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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Can anyone suggest a good current events recap video or something similar? Some of my siblings were recently homeless for several weeks, and now that things have improved and stabilized for them, one of them mentioned feeling like they don't know anything that's going on right now. I was hoping there's something out there that would help them get caught back up, without me sending them like ten different videos on individual topics

  • happy birthday solider
  • The pants probably wouldn't fit over the cardboard embedded in his legs anyway

  • Things to do in DC
  • I thought the MLK memorial was pretty cool when I went. It's kind of tucked away near the Lincoln memorial, and not on all the tourist maps you'll see, but well worth the visit in my opinion

  • Loving these NCR New Yorker style cartoons
  • I think a big factor as well, on the meta side of things, is that the majority of the Legion's planned content was cut in order to get the game out on schedule. Most people don't even notice because people don't usually side with them (nor have I, even though I've lost count of my number of play-throughs), but their whole side of the map is almost empty, and even the Brotherhood has more faction quests and everything. I think if that hadn't happened, we would have seen a much more fleshed-out and interesting faction, and questions like this would be explained.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition is free this week on EGS
  • I personally loved it, although it's been since 2016 when I played it last. I put 95 hours into it and was disappointed that there wasn't more. I've tried a handful of times to go back to it over the years, and still enjoyed it every time, but something always ends up coming up where I can't put the time into it.

    It's also one of the few games of its type (out of the ones I've played anyway) that has romance subplots but doesn't have a hardcoded sex scene at any point, which I always appreciated. I assume that depends on the particular character you're romancing, but with my playthrough it never happened.

  • Big Bean
  • An unholy combination of Heinz baked beans and Weetabix cereal

  • Again
  • Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...

  • Ah man I wish I saw it sooner. I'm in north Georgia, people 10 minutes away could see it just fine about two hours ago, but I can't see anything now

  • UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter
  • Goes to show that the "two-state solution" is a liberal fantasy that could never actually happen

  • Absolutely not gonna click that one youtube
  • From past experience, even just hovering over a video and letting the preview play for 10-15 seconds is enough to add it to your history as partially watched.

  • NSFW
    (cw:seafood boil) The longer you look, the worse it gets
  • When I was growing up in poverty, a favorite meal to make myself was to cook a box of pasta, dump in a bag of frozen brussels sprouts in the last minute or so of cooking, and then mix it all together with some teriyaki sauce. Not the best or the healthiest, but it would make two meals worth of food for like $2 lol.

  • NSFW
    (cw:seafood boil) The longer you look, the worse it gets
  • I also see what looks like half of a lemon in the top left. I just noticed the brussels sprouts too lol

  • What languages are you learning?
  • I've been working on Spanish for a couple of years now, but what was once 30+ minutes a day has become <5 minutes a day just to keep my streak up on Duolingo. I need to get back into it, I interact with multiple native Spanish speakers in my everyday life, but I'm not quite at the point of being able to have even a simple conversation

  • liberals and petite bourgeoisie about to :vote: the shogun out of power🤮
  • I haven't really been able to fully figure the loyalty system either. I know standard of living is a main component of it, but I haven't found a good way to reliable keep loyalists around. This is what it says on the wiki, but it doesn't really help with figuring out what to do:

    Radicals and loyalists, just like with interest group membership, are not whole pops but rather individuals within pops. Loyalists can be considered happy or content, while Radicals are unhappy.
    There is a large variety of ways that pops can become radicals or loyalists, here's a few of the more common reasons listed below: 
       Pops that experience an increase in SoL will become more loyal.
       Pops from political movements that have their demands fulfilled become more loyal.
       Pops that experience a decrease in SoL will become more radical.
       Pops from political movements whose demands are ignored may radicalize over time.
       Pops whose SoL is below the minimum they expect to have will radicalize over time, particularly if it's so low that they're actually starving.
       Pops that are discriminated against (ethnicity/religion) radicalize over time (but only if they are literate!)
    Pops will remain radical or loyalist until they either die or have a status change as a result of becoming more radical/loyal (for example, a loyalist pop might stop being loyalist if their material standard of living suddenly takes a nosedive), but they do, in fact, die.
    As generations die off and are replaced by new ones, less and less people will remember all the great things done for the country 30 years ago and will start wondering instead what has been done for them lately. 
  • Any good communist hoi4 mods?
  • I haven't played a lot of Millennium Dawn, but Kaiserreich is probably at least three quarters of my HOI4 playtime. Keeping in mind that it's all alt-history, and as such doesn't have a lot of overlap with events in the real world, I enjoy playing the leftist nations in the mod. China is one of the more developed areas of the mod, but with an entirely different setup vs. IRL China. There's a ton more content than vanilla HOI4, with almost every country having a unique focus tree, and there are events as far out as the 1950s for most major nations, as far as I'm aware.

    I've also had fun with the USSR successor states in TNO, but I haven't played much else in the mod. It was fun to rebuild the USSR from the remnants of the red army led by Zhukov.

    There's Red World Fan Fork, which is an alt-history mod where the USSR wins the cold war, but I haven't had a chance to play it yet. And it's not really communist specifically, but I've been messing around with North America Divided, which has communist paths for most nations (located entirely within North America, as the name implies lol).

  • Hey remember that Mass Effect 2 sidequest
  • It's unfortunate, there was originally a whole "dark energy" storyline that was supposed to provide an actual justification for the reapers and become the main story after they were gone. If I remember right, the gist was that the mass relay-based tech that keeps being re-developed in every cycle effects space-time in a way that would threaten life across the universe if it was used at too big of a scale, so the reapers regularly purge advanced civilizations to keep it from getting developed too much, to preserve life in the rest of the universe. But we would only find this out after stopping the reapers, so then the story becomes finding a way to stop it from happening without having to resort to cyclical genocide. They started hinting at it in ME2 so they could do the big plot twist in ME3, but then there was a change in the writing staff after 2 came out, and between that and 3 being rushed so much, it was never picked back up. Except for the sort of half-assed reworking of it for the plot of Andromeda lol

  • Settler meta is too op, devs please buff liberal idealism
  • I switched tabs and forgot the context of this post for a minute, so I just spent a little bit trying to parse your comment as some really weird political take lol

  • Found on r/monarchism
  • the Soviet government passed one of its first acts ever, with the decree of 3 May 1918 that expropriated about 2,500 cars from the bourgeois members of society.

    To give an historical perspective, this predates the October Revolution by about six months


  • hey Hannah Arendt, can you say 'the holocaust was bad?'. Arendt: "All bureaucracies are bad: nazis, Stalinists, ABAB"
  • It reminds me of that series of tweets where several people were asking Notch to just say that he's not a Nazi, and he weaseled out of every single one just like that