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Palestinians in Gaza say finding clean drinking water is like “prospecting for gold”
  • None of what I'm saying disputes that. I hope Israel will be held accountable for all the crimes they've commited. I don't agree with how, but I agree with why they're doing it. What do you imagine they're even supposed to do? On top of the IDF's disregard, they're commonly used as human shields aswell.

  • Palestinians in Gaza say finding clean drinking water is like “prospecting for gold”
  • I was replying to

    The murder of civilians by intentionally withholding food and water, and blockading all entrances to the area is explicitly a war crime.

    I'm not disputing what they're saying. I just get the feeling, that people tend to be quite one-sided when it comes to this issue. I'm not actually even quite sure why I replied to this user in particular, as the message itself I mostly agree with.

  • Palestinians in Gaza say finding clean drinking water is like “prospecting for gold”
  • Sure people can criticize Hamas, but they’ve done considerably less damage in this conflict.

    But is that because they're being much more considerate and careful around civilians than the IDF or is it simply just lack of resources? Imagine if the roles were reversed.

  • Palestinians in Gaza say finding clean drinking water is like “prospecting for gold”
  • There's a ton I condemn Israel for. If this is true then I'll just add it to the list. Believe it or not, I condemn the murder of civilians period. It doesn't matter whose doing it. Plenty of religious extremism and disregard for others going on on both sides. That's why I'm not rooting for one or the another.

    Residents of the kibbutz said that Hamas fighters told them not to be afraid as they were there to fight the IDF, and they state they were not harmed by Hamas.

    Hamas Terrorist Calls His Parents With Israeli Victim’s Phone to Brag About Slaughter: ‘Your Son Killed Jews!’

  • Palestinians in Gaza say finding clean drinking water is like “prospecting for gold”
  • I condemn Israel for the civilians they're killing in Gaza. I do not approve and I hope they will face the consequences for it.

    Do you condemn Hamas for murdering the 250 innocent people at the peace rave? Are you able to critizice both sides or do you just turn a blind eye to the other?

  • PSA: Reddit is Forcing Users to Accept Personalized Ads
  • I don't think my adblocker cares what kind of ads they're trying to show me. If anything their algorithms will just get confused for why this guy who used to be here hours every day now only comes to watch war videos once a day but no longer comments or upvotes anything.

  • Tällaisia sähkön hintoja ensi talveksi nyt ennustetaan
  • Eiköhän sitä itsekkin pörssisähköllä mennä. Pieni talo onneksi, niin lämmityskustannukset ei tähtitieteelliset tule olemaan jokatapauksessa. Täytyy varmaan laittaa varaajaan kellokytkin ja tutustua saisiko vessan lattialämmitystä ja ilmalämpöpumppua jotenkin ajastettua.

  • Oh no youtube
  • While I basically agree with what you're saying, I'd also like to point out that the money they get from you watching ads is miniscule. I don't remember which YouTuber it was, maybe Matthias Wandell, who said that if you donate just one dollar, that's more than they're ever going to profit from you watching ads.

  • Oil prices have risen. That's making gas more expensive for US drivers and helping Russia's war
  • The only times I see people like me, who prefer owning a car "shouting down" people adcovating for better public transport, is when people suggest I should get rid of my car and ride a bus instead. A good public transportation system is a net-good for everyone, and in no way inconveniences me especially if I never even use it. It's not busses and trains I have an issue with - it's the naive city dwellers who thinks that because they get around just fine without a car then anyone would.

  • Vuorokausiajastin lämminvesivaraajaan

    Voiko tuollaisen perus 5€ vuorokausiajastimen pistää lämminvesivaraajan töpseliin, että voisi vähän enempi hyötyä halvemmasta yösähköstä? 2KW näyttäisi olevan varaajassa tehoa ja Opalin ajastin tuotetietojen mukaan kestää 3.5KW. Kyseessä on siis aivan tuollainen töpseli seinään varaaja missä ei ole kuin lämpötilansäätönuppi.

    Mitenköhän pitkään tuollaisen 100 litran varaajan ylipäätään edes tarvitsee olla päällä vuorokaudessa? Kahden hengen käytössä ei ole vielä ainakaan koskaan loppunut kesken.

    Jostain tässä on pakko koittaa säästää kun tuntuu inflaatio kumoavan kaikki jo käytetyt konstit..

    What does the fear of being judged by others hold you back from doing that you would otherwise do?

    To be fair I still do these things but only when I'm alone.

    Personally I love finding big puddles and then dig drains with a stick or my heel and watch the water flow.

    Also love to throw a piece of wood into water and then toss stones high up in the air and try hit it imagining it's a warship I'm trying to bomb.

    Then also without going into details there are some pieces of clothing I would like to wear but don't because they're considered femine or gay.

    Have you ever been under general anesthesia? What was it like? Did anything strange happen?

    As a compliment to the thread about near death experiences I'd really like hearing people's experiences of losing consciousness under general anesthesia and what's it like coming back.

    Also interested of things anesthetists may have noticed about this during their career.

    Put some new shine on my +10 year old Haix Airpower P3 hiking boots.

    I use these alteast 3 times a week while mountain biking. Fits my foot like a glove and still holds water. Hands down the best shoes I've ever had.

    One thing to note though is that these are not for winter use. The rubber gets hard in cold weather and has zero grip on ice and I truly mean zero. Ask me how I know lol

    Could you resist a true virtual reality and should you?

    Lets assume we develop the capacity to create virtual worlds that are near indistinguishable from the real world. We hook you up into a machine and you now find yourself in what effectively is a paraller reality where you get to be the king of your own universe (if you so desire). Nothing is off limits - everything you've ever dreamt of is possible. You can be the only person there, you can populate it with unconscious AI that appears consciouss or you can have other people visit your world and you can visit theirs aswell as spend time in "public worlds" with millions of other real people.

    Would you try it and do you think you'd prefer it over real world? Do you see it as a negative from individual perspective if significant part of the population basically spend their entire lives there?

    Zombie Survival - A place to discuss the hypothetical scenario of a zombie apocalypse

    This is the niche topic I'm into and since nobody else has made a community for it I made one myself.

    All related discussion is welcome: preparing, weapons, base location, vehicles, tactics, rebooting civilication etc.


    Zombie Survival

    Second year in a row leaving half of my yard unmowed

    From the street my house looks abandoned but luckily I'm not keeping up with the Joneses

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Exploring diverse perspectives on contentious subjects.

    Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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