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FACT: There isn't a skeleton living inside you, that's just gas

If you fart too hard you'll lose your structural integrity and collapse like a floppy sack of flesh.

Your actual skeleton left you because he was tired of your shit

Fact: Marios real name is Barry hes not even Italian

Nintendo made him pretend to be Italian because they hate Italy.

Have you ever seen a Nintendo exec in Italy? Didn't think so.

Barry likes cigars and sex with your mother.

FACT: Joe Biden is an amoeba dressed as a man

We know because once Xi was like "Bro are you a single-celled protoplasm?" and Biden was like "Yes." !biden-troll

FACT: Bleach is safe to drink, but only if you're a CEO

Research indicates that although drinking bleach kills most people, if you're a landlord or CEO it instead gives the drinker superpowers such as immortality and the ability to make people on Twitter stop saying mean things about you.

TRUE FACT!!!: These two are happily married
  • After. Eggman is hoping his new wife remains pissless

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • True fact: Stalin once summoned a demon and the demon asked what he wanted and Stalin was like "yo if I die can you haunt the internet by pretending to be thousands on communists?"

  • TRUE FACT!!!: In communist China, Xi eats any food you cook for yourself.

    If you dare to try and cook something in secret, Xi's secret anti-freedom organ sniff-sniffs your freedom attempts and he teleports into you house and eats all of your food. It's true

    Communism is when you don't own anything

    The less you own the more communism it is.

    The more you own the more capitalism it is.

    I am very smart.

    TRUE 100% VERIFIED FACT: Gorbachev used to call his outfit his garb-achev

    He had a special garb he would wear to eat Pizzahut and sell his country to capitalist oligarchs in. It was his bootlicker garb-achev

    VERIFIED TRUE FACT: Lula was originally going to be the the third Teletubby but that asshole Laalaa stole his audition

    This is why there are no children shows in Brazil anymore. Lula gulaged all the television actors in Brazil as soon as he was sworn in.

    Lula has plans to invade Britain to personally gulag everyone still alive who was ever involved with the creation of Teletubbies.

    This is, of course, the end goal of all communists.

    FACT: Everyone on Hexbear suffers from an extreme case of doodoo ass

    Symptoms include:

    1. Shidding
    2. Farding
    3. Pissing

    The only cure is to praise owls.

    Note: Wrong Facts is not associated with owls or any owl posters. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.

    FACT: Boys-only high schools were originally going to be called guy schools.

    The idea was quickly dropped after people named Guy started claiming the schools as their property.

    FACT: The average US American eats over 20 kilos of bug paste a day but forgets it because they are werelizards

    It was found that this is because white Americans have 60% lizard DNA

    They transform at least once (1) a day specifically to eat bug paste.

    FACT: Big Pharma created a cure for liberalism but it costs 5 million USD

    They thought it would be funny to charge that amount. The scientists are hoarding all the anti-liberal drugs for themselves.

    100% VERIFIED TRUE FACT: Joe Biden wins pickle eating contest. Becomes Pickle Joe

    Earlier this week, President Joe Biden reportedly won a pickle-eating contest in central Iowa.

    After consuming the pickles, Biden transformed into a pickle himself.

    Bystanders report that he would exclaim "Check me out, Jack, I'm pickle Joe!" to passers-by, who would mostly sigh and pretend not to hear him.

    BREAKING: Elon Musk died 3 weeks ago

    All of his social media is being managed by ghostwriters. Tesla is secretly hiding the fact that he died, so as not to scare away investors.

    Elon drowned to death approximately three(3) weeks ago while testing a new Space X cabin toilet. The toilets smart pipes detected a large amount of baby meat in Musks poop, causing a malfunction that resulted in a huge explosion. The AI controlled toilet cabin door locked in order to create a 'subscription opportunity' making escape for Elon impossible as he drowned in a rising tide of his own poopoo doodoo.

    This is all 100% true.
