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Trump floats idea of three-term presidency at NRA convention
  • FDR was not a socialist and the New Deal was a compromise from the existing capitalist power structure in order to harness and then diffuse the growing socialist energy in the country. It's a huge reason the New Deal focused so much on highway expansion instead of public transportation.

  • Dots connected
  • The protests that aren't oppressed are the ones that are utterly ineffective. Think flash in the pan pussy hat protests, that are more about making the participants feel good about themselves than actually forcing change.

    If a protest has the capability to last and continue bringing their issue to the forefront it will be met with oppression.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • You've inhaled your own facts too frequently if you think everyone critical of Biden and the democrats want a Trump presidency.

    It's Biden's to lose and he keeps making choices to ensure it happens. Stop expecting blind support because only Trump gets it.

  • U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel
  • Oh there is no other option, but that wasn't my point. Republicans extremism allows the Democrats to continue to fail the American people in a ratchet effect. It's a slow slide into Fascism instead of a fast one. Isreal has been killing the Palestinian people and forcing them to seek asylum since the country's inception. Weapons to Isreal are weapons to kill the native population, it's what colonizers do.

    Allowing lip service to pacify the publics awareness only plays into their favor. That is my point. Don't make excuses for them.

  • WTF Leia?!

    cross-posted from:

    > This card is salt on the wound.

    Star Wars Unlimited - Review

    Actual review starts at 18:38.

    For all the great things they have to say about the game their scoring is heavily impacted by being a channel for board games. I agree with pretty much everything they have to say, except the art has really grown on me and I am glad they went in a different direction from previous SW card games. The art feels as fresh as the gameplay.

    And the gameplay is extremely good. FFG has announced that they have 3 additional sets already printed and an additional 6 ready to go. On top of that the tournament support makes organized play a priority for the game which I love as from what I can see WotC has been dropping that ball more and more as Arena has become more of their focus.

    Have you played the game? Are you interested?

    A Game-Changer for the Godot Engine

    Really stoked about this announcement.

    I'll Just Build One Deck

    Star Wars: Unlimited is filling the MtG hole after I got fed up with their mismanagement of the game.

    How to Play - Star Wars: Unlimited

    Really enjoying the game so far!

    I'll Just Build One Deck

    Star Wars: Unlimited is filling the hole left after I was tired of the way Hasbro has been handling MtG.

    Rose Windows - Glory, Glory
    Our School System Is Broken, What Can Workers Do?

    The guest this week has some great perspectives to share from inside the teacher's union.

    BATTLE CRY - Lamassu

    Stoner Metal

    JD McPherson - "Socks" [Lyric Video]
    Noname - namesake
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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