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Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • What do you mean? It came to them in a dream, obviously.

  • America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden
  • Because I would like to still be alive and not a second class citizen so that I can do what I can to advocate for those who still need that recognition and aid rather than backslide and have everything be universally worse. Can't rightly do that when I'm getting sent to the fucking camps too.

  • French revolution
  • I think this is the kind of sensationalist headline I can get behind.

  • obligatory bear post
  • We have this. It's called Intersectionality and we still get yelled at over it lol.

  • Removed
    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • A worse problem? Women being justifiably reluctant to trust strange men is worse than rapists?

  • Everything freedom loving Conservatives have banned Canadians from doing in recent years
  • What on earth do you think those lessons are for? It almost certainly covers spotting signs from people you trust that might lead to abuse, and protecting yourself by removing yourself from the situation if you can.

  • Door mat subscription is $29.99 per month
  • llllkeyllllphobia. Makes about as much sense as some other phobia names!

  • Real French
  • Gottem

  • Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art"
  • If you think this debate is about which one is "better" you have fundamentally missed the point. Disregarding the AI aspect entirely, art is subjective. "Better" is completely meaningless in that context. Is it more technically proficient? Better composed? Even if answers match, it could be for entirely different reasons between people. And then there are people who will disagree entirely. There is no objective measure. So then, what is the point of art?

    It's different for everyone, and it just so happens that a significant portion find AI generated compositions hollow on top of being unethical.

  • Larian Studios Won't Make Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Expansions, or Baldur's Gate 4
  • It's not exactly safe money when you're spending well deserved good will continuing to work with a company that is self-destructing it's own good will. They're quitting while they're FAR ahead.

  • degree in bamf
  • This is news to me because I have been condescended to exponentially more as a decently passing white trans woman by cis white men in particular than I ever was before transition by ANYONE. Worst I ever got from black men was one calling me a "pretty thing" riding past on his bike. White men are getting the most push back as of late because they have historically been the worst offenders. And that hasn't changed yet. That doesn't mean the rest of us are free of guilt, but there is a very obvious frontrunner when it comes to unearned perceived self superiority, conscious or not.

  • Radical
  • Sure and that's an infinitely better reasoned concern than "but vegans live on drugs and that's bad and unnatural". I'm not even vegan, just wanted to call it out how silly and arbitrary that line of thinking was.

  • Radical
  • Meat is just a nutrient supplement administered orally.

  • Aldi plans to open 800 new locations in the US as Americans feel pinch of high food prices
  • Yeah they're ALL over at least northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. And for the longest time, it was the only place I could find zero-carb bread that didn't taste like garbage.

  • As the night owl, can confirm.
  • Oh yeah it's a "grass is greener" situation for sure. The folks who can't sleep as much for whatever reason, be it circumstantial or biological, understandably can be jealous in the same way.

  • As the night owl, can confirm.
  • As someone who naturally sleeps for 10 to 12 hours and still sleeps through alarms, it's extremely relatable to long for being able to function on much less sleep with little to no help. So I believe her. It sucks losing hours like that.

  • A reminder to all you far left and far right nutjobs that think Joe Biden has done nothing significant in office
  • The only TRUE anti illegal immigration position. There is no illegal immigration if it's all legal. Based.

  • What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?
  • The OP literally explained the feature in their post. The notification light.

  • Mammals have muscle?
  • Normalize 👏 straight 👏 men 👏 being 👏 gay 👏 for 👏 women 👏

  • Squirrelanna Squirrelanna

    Pronouns: it/its, she/her, or fae/faer. It refers to itself in third person. That's just how it be.

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