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Showerhoughts and Ideology
  • Interesting thoughts, but I have to say something about the socialist/marx and goverment part. I'll try to be friendly:

    Socialists, especially Marx, are dumb, human-hating fucks and control freaks. Sorry, but think that shit through. It cannot work. Research praxeology.

    I for sure would call myself anarcho capitalist and a cyperpunk.

    Hell no about the gov part. I hope monero can help us to get rid of goverments in general. Just live and let live. I'd start a free private city with other people though.

    Oh and on a more serious note: I kind of understand where you're coming from. It's important how you define things like gov, social, socialist etc. I watched and participated in the anarcho capitalist vs anarcho communist discussion. It made me realize both have somewhat similar goals. But the ancap side has the more consistent world view and logical explanations for it. I'm sure you'll figure it out if you stay open minded. I mean you found your way into the monero ecosystem :)

  • Tipping XMR with proof of concept with Lemmy plugin system
  • The idea could be revisited when Jamtis got implemented. Then you could just give away the key for generating new addresses (for every comment).

    But I'd prefer a field in the profile for donation links. Then you could probably check for if it is a link to a site or a crypto address and then show a 'Send tip button'. If one doesn't want a custodial wallet you just open the address in an external wallet.

  • Founders And CEO Of Cryptocurrency Mixing Service Samurai Wallet Arrested And Charged With Money Laundering
  • Because communism is known for it's abundance of housing and excelent healthcare? Communism is the biggest threat to mankind. It's a pipe dream that already killed over a hundred million humans! Not a price I'm willing to pay for free housing and great healthcare (which it CANNOT deliver).

  • Monero 10th anniversary is coming πŸŽπŸŽ‰
  • I will be doing exactly that πŸ₯°

  • Proposal for Generalized Bulletproofs Security Proofs is now open for funding!
  • Oh wow, it's already funded xD

    Important milestone that needs to be researched for FCMPs. Let's hope they find a proof!

  • Open Source Collective Is Disabling Contributions in Cryptocurrencies
  • Why should it? If I want to send money to a person, that's noone's business except mine and of the person receiving it.

  • Paranoid about the Seraphis upgrade
  • Why should the goverment stop at the point where they can see your incoming balance? They probably gonna outlaw it completely.

    If you still believe a monopoly on force (aka goverment) is A: warranted and/or B: needed I can't really help you.

    The state is the biggest threat to our liberty and well being. Monero is here to help us get rid of it (or to just get our well deserved freedom back).

    They're going to introduce their CBDCs so they're able to see every transaction (in- and outgoing). To automatically deduct taxes and block you from transacting completely if you don't comply.

  • Could Monero switch to a proof of stake model?
  • Fair point. The market will find a equilibrium between electricity costs and mining reward. Also compared to the current banking system miners will probably move their business mostly to locations where energy is cheap and highly available.

  • Could Monero switch to a proof of stake model?
  • While I agree that a transaction is mostly the business involving the two parties transacting, they still need to adhere to the network rules. And that's were the miners step in. They don't care which two persons are transactig as long as they pay for it and it's in general a valid transaction (according to the network rules).

  • Could Monero switch to a proof of stake model?
  • As far as I know PoW leads to more decentralization (especially in combination with ASIC resistance) and therefore a more secure network. Energy efficiency comes through advancements in chip manufacturing.

  • Where to buy amazon gift cards (with monero)
  • Yeah that experience doesn't sound too great. I think with allark they don't ask for a name and email, but the fee might be higher (as last time I checked their XMR price was lower than the rates I found elsewhere)

  • Where to buy amazon gift cards (with monero)
  • Which service did you try? I never tried these, but those come to my head first

    If you want to shop at amazon there're also and

  • Download Youtubes (like "Breaking Monero" of course)
  • I didn't know that. Thank you for sharing!

  • Download Youtubes (like "Breaking Monero" of course)
  • great article! Only thing I add would be the app grayjay as an alternative to newpipe :)

  • Interesting article about SimpleX chat's security design/considerations -
  • I would say yes. You download the app (playstore, appstore or fdroid), install it. Then on first time opening it you need to choose a pin for the app and an username for your first profile. Then you can start chating. The gui is pretty similar to signal. And it works pretty good so far. I had problems with calls last time I tried (but a few month back it worked).

  • Interesting article about SimpleX chat's security design/considerations - Interesting article about SimpleX chat's security design/considerations -

    I was kind of blown away to what length the developers go to ensure your communication is as safe/secure as possible (while still delivering a very useable app).

    Interesting article about SimpleX chat's security design/considerations -

    I was kind of blown away to what length the developers go to ensure your communication is as safe/secure as possible (while still delivering a very useable app).

    [Idea] MoneroSea - Uncensored NFT marketplace using XMR as a currency
  • As long as the NFTs don't get saved onto the monero blockchain I'm fine with the idea :) (honestly I really don't care about NFTs)

  • Is Monero currently un-useable?
  • Another full node selfhoster here. I did not notice any problems for me (except some transactions taking some time for confirmations), but I tried to onboard someone earlier and wondered why his freshly installed cake wallet acted weird. You might be onto something about official/public full nodes being overwhelmed or something.

  • Seems like the monero general fund received 2696.73 XMR 🀯πŸ₯³

    Either a whale was generous or the hacker felt bad? πŸ€”

    Actually good explanation video of XMR

    Just stumbled upon this video. Never heard of this channel. But the explanation of Monero and some of it's features are pretty good.
