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New Teslas might lose Steam
  • Hey, congrats! I’m 14 years clean from heroin myself.

    Ok, I can see my opinion is in the minority here. Games in cars seems like a bad idea to me, but I’m not the king of cars.

  • New Teslas might lose Steam
  • I’m not trying to compare them on a chemical or scientific level.

    I’m just saying that I was able to quit cigarettes and I have had some friends who are not able to quit video games, so it is at least a little addictive for some people, and those people would not be better served by one more place to play.

  • New Teslas might lose Steam
  • Why can’t it wait until you get home? We took ashtrays out of cars, so why would we put another addictive and distracting thing in there?

    I play games too, but I also recognize that they can overwhelm some people.

  • Louis Coulon, trade unionist, with a cat in his 10-foot long beard, France, 1890

    cross-posted from:

    > Louis Coulon, trade unionist, with a cat in his 10-foot long beard, France, 1890

    Canadians digging a trench in Southern France, WW2, 1944
  • Your grandpa was a muthafuckin’ badass. Digging a survival hole to save your skin while getting actively shelled by death itself is a level of existence I can hardly imagine.

    When people say “thank you for your service”, it is in honor of people who have had to endure a moment like that.

  • Tibetan people, ~1908
  • I find that attraction evolves with age, and it becomes easier to see imperfection, differences, and/or signs of age as erotic. There is the eroticism of youth that we all seem to come by naturally, and then there is the eroticism of experience, that is an acquired, but powerful, taste.

  • What Are Your Recurring Costs?
  • My wife says she wishes she could make me scream like Linux does. I told her she would if I could put it in her bash.

    She leaves me alone when I’m on the computer now. It’s quiet in here.

  • What Are Your Recurring Costs?
  • Self hosting is actually crazy cheap compared to any kind of corporate solution. Anybody paying for SquareSpace, for instance, could cut their cost by a factor of 20 or more with a FOSS alternative like Ghost Blog.

    I know my setup is over engineered a little so I pay a bit more, but my expenses are still under $100 per year for subscription services that support the self hosting.

    $2.50 per month for a VPN.

    $40 per year for two VPS’s (this is what I know I overpay for since I didn’t really know how much I needed when I set it up, but the time to change it is worth more to me than the extra $10 per year).

    $17ish per year for a domain name.

    Plex lifetime pass (around $100 one time).

    And of course, ten million dollars in man hours spent learning how to use Linux.

  • Taking Time to Smell The Zinnias - Jonelle Summerfield (2016)

    cross-posted from:

    > Taking Time to Smell The Zinnias - Jonelle Summerfield (2016)

    Either way, I'm getting super drunk.
  • Assuming you lived.

  • Break all the rules
  • Something something government abuse being used to forcefully take over companies, businesses driven over seas, new avenue for corruption to flourish, etc.

    I think businesses should be held accountable too, but creating a superhighway to nationalize control of any business that steps out of line is a recipe for disaster. How long until politicians use that power to find justification for stealing whole corporations?

  • Mother identified as person killed in fall at daughter’s Ohio State graduation ceremony
  • Jealousy? Debt anxiety? Guilt about something? Depression?

    I almost feel like they shouldn’t have reported this one until we had some sort of answer here.

  • Ice Spice MetroCard set to roll out in NYC
  • But if they aren’t bright yellow, then how am I supposed to find them when they slide under the bed?

  • Switzerland’s Nemo is first nonbinary singer to win Eurovision Song Contest
  • I wouldn’t even know who Nemo is if it weren’t for this thread.

  • Charlamagne Tha God Won’t Come Out for Biden After Getting ‘Burned’ With 2020 Endorsement
  • Did you read the article? He said he knows “who he will vote for to preserve democracy” (Biden). It isn’t unpatriotic or foolish to criticize both sides for what you legitimately see.

    Honestly, I’ve found some of the dismissal and rage in this thread disturbing. Charlamagne is nowhere near an enemy of Biden, and he was just answering questions that some people around him have been asking.

    Setting the precedent that anything less than full throated support of Biden is unacceptable is a slippery slope—Trump supporters want exactly that for their side too. Let people speak their mind, and listen if you want to.

  • Charlamagne Tha God Won’t Come Out for Biden After Getting ‘Burned’ With 2020 Endorsement
  • And he was pretty forgiving about that comment too—if dems think Charlamagne is to blame for those two awful interviews, then they clearly didn’t watch them. He did what he could to minimize the damage they did to themselves. If anything, him keeping his distance this time is just sparing them the rope they might hang themselves with again.

  • Charlamagne Tha God Won’t Come Out for Biden After Getting ‘Burned’ With 2020 Endorsement
  • Are you for real? That’s his hip hop name, and he’s a tastemaker in his circles. He actually tried to help Kamala Harris out with her butchered interview on his show 4 years ago, and softened the blow of the audience reaction.

    Charlamagne isn’t an enemy of Biden, and he came up with his stage name as a young guy in the streets who was learning about Charlemagne in night school. It was created at a time that he was aspiring for more and had no success under his belt. Making fun of him for it is kind of messed up in my opinion. His name is iconic in hip hop.

  • China bad
  • Came here to say the same—a crack pipe is usually straight and open on both ends with a metal filter of iron wool in it, often of “Chore Boy” brand…or so I’ve heard.

    China bad. /s

  • Tunnel of love? Cautious adders get a helping hand in Berkshire
  • I’m gonna need Rowan Atkinson to weigh in on this.

  • Trench cat, France, 1918

    cross-posted from:

    > British soldier with the trench cat, France, WW1, 1918

    Sick Boy with a Cat - John Bowen

    cross-posted from:

    > Sick Boy with a Cat - John Bowen (mid 20th century)

    White Cat - Nishida Tadashige (1999)

    cross-posted from:

    > White Cat - Nishida Tadashige (1999)

    Gluetun: The Little VPN Client That Could

    cross-posted from:

    > [Promoting] Gluetun: The Little VPN Client That Could > > My journey with docker started with a bunch of ill fated attempts to get an OpenVPN/qBittorrent container running. The thing ended up being broken and never worked right, and it put me off of VPN integration for another year or so. > > Then recently I found Gluetun…and holy fucking cow. This thing is the answer to every VPN need I could possibly think of. I have set it up with 3 different providers now, and it has been more simple and reliable than the clients made by the VPN providers themselves every time. > > If you combine the power of Gluetun with the power of Portainer, then you can even easily edit settings for your existing containers and hook them up to a VPN connection in seconds (or disconnect them). Just delete the forwarded ports in the original container, select the Gluetun container as the network connection, and then forward the same ports in Gluetun. Presto, you now have a perfectly functioning container connected to a VPN with a killswitch. > > So if any of y’all on the high seas have considered getting more serious about your privacy, don’t do what I did and waste a bunch of time on a broken container. Use Gluetun. Love Gluetun. Gluetun is the answer.

    [Promoting] Gluetun: The Little VPN Client That Could

    My journey with docker started with a bunch of ill fated attempts to get an OpenVPN/qBittorrent container running. The thing ended up being broken and never worked right, and it put me off of VPN integration for another year or so.

    Then recently I found Gluetun…and holy fucking cow. This thing is the answer to every VPN need I could possibly think of. I have set it up with 3 different providers now, and it has been more simple and reliable than the clients made by the VPN providers themselves every time.

    If you combine the power of Gluetun with the power of Portainer, then you can even easily edit settings for your existing containers and hook them up to a VPN connection in seconds (or disconnect them). Just delete the forwarded ports in the original container, select the Gluetun container as the network connection, and then forward the same ports in Gluetun. Presto, you now have a perfectly functioning container connected to a VPN with a killswitch.

    So if any of y’all on the high seas have considered getting more serious about your privacy, don’t do what I did and waste a bunch of time on a broken container. Use Gluetun. Love Gluetun. Gluetun is the answer.

    Trogdor the Burninator - Strong Bad (2003) [April Fools]

    cross-posted from:

    > "Trogdor the Burninator" by Strong Bad (2003) > > Source > > > Happy April 1st, dragon fans

    Ceylon Scenery - Edward Lear (1874)

    cross-posted from:

    > Ceylon Scenery - Edward Lear (1874)

    Media Library Statistics Display for Public Viewing

    I’m hoping to find some kind of statistical display for my media library that I can show on my website. I found Medialytics, which is a little rough, but essentially what I’m looking for, but it isn’t secure enough for public display because the Plex token is included in the script for the page.

    Does anybody know of a good statistics display for a large media library that would have a publicly displayable page similar to uptime-kuma?

    Night on the El Train- Edward Hopper; etching (1918)

    cross-posted from:

    > Night on the El Train- Edward Hopper; etching (1918)

    [Wishlist] BOINC Screensaver with WebUI

    I have found several docker containers that allow you to run a BOINC server as a container, but I haven’t seen any that give you access to the BOINC screensaver. My ideal would be if the screensaver itself was shown on a dedicated port so it could be used easily as a display without any controls popping up.

    Sadly, I have no idea how to make this or how to get a custom container made. I guess I’m just throwing this idea out to the universe in hope that it happens someday.


    cross-posted from:

    > Remi | Ilford HP5 Plus (@800), Canon 50mm f1.4 LTM, Leica M4

    When in Rome...

    cross-posted from:

    > When in Rome...

    Shoda Koho - Black Cat (1930’s)

    cross-posted from:

    > Shoda Koho - Black Cat (1930’s) > > Inspired by a haiku poem by Kawabata Bosha (1900-1941): "In the thick of the leaves / the eyes of a black cat / ominous flashes of gold"

    Cat Watching a Spider, 1892 - Ōide Tōkō (1841 - 1905)

    cross-posted from:

    > Cat Watching a Spider, 1892 - Ōide Tōkō (1841 - 1905)


    cross-posted from:

    > Oscar [Minolta X-500 I 50mm 1.4 with Vivitar 3R filter I Maxicolor 200 (20 years expired)]

    The Love Chase by Charles Christian Nahl (1869)

    Carl Christian Heinrich Nahl (October 18, 1818 – March 1, 1878) was a German-born painter who lived in the United States for the last half of his life. He lived most of those 30 years in California and is considered among the state's first significant painters.

    The White Cat - Franz Marc (1912)

    cross-posted from:

    > The White Cat - Franz Marc (1912)

    WeirdGoesPro WeirdGoesPro
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