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What Cars do You Swear By?
  • I’ve owned 3 Subarus over the last 15 years. Drove the first two for years with 0 issues. 75k+ on both. First was a lease then buy out and was offered a great deal on the second to trade in. Only got rid of the second due to a change is need for a personal car. When I had a need again I got a third which I’m only at about 60k on but plan to drive this one as long as it’ll go. Only thing I’ve done so far outside oil changes and other routine stuff was brakes. Which I consider routine.

    Another reason is swear by them is AWD in a very snowy climate without SUV gas mileage.

  • New communities and flooding the feed
  • Love that idea actually

  • New communities and flooding the feed
  • Even a limit of posts per community would be great. 2-3 from each community max in the first 100 would even be awesome. It would also force a lot of lesser known communities into peoples top posts and help growth in them.

  • New communities and flooding the feed

    What I mean is someone sets up a new community, blasts it with a bunch of content to get things started, or sets up a new community bot that makes 20 posts and every other post in my feed is that community. Usually with 1 or 2 votes each and no comments. No matter what way I sort I see this.

    I have zero issues with people getting things going within their space, and it’s not a knock against new communities that don’t want to be empty when people stumble across them.

    It’s a complaint about the algorithm flooding my feed with so much content from one place that I’ve unfortunately blocked communities over this that I otherwise would have continued to run across and maybe engaged with in the future.

    I’m not sure if your first X results should all be unique communities or putting some sort of engagement threshold in place before they show up in the top X posts or something. I don’t really have a perfect answer but to me this is a flaw in the system.

    How exactly should I structure by NodeJS typescript project
  • Compartmentalize things so they all handle one thing individually and then you call those things from a main class is generally the way you’d do it.

    Splitting things up will make your classes specific to a certain functionality and allow you to keep track of everything without individual files being thousands of lines, though sometimes they will end up that way anyway to achieve a single piece of functionality.

    So for example you might have a service to call the api to get data, a service that exclusively posts to mastodon, etc.

    You can write 500 lines of code to do something in your service and hide it away but then just call it like petInfoService.getPetInfo() from your main class and when you look at the flow it’ll make a lot more sense.

    Any reason you chose typescript out of curiosity? Nothing wrong with it, just curious.

    Feel free to post code if you need help. Just make sure whatever you’re posting or uploading to git doesn’t include any API keys.

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Agreed that 5 month wait time is wild, but 5 months from today is closer than 5 months from next week. Get the ball rolling. Set yourself up to get the help you want, you deserve to be mentally healthy. Seems you’ve already made the decision that you want some assistance which is great. There is nothing wrong with seeking outside help. I don’t dive into fixing my cars engine, I get someone who knows exactly how it works.

    Hope you have a good day today.

  • International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban and punish transgender players
  • What a weird way to go about it. Knowing a small amount about chess ratings the loss or changing of title does in some ways make sense though in the way that the bar for a woman to be considered GM is lower than a man. So effectively you would have a title that may have a rating requirement higher than your pre-transition rating. I get that part…. But the rest?

    These are weird rules that really don’t need to be there and I hope too GMs speak out against this in both the male and female sections. There has been quite a bit of drama in the chess community in recent years over what is essentially gender discrimination. So another stain on chess with this one.

    Editing to add: the differing rating requirements in an intellectual game are very strange to begin with. There are many women who meet the requirements of being a GM(male) rather than a WGM and they’re a significantly smaller portion of the overall chess players

  • I want to be a professional, but not seeing trans guys in successful positions is disheartening.
  • I felt completely stuck in my job and returned to school to do CS and now work as a software engineer. It’s never too late, I was in my 30s. If you choose to pursue it do it for the right reasons. Sit down and start to learn a bit of code if you don’t already know how to do some basic stuff. It’s not for everyone that’s for sure. If you have any questions about school as an adult I would be happy to answer. The other poster who said “it’s more about producing good work” is exactly right. good luck

  • Well well well
  • I’m so tied of the bot spam in all these communities with 0 interactions showing up in the feed. For every one I block I swear 2 more show up. I don’t even get the point. Dead community maybe a few votes and just endless spam. Is there a block bots checkbox like there is a block nsfw

  • How to remove a single button from the tool bar?
  • I have no idea how the app is built I hate to say, Ive never looked at it. Was just giving some general advice. If I get some time I'll dig a bit sounds fun

  • How to remove a single button from the tool bar?
  • Use the inspect button in your browser and you can pinpoint it in the html which will help you pinpoint it in the actual component.

    Be aware though this isn’t shutting off functionality. Just hiding the functionality. People could still upload directly though api calls

  • 3080 - all screens go black but PC still running more info inside
  • Wow that’s an awesome tip I had no idea that was a command.. It was more than a month between occurrences but I’ll keep this in my back pocket for next time. Thanks

  • 3080 - all screens go black but PC still running more info inside
  • I appreciate the thoughts. It was a brand new psu with plenty of extra wattage. My old 750 was sufficient but went bigger just to be sure in this build. I’ll check on bios and drivers. I know my gpu drivers are up to date but not sure on bios. It’s happening with 2 different builds though where the gpu is the only common factor. I feel like that rules out most everything else component-wise

  • I want to switch to android
  • I’ve had this issue in the past. I had to spend hours on the phone with apple support to get them to manually remove my number from the iMessage database of known numbers. Then you also have to wait for that to sync back to everyone’s devices who has you as a contact. It was awful and still didn’t fix it 100%

  • 3080 - all screens go black but PC still running more info inside
  • I have all new drives and a fresh windows install obviously. Literally the only thing from the old to the new guild was my gpu.

    Do you rma through nvidia or through the card manufacturer. I’ve never had to do it before. What’s the typical experience if you know off hand?

  • 3080 - all screens go black but PC still running more info inside
  • Very slightly in this build but wasn’t at all in my previous

  • 3080 - all screens go black but PC still running more info inside

    Looking for recommendations on how to diagnose this weird issue I had for the second time today while playing Baldur's Gate. Previous time it happened was playing wow.

    Anyway, what happens is my screens all go black but the game is still running, just no video output. I can still hear discord, the game running, music going etc. Just no video out.

    My GPU seems to run hot for my taste (80C max) during intensive times playing games but from what I read that is a totally safe temp for a 3080. Generally around 50-65 though during normal play

    For reference, I had this card for a while but just rebuilt most of my PC with a new processor, motherboard, 1000W PSU, new ram and case that I put extra fans in. This happened once in my old build and now a second in my new one.

    Is this an issue with the card, the power going to it not being sufficient or something else... I am well under the wattage rating for my PSU so unless its an issue with the power in my apartment I am lost. 0 other issues with gaming or heat.

    Please give any advice how to diagnose or what to do

    WoW Servers - a community to discuss WoW private servers
  • Isn’t the entire point of classic to get off p2w private servers that can and do just shut down randomly destroying your progress?

    SOM servers seemed like an absolute godsend.

    I’ve played since vanilla and even went back and did all of classic again when it first came out again a few years ago. My only private server experiences were not good by any means.

    Is there something I’m missing or is it just about saving the monthly sub cost

  • Hello, World!
  • This sounds like a fun project to be honest. Are there any risks involved by getting bad content through federation that’s out of your control?

    Just a week or so ago I read an article about a guy running a tor exit node personally and being held responsible for the traffic

  • Bot, can I make one? Without technical know-how...
  • Nobody is going to be able to give you a walkthrough in a post. There are a lot of concepts at play which are all going to require you get on google and start learning. You’ll inevitably run into issues that can be specifically asked about and answered but this is so general how would we even begin to give a walkthrough.

    If I had to give a spot to start I’d say look into interacting with the apis (or any apis in general) first in your desired language and then figure out some things you can do with the data you’re getting back from the calls.

  • What is the difference between Linux package managers?
  • I guess maybe the thought with pip and npm is they’re very specialized and the others are much more general. Why bloat a package manager with repositories that many will never need when you can download a specialized one for a specific need. No reason to even have access to npm if you don’t code in js or same with pip and python.

    That said a way to add those repositories to other package managers would be nice and maybe possible. I’ve never really researched it.

    But it’s like anything else, get people into your ecosystem rather than someone else’s

  • How we determine what's true.
  • Good read. Unfortunately I think most are looking at everything on a completely binary scale now. I can watch the news with an opposite spin to what I normally watch and still pull some interesting details or thoughts and get a good idea about what’s happening. But I feel like many will dismiss it in its entirety on both sides if it doesn’t come from their preferred source. Really strange time we live in now where facts can be dismissed on any topic depending on where the story is told and even when you know the truth about it externally.

  • Is there a such thing as indirect federation?

    I'll explain with an example - there are 3 Lemmy instances A, B, C

    A federates with B but not C

    B Federates with both A and C

    Does A indirectly get the content from C due to B's federation with it?

    edit: Formatting for clarity

    YSK: Hitting submit more than once will post your comment/thread multiple times, even with the lag

    With the sluggishness of the site these last few days you can sometimes get slowness or infinitely loading icon when hitting submit. If you aren't sure if your post submitted, refresh the original page in a different tab before hitting submit again to see if it went through. I see double and triple posts in almost every comment section.

    WontonSoup WontonSoup
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    Comments 37