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Elizabeth Holmes barred from federal health programs for 90 years
  • I read that as in she is unable to work or research, in the medical field, not as a patient.

  • A boomer retirement bomb is about to blow up America's economy
  • My father has Parkinson’s and my mother, who was his primary caregiver, passed a few months ago. They went from being comfortable with their finances and having a small, but nice home, to my father now going into a nursing home and likely lose everything he owns because of how expensive nursing care is. We are looking at $7k a month with zero assistance from Medicare and he has enough money that he doesn’t qualify for Medicaid but will burn through all his assets in just a short time. It’s ridiculous that people work hard and save and it’s all gone in a flash.

  • The 'wealth transfer' from boomers won't save Gen X and millennials
  • My mother passed recently and was the caregiver for my father who has Parkinson’s and can’t live alone. My parents managed to save some money but not enough to afford him moving to an assisted living facility but has too much to qualify for Medicaid. There won’t be enough money to care for him let alone any sort of inheritance. Fucking system is so fucking broken.

  • Step 1: Rule
  • Weirdly we were literally watching YouTube shorts of people farting into pots.

  • Just no
  • That was a great show and had so much potential.

  • Oklahoma police officer is charged for beating, kicking, tasing, and pepper spraying neighbor's dog
  • There seems to be more and more stories of police hurting animals. What a POS.

  • My baby boi Radar tested positive for lyme disease yesterday :(
  • Wishing for a speedy recovery!!!

  • [DISCUSSION] Relax, I'm From the Future (Spoilers)
  • Ooh! I love Rhys Darcy! Is it going to theaters or something like Netflix? My Google fu is not giving me any details for some reason.

  • Do life insurance rules that deny payment after suicide discriminate against those with mental health issues? If those rules didn't exist would suicide rate increase?
  • Interest question. I would guess (with no scientific evidence) that it wouldn’t have a significant impact but that is only a guess.

  • McDonald's pushes back: "business model can't sustain $20/hr"
  • I want to say the going rate is around $40/hour for registered nurses but I’m sure it varies depending on city/state in the US.

  • Developers fight back against Unity’s new pricing model
  • Well that is a small bit of relief.

  • Developers fight back against Unity’s new pricing model
  • I have many hours in Slay the Spire and would absolutely buy the game again in support if the moved.

  • Routine Building - IOS App?
  • Oh that is great! Thank you, I will check it out!

  • Routine Building - IOS App?

    I'm a bit new(ish) to working out and utilized a personal trainer to get me started over the last few weeks. I can't afford to continue using a trainer and was wondering if there was an app out there that helps you build a routine? I looked at Apple Fitness and I don't want videos, just something that can help build a routine such as - 3 sets 12 crunches, 3 sets of 8 standing overhead dumbbell presses, etc. Ideally it would just list out the exercise, number of reps/sets, etc. as a checklist that you can mark as complete as you go. Most apps I have come across are only videos. Any suggestions?

    Maui resident: 'We still have dead bodies floating in the water' Maui resident: 'We still have dead bodies'

    A Lahaina resident talks about the recovery efforts after a wildfire swept through the Maui town.

    Maui resident: 'We still have dead bodies'

    A Lahaina resident talks about the recovery efforts after a wildfire swept through the Maui town.

    Ms. Roxy just saying “hi!”
  • Good catch!

  • Ukraine-Russia war – live: Kyiv warns ‘more drones, more war’ coming after Moscow attacks Ukraine-Russia war: Kyiv warns ‘more drones, more war’ coming after Moscow attacks

    Russia’s defence ministry claimed on Tuesday it had downed multiple drones headed for the capital, but one ended up hitting the same skyscraper that was struck last week

    Ukraine-Russia war: Kyiv warns ‘more drones, more war’ coming after Moscow attacks
    Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • Had my account for 13 years and was a lurker for a while prior to that.

    I thought I might miss Reddit but I really don't. Only issue is trying to find info on random things I can't find anywhere else.

  • Carer shortage: Woman stuck in hospital for 11 months Carer shortage: Woman stuck in hospital for 11 months

    The 96-year-old was one of thousands on waiting lists for carers and says she felt "imprisoned".

    Carer shortage: Woman stuck in hospital for 11 months

    "It's just this awful feeling of being imprisoned," said 96-year-old Lily, who was stuck in hospital for nearly a year while waiting for care support to become available. She is just one of thousands of people in the UK who have been stuck in hospitals or at home due to long waits for care assessments. Lily was delayed in being discharged despite her being "medically fit", and because her council had difficulty finding carers to support her at home. The BBC has found 23% of councils in the UK who provided data had average delays of over a month for care assessments, with some people waiting years for care. The Local Government Association (LGA) said the figures showed a "chronically underfunded system and the pressures councils continue to face". The UK government said waiting lists were down but there was "more to do".

    Last Week in the Fediverse – Episode 28 Last Week in the Fediverse – Episode 28

    Stanford releases a report on CSAM on Mastodon. An extensive research on why some Bluesky users have stopped using Mastodon. Calckey rebrands with new forks.

    Last Week in the Fediverse – Episode 28
    USpolitics SpringMango
    Delaware House approves bill allowing business entities to vote in town’s municipal elections Delaware House approves bill allowing business entities to vote in town's municipal elections

    State House lawmakers have approved legislation authorizing a small town in southern Delaware to allow business entities, including corporations and limited liability companies, to vote in municipal elections.

    Delaware House approves bill allowing business entities to vote in town's municipal elections

    DOVER, Del. (AP) — Lawmakers in the Delaware House of Representatives have approved legislation authorizing a small town in the southern part of the state to allow business entities, including corporations and limited liability companies, to vote in municipal elections.

    Lawmakers voted 35-6 on Friday for the measure, which was sent to the Senate on the final day of this year’s legislative session. The Senate declined to take up the measure, although it could be revisited when the General Assembly reconvenes in January.

    The bill authorizes a charter change for the city of Seaford, one of more than a dozen municipalities in Delaware that already allow nonresident property owners to vote. At least four allow corporate entities and trusts to vote in municipal elections, while others restrict such entities to voting in special elections such as annexations, referenda or bond issues.

    Charter changes requested by local governments in Delaware are typically approved in the General Assembly in perfunctory fashion without debate or controversy. Seaford’s charter change, which sets no precedent, nevertheless drew national attention because of media campaigns by opposition groups including Common Cause and the American Civil Liberties Union. The criticism resonated with progressive House Democrats, who refused to vote for the measure. “This is not a new thing,” Republican Rep. Danny Short, a former mayor of Seaford and chief sponsor of the bill, said Thursday before a failed vote on the bill. “I don’t know why people would criticize a simple charter bill.”

    The bill was resurrected Friday following closed-door deal-making by GOP lawmakers and majority Democrats, who control both chambers of the Legislature. Passage of the measure cleared the way for a final vote Friday on a $1.4 billion capital budget for the fiscal year starting Saturday.

    The charter change would allow nonresident voting by both a natural person or an artificial entity, the latter including corporations, partnerships, trusts and limited liability companies established in Delaware. Any such entity would have only one vote, no matter how many properties it might own.

    A business entity or trust would cast its vote by power of attorney, corporate resolution or affidavit authorizing a designated legal representative to vote on its behalf. A person voting on behalf of a business entity or trust would have to be a resident of Delaware.

    In order to vote, an artificial entity would be required to certify the identities of all beneficial owners. Those names would be cross-referenced with voter registration lists to guard against multiple votes on behalf of related entities with common ownership.

    According to a survey by the Delaware League of Local Governments, at least 15 municipalities allow nonresident property owners to vote in elections, and at least 12 allow voting by entities such as corporations, trusts and limited liability companies. That list includes Rehoboth Beach, where President Joe Biden has a summer home. Rehoboth is known as “The Nation’s Summer Capital” because of its popularity among denizens of Washington, D.C., some of whom own vacation homes in Delaware.

    According to the National Conference on State Legislatures, 11 states allow nonresidents to vote in local, municipal, or special elections. Connecticut, Tennessee and Delaware allow nonresident voting in certain municipal or town elections.

    Short said the charter change is aimed at helping economic recovery efforts in Seaford, a town of about 8,000 situated on the banks of the Nanticoke River. Seaford was once home to a thriving DuPont manufacturing facility and known as the “Nylon Capital of the World.” DuPont sold the plant in 2004, and the town lost thousands of jobs.

    Seaford town officials, who approved the charter change in April, say business owners who have invested in the town through entities like LLCs and partnerships should have a say in local affairs.

    Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of Common Cause Delaware, criticized the House vote, saying corporations have no place in elections.

    “In a state with more registered businesses than residents, this bill gives wealthy outsiders the power to override the actual people of Seaford,” she said in a news release.

    According to the minutes of the April town council meeting, only two members of the public commented on the proposed charter change, one for and one against. In an election three days later, the resident who spoke in favor of the charter change defeated an incumbent councilman who voted against it.

    In an interview earlier this week, Short said critics of the charter change are putting out erroneous information and don’t understand what’s going on in Seaford.

    “This is outside people trying to control an entity that actually has home rule,” he said. “In fact, it’s almost hypocritical what they’re doing.”

    Democrats introduce bill to eliminate student loan interest for current borrowers
  • I don't believe the GOP would ever let this pass but this would help considerably towards getting out of debt, although slowly. The student debt loan relief would have been even better but obviously that didn't happen.

  • A bomb at a political rally in northwest Pakistan kills 10 people and wounds more than 50 A bomb at a political rally in northwest Pakistan kills 10 people and wounds more than 50

    Police say at least 10 people were killed and 35 wounded when a powerful bomb ripped through a rally by supporters of a hard-line cleric and political leader in the country’s northwestern Bajur district that borders Afghanistan

    A bomb at a political rally in northwest Pakistan kills 10 people and wounds more than 50
    African Union gives 15-day ultimatum to Niger junta to end regime but soldiers seek continuity African Union gives 15-day ultimatum to Niger junta to end regime but soldiers seek continuity

    The African Union has asked the junta that overthrew the democratically elected government of Niger to return to barracks within 15 days just as the soldiers, facing growing international pressure, met with senior civil servants to discuss how to run the West African country

    African Union gives 15-day ultimatum to Niger junta to end regime but soldiers seek continuity
    UK-India trade deal could be signed this year, suggests official UK-India trade deal could be signed this year, suggests official

    Talks remain ongoing between the two governments, after the initial target of securing a deal by Diwali last October was missed.

    UK-India trade deal could be signed this year, suggests official
    USpolitics SpringMango
    Mitch McConnell’s ‘sandbag’ moment stokes anxiety over US gerontocracy Subscribe to read | Financial Times

    News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

    Edit: Thanks @Jearom for providing the paywall free link!

    Tim Scott attacks Ron DeSantis over Florida's slavery curriculum Scott criticizes DeSantis over his support for Florida's slavery curriculum as they stump in Iowa

    U.S. Sen. Tim Scott is criticizing fellow Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for supporting standards requiring teachers to instruct middle school students that slaves developed skills that “could be applied for their personal benefit.”

    Scott criticizes DeSantis over his support for Florida's slavery curriculum as they stump in Iowa

    It is concerning we are still arguing over if slavery was wrong in today's time.

    “What slavery was really about was separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating,” Scott, the sole Black Republican in the Senate, told reporters on Thursday after a town hall in Ankeny. “So I would hope that every person in our country — and certainly running for president — would appreciate that.”

    Deadly Mediterranean wildfires kill more than 40 Deadly Mediterranean wildfires kill more than 40

    Wildfires have claimed most lives in Algeria, but blazes are also widespread in Greece and Italy.

    Deadly Mediterranean wildfires kill more than 40
    Push Notifications

    I can’t get the push notifications to work. When I try to turn it on it just sits and spends. Is there a setting that is causing the issue?

    China beats its own record for hot days over six months China beats its own record for hot days over six months | CNN

    China has registered the highest number of hot days over six months since records began, according to authorities, as the country confronts another record-breaking summer of blistering heat.

    China beats its own record for hot days over six months | CNN
    Archaeology SpringMango
    Project uses AI and archaeological materials for network analyses from the Middle Stone Age to antiquity Project uses AI and archaeological materials for network analyses from the Middle Stone Age to antiquity

    Publishing in the international journal Antiquity, a team of archaeologists from seven countries led by Kiel University has presented the "Big Exchange" project, which uses AI to better understand the networks and interactions of prehistoric and early historic people.

    Project uses AI and archaeological materials for network analyses from the Middle Stone Age to antiquity
    Venture Bros. SpringMango
    Doc Hammer reveals the 'Venture Bros.' scene he regrets losing
    Archaeology SpringMango
    On the Map, Nothing. On the Ground, a Hidden Maya City.

    In a biological preserve in Mexico’s Campeche State, a team of archaeologists has documented pyramids, palaces, a ball court and other remains of an ancient city they call Ocomtún.

    Armed with machetes and chain-saws, hacking through fallen trees and wading through dense scrub, the archaeologists cleared a path down rocky trails.

    At last, they reached their destination in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula: a hidden city where pyramids and palaces rose above crowds over 1,000 years ago, with a ball court and terraces now buried and overgrown.

    Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History hailed their work late last month, saying they had discovered an ancient Maya city in “a vast area practically unknown to archaeology.”

    “These stories about ‘lost cities in the jungle’ — very often these things are quite minor or being spun by journalists,” said Simon Martin, a political anthropologist who was not involved in the work. “But this is much closer to the real deal.”
