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  • Al Capone was only able to be arrested for tax fraud, because it was very hard to prove he and not one of his lackeys. I think this akin to that

  • The romance story everyone wanted
  • I thought this story line was pretty wholesome. It gave him character development and showed that he isn't a complete nuisance/hindrance

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • Finally! Finally they're trying to take the bullets out of the gun instead of trying to make a stronger bulletproof vest. I feel cautiously optimistic!

    I'm a bit jealous that there's no side effects, though. Depo made me gain 30lbs in ONE month. I'm lucky it made my tits significantly bigger (Went from a B to a DD), but that was not a fun experience.

  • Detroit just had it's first population growth in 66 years. Huzzah!
  • My grandmother is convinced it's still like that. She would not have let me go to WSU except it's the only school in Michigan that offered a degree in Mortuary/Postmortem Science

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • I'm severely immunocompromised. Let them try and get the mask off my face. I'd prefer to hit them with my cane, but in all honestly, it would be more effective to sue them on federal ADA violations.

  • It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC
  • Let them try .. I'm a cancer survivor with a compromised immune system. They can fuck right off and I'll be filing an ADA complaint.

  • Detroit just had it's first population growth in 66 years. Huzzah!
  • I live in Detroit and I don't get why people are scared. Yeah, there's a few scary areas, but the city itself is safe with a great nightlife scene.

  • And now you get the bad ending
  • Detroit Become Human. It was a wonderful game, but there were so many decisions that changed the ending of each character. It was hard because I always wanted the happiest endings possible

  • Get rid of them.
  • I'm so glad I got sterilized once the RvW info got leaked. I wish I could thank whomever leaked it. In my eyes, they're a hero.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • A lot do, actually. There's a bunch of places you can get paid for online surveys, people who can't work a normal job do them full time and most make ~30k/year from bed. It's been great for the disabled community.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • Yup, a lot of my cosplay/fashion designer friends have had their work stolen and they can't do anything because it's international and they can't afford an attorney with their small business income.

    Those cat paw socks, Danielle Baloo at Toe Beanies created them, several years ago and in the process of getting a patent, they were copied by Alibaba sellers. She was denied her Kickstarter campaign for drop-shipping, and had to fight for months, proving she was the original designer. Screw people who steal designs. She worked her ass off and they're selling her work with cheap foam that's not safe for human skin... I constantly report them.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • Thank you for clarifying!

  • "Portal" Between Dublin and NYC Shut Down After OnlyFans Model Flashes It
  • She said homegrown potatoes, because she was flashing people in Ireland.

  • I don't understand Temu.
  • It's because it's a data stealing company. They require 24 different types of permissions, including keylogging, biometrics (your fingerprint), your wifi network, your Bluetooth, photos, contact info and it saves your payment details, just by using the app. It also was recently flagged for malware. You're getting a good price because you're paying for it in a different way

  • If you had to give one piece of advice that is pretty much universally applicable, what would it be?
  • I was part of this crazy thing called A Simple Walk into Mordor, where a group of guys from Rooster Teeth walked from the real Shire to the real Mount Doom (and Erebor in the sequel) in New Zealand. Finding an actual bathroom to use was a luxury. A sink is much nicer than hand sanitizer, digging a hole when you have to poop is not fun, getting an upset tummy is nerve-racking. When you've gotta go, you're gonna have to use what's available, not what's nice. Don't take what's nice for granted.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Thank you for adding more information. I love reading more about this stuff. It would make sense if a meteor was related to the P-T volcanic activity. It would easily have enough force to mess with the crust of the earth.

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Mass extinction events have a cause. The Permian/Triassic one I mentioned, is generally agreed to be from unusual movement of earth's crust, creating severe volcanic activity. The eruptions caused CO2 and pollution, meaning greenhouse gasses built up. The heat shifted water currents and the temperatures, mixed with acid rain, decimated life in the oceans.

    Humans are basically the volcanoes in modern times. Yes, the earth goes through normal changes, but these temperatures are increasing at a speed that, to my knowledge, has never happened. There is a way of teaching kids about how long the earth's had life, that visualizes it pretty well. If all of earth's history were to fit on your arm, shoulder to fingertips, if you gently scratched your fingernail on something rough, you'd erase all of humankind. We have barely existed on earth, but are throwing it off balance like never before. (With the exception of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, but that's a whole other tangent)

    Having taken years of pathology/physiology classes, it really feels like the earth is a body, and it's getting a fever to try and deal with an illness... us.

    Lmk if you need any sources. I can't exactly copy my books or the ones from my old college's libraries, but there's plenty of studies/resources out there if you're nerdy enough to dig 😊 (fossil pun)!

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • Mortuary science, pathology, autopsies, etc. I was going for a masters in Anatomic Pathology before I became disabled. I just research all things dead. I was always the weird little girl that liked studying mummies and fossils, so it seemed the logical step when I was choosing a career

  • PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all
  • For a long time; crab, lobster, crayfish were seen by the upper class as bugs of the sea and were very inexpensive. It's only relatively recently did they become hella expensive. My 8th birthday party, I remember getting a pound of snow crab legs (including sides) for $6.99 at a nice seafood restaurant. I was born in the 90s, so it wasn't that long ago!

  • 77% of Top Climate Scientists Think 2.5°C of Warming Is Coming—And They're Horrified
  • I have a postmortem science degree, but hobby in studying paleontology/pre-history. It took a rise of only 10°C and excess pollution to wipe out over 83% of all life on the planet between the Permian and Triassic eras. Entire chains of life just wiped out. Carbon dating, sediment layer study, fossil records, they all show how screwed me are if we keep this up. The earth will survive, it always does, but it took 30 million years before life recovered.

    Humans need to learn from the past, see the consequences of what most would think is a small change, but the ones in power don't seem to give a shit.

  • I miss when she was this tiny!

    When I got her, she was so small that I had to cut a sock for her to wear as a sweater because nothing fit. She's an Aussalier; half mini Australian Shepherd and half King Charles Cavalier; and the most loving dog.

    "Dog"ter Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler (self)

    I'm a cosplayer, so I make costumes for my service dog too!

    I love hand-making cosplays because it encompasses textile arts, armor crafting, 3D printing, painting, wig styling, jewelry making, etc. (ShelbyEileen)

    I’m ShelbyEileenCosplay and am really excited to see that textile arts are included in this instance! I’ve been sewing for 12 years and armor crafting for 10, and competing in cosplay contests for 10. It’s the most challenging and fulfilling hobby I’ve ever tried and I love it so much.

    Shelbyeileen Shelbyeileen
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