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Right wing shit post
  • Idk why, but I read it in Žižek's voice. Probably due to the etc.

  • Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • Most high-skill jobs (e.g. software dev, engineering, research, higher education) are usually flexible with time. No one really cares when you come or go as long as you get the work done. People (read, good-for-nothing management people) are trying to make some of these more time-bound, but it's usually counter-productive. Turns out when you want creativity from someone, you need to give them some freedom.

  • Update: IRS successfully launches their own free Direct File - now ALL of my fellow 'murcans are eligible for 2025
  • I've been in the US for a few years now. All my colleagues told me that doing taxes is hard. So I used to reluctantly pay money to do it through Sprintax. This year, I decided to do it by hand. It took almost the same amount of time as it would've taken to do it through Sprintax, which is around 30 minutes.

  • What's does "ffmpeg" really stand for?
  • Damn, the Germans are getting freaky, eh?

  • I just wanted the workflow, ok?
  • I usually keep most of the config. I just move them around to make it more comprehensive. The only time I made a huge change during a rewrite was when I learnt about treesitter textobjects.

  • I just wanted the workflow, ok?
  • EndeavourOS ftw imo

    In any case, I end up wasting all that saved time on the semiannual rewrite of my neovim config anyway.

  • Voluntary Mandatory rule
  • I didn't mean that I'd do it. Just that it takes energy to be able to deal with annoying people, even if you're fucking with them.

  • Voluntary Mandatory rule
  • I need your drive, man. I work at a university. People are mostly nice, but I still get annoyed with it.

  • Checkmate
  • That's why docker was created.

  • Rule
  • You had me at magnets.

  • Elders [Alex Krokus]
  • My laptop is around 7 years old now. Still going strong.

  • Piracy
  • Too bad it doesn't have the latest papers. annas-archive is supposed to be growing that database, though.

  • Piracy
  • What an absolute buffoon.

  • Piracy
  • My Analysis professor once did basically the same thing in class. She said that we should never go to these websites, since they were illegal. Based lady.

  • Recommendations for lightweight wiki servers?

    I currently run a personal wiki for some notes, recipes, and stuff. It's set up using Wiki.js as the server. I'm the only regular user, and I feel like it's a bit of an overkill.

    Does someone have any suggestions for a more lightweight wiki server? I tried DokuWiki and mostly like it. But the UI is very old and dare I say, ugly. I love the UI of Wiki.js btw.

    My main criteria is that it should be lightweight. I don't need fancy editing features. Happy to work with raw html or markdown files.

    I need some kind of permission management to hide some private wikis from the public, but otherwise I don't really care.

    Help with snippets?

    My goal is to automatically close the environment while editing a tex file. There was an issue for vimtex asking for basically what I want to achieve. They achieve it using snippets as mentioned there.

    The problem is, I have no idea how to set it up. I've never used snippets in nvim. I have vim-vsnip and cmp-vsnip installed as it was needed for another plugin to work. Is it possible to implement this using those?

    It can be noted that in vimtex, an environment can be closed by typing ]] which is a mapping of vimtex-delim-close. I basically want to emulate the behavior in VS Code using LaTeX Workshop. It auto-closes the environment, adds an indented line in the middle, and moves the cursor there.

    If anyone has any other ideas about doing this without snippets, that's welcome too.

    Do you use a coffee subscription? Which one?

    This post is mostly for me to look at alternatives. I currently subscribe to Trade. But recently I've been hearing about their bad practices like sending packages with wrong weight, or paying very little money to the roasters.

    If you like your current subscription, please place a link so that others can check it out. If you don't, and want to switch, tell why so that I can avoid it too.

    Is it okay to store coffee beans in old sealable bags?

    For the last few months, I've been splitting a bag of coffee beans into 2-3 portions and freezing them. I've seen that it extends the freshness by a bit. Now, I've been storing them in older coffee bags (the standard sealable ones) since they take up less space than jars and also I'm just reusing something that would've gone to landfill/compost.

    I do clean them of residues of older beans and don't use a bag more than 2 times since I get new bags whenever I buy beans anyway. Are there any health/quality issues that might arise from this that I should be aware of? Should I just store them in sealed glass jars instead?

    Looking for an FOSS alternative to TickTick

    I currently use TickTick for managing my todo tasks. i haven't been able to find an FOSS replacement for it yet.

    The main features that I need in an app like this would be:

    1. It should be accessible from the desktop. Don't necessarily need an app, a website is good enough.
    2. It should have a decent android app with a home screen widget for listing all the upcoming and overdue tasks.
    3. It'll be really nice if it can interpret date and time from the task description to add reminders. For example, writing "Remind me to get some milk at 6pm" will put a reminder for that task at 6PM.

    Please let me know if you know about such an app. Thanks.

    What's the worst spoiler that you've inadvertently given to someone? (Please use spoiler tags.)

    When I was in college, my then girlfriend texted me that she was watching Jojo Rabbit. She knew it was one of my favorite movies, and said that she loved it too. She was talking about how Scarlett Johannson's shoes almost have their own personality. So I said,


    ___ yeah, it's devastating when you notice her shoes on the hanging body.

    Turns out she had paused the movie to make some dinner, and hadn't seen this part yet. Needless to say, she was PISSED!

    Should I replace my SSD?

    cross-posted from:

    > I have an SSD that's around 5 years old now. It used to be in my laptop. But then I upgraded my laptop and put it in a homeserver. It still works perfectly well but from what I've read, SSDs fail suddenly without much prior indications. > > Do you think I should replace it already? It's not running any super important stuff. If it dies, it'll just mean that my media servers will be down for a day, not a super big deal since I have regular backups. I feel bad creating unnecessary e-waste, so I'll love to know your experience with SSDs and how frequently do you usually replace them. > > Also, if you know a tool which can help me detect remaining lifespan of an SSD, that'll be very helpful. Thanks.

    Should I replace my SSD?

    I have an SSD that's around 5 years old now. It used to be in my laptop. But then I upgraded my laptop and put it in a homeserver. It still works perfectly well but from what I've read, SSDs fail suddenly without much prior indications.

    Do you think I should replace it already? It's not running any super important stuff. If it dies, it'll just mean that my media servers will be down for a day, not a super big deal since I have regular backups. I feel bad creating unnecessary e-waste, so I'll love to know your experience with SSDs and how frequently do you usually replace them.

    Also, if you know a tool which can help me detect remaining lifespan of an SSD, that'll be very helpful. Thanks.

    Bromite is dead, long live Cromite. GitHub - uazo/cromite: Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser!

    Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser! - GitHub - uazo/cromite: Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your b...

    GitHub - uazo/cromite: Cromite a Bromite fork with ad blocking and privacy enhancements; take back your browser!

    The Bromite project has been inactive for the last 9 months or so. Today I found this fork of Bromite that's well maintained and seems to work flawlessly. Hope it helps others who were looking for a replacement.

    Need suggestions for grinder

    Hi everyone. I recently bought a Breville Bambino. It's my first espresso machine, and I'm quite happy with it. I love the fact that it has a thermoblock which means that I don't have to wait for the water to turn on before I can enjoy my coffee. I've been able to pull some good shots with it, but the exact same technique sometimes gives me inconsistent results. I'm thinking it's my grinder.

    I have a Timemore C3 manual grinder. It's great for most other brewing methods e.g. aeropress, V60, French press etc. But I don't think it's the best for espresso. I borrowed a Baratza Encore from a friend and it gave me more consistent results.

    Now, I do like the Encore, and would buy a new one, but I looked at this chart and it looks like it doesn't go too low in terms of grind size. Do you guys think that it might cause problems when I upgrade my machine in the future?

    Also, if you have any other suggestions for grinders, let me know. I'm willing to spend around $200 on it right now. (I guess I can go up to $300 if it's worth the extra $100.)

    Thanks for taking your time to read this. I really appreciate it.

    Why is there so much hate against children here?

    It was the same on Reddit, people openly say disturbing things against children. What prompted me to post this is someone saying that babies should be put in overhead bins inside airplanes. Even if they're joking, this is a disgusting thing to say. I won't say that about anything else.

    Would they say this openly about dogs or cats? I doubt it. If they do, people will be ready with pitchforks.

    But no one gives a fuck when it's said about children? Why is that? I though that the general consensus were that children are cute. Maybe annoying sometimes, but still cute. But with the amount of hate I see about them here, I'm really concerned. Does anyone have any thoughts about it?

    Need suggestions for storage expansion in a mini pc

    Hi all, I have a very simple homeland which consists of just one thinkcentre mini pc. I don't really need extra storage at this moment, but I think adding another disk for redundancy will be nice.

    The problem is, the mini pc only has space for one hard drive. What is the best thing to do in this case? Is the a reliable way to add an (ideally, with space to add more later) extra disk to it? I don't really want to get something like a Synology as I'm happy with the processing power etc. of this. Some way to expand the storage as directly as possible will be the best.

    SexualPolytope ѕєχυαℓ ρσℓутσρє

    I fuck numbers.

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