane With Explosives, Added Remote Controls And Kamikaze’d It Into A Russian Drone Factory 600 Miles Away
  • Plan A: The Americans sell us and subsidize a fleet of F-16s, fully equipped with state of the art target-lock AMRAAMS.

    Plan B: Charlie’s dad works a lot and probably won’t notice his weekender is missing for quite a while. Load her up, boys!