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Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • "I have my configs on github. I can just pull them down and be done."

    I fucken learned that day.

  • Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish
  • I agree with this. I dont think this one was thought through. We shall see what the illegitimate court thinks. If they agree with him that should be our final line as a people.

  • Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think. The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.
  • I remember watching this nearly 6 years after release and how relevant it still was. It still is relevant. End Citizens United if you want to even begin to take our country back.

  • Netanyahu backtracks, says he remains committed to US-endorsed ceasefire deal in Gaza
  • No matter what happens. I'm going to be watching out for Israeli backed shit in the US and avoiding it. I had really no opinion before all of this. Now I want Israel out of my government.

  • How far in advance do you usually plan vacations?
  • I'm terrible at this. My wife is the keeper of the calendar. Idk what the fuck is going on two weeks out and I never do.

  • Israeli documents show expansive government effort to shape US discourse around Gaza war
  • Foreign influence is fine as long as its our allies, right?

    The fuck is this shit?

  • They Came to See Trump. First They Heard a Pitch to Buy Gold and Silver. At a recent campaign speech, one of Donald Trump’s warm-up acts was a precious metals salesman being sued by feds for fraud
  • Its been hard. I'm barely getting by and all I have to do is find a tiny bit of money to make Trump bobbles. But I can't do it. I can't join the endless river of mud. I can't.

  • Western media is manufacturing consent again...
  • Its a fucken shame Israel is giving credence to the "Jyoos control everything" conspiracy. Look at this fucken reach Isreal has in America. But Israel isn't the Jewish People. No matter how bad they want us to think that.

  • Religion Tier List
  • Where the fuck is my Zoroastrianism

  • I wouldn't worry about it ,Jack
  • No, but the company that powers the servers they run on does.

    And somehow a bunch of hicks in the boonies relate to these fucks when their ancestors used to run moonshine in fast cars around law enforcement. What happened?

  • Deleted
    DAE in the Sekiro subreddit think Sekiro is better than other games??
  • Lmao, poor bot. Doesn't even know what a shit post is and it grabbed it.

  • My workplace has a budget for office ergonomic upgrades, what should I ask for?
  • My wrists have "barely carpel tunnel" according to the one doctor I went to see. I find not having to move the mouse all day with my wrists (as well as a split keyboard with risers) has eliminated my wrist problems at work.

  • Macarons'n'Cheese - Cake Day edition
  • Totally would try

  • Featured Blog | Predatory tactics in gaming are worse than you think
  • Its not worse than I think. Its completely destroyed gaming as an art form. Now we get 20 million cookie cutter GaS games a year to exhaust us and make the gems harder to find. A ceaseless wheel of uninspired bullshit to feed to the content monkeys who just need the next bill of entertainment carbs shoved directly into their mouths. Its fucken sickening and has ruined most of what I loved. The only lights in this all consuming abyss are the scattered indie and FOSS releases floating out there on the web.

  • UK: Vote Tories out but ‘We know that big business and the corporations are all over Labour... be prepared for a decade of struggle’
  • This game is stupid. Give the people what the need, FUCK what corpos of any nationality say. Fuck them. Society is about helping people and corporations benefit from everything that hurts people. They should never be considered.

  • President Joe Biden ‘appalled’ by violence during pro-Palestinian protest at Los Angeles synagogue
  • The solidarity on this is insane. The powerful and influential have seemingly locked arms to prevent anyone stopping the erasure of Palestine. Bombing Bethlehem has never been so profitable.

  • Rant: These "trying sekiro for the first time" youtubers are fucking lying weasels
  • Sekiro is way different than other soulslikes even if some fundamentals hold true. Your stamina is equally as important as your own parries. Its all about breaking your opponent's stance before they break your's (later in the game this changes to a degree on lesser enemies but bosses remain the same). You have to decide when to parry or dodge and it can be hard to balance the two. But once you figure out how to eat stance's the game changes.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • Its me, I wanted to take my arch install from my laptop because the rice is sexy. It was a bad idea.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I'm gonna be honest, this sounds about right for 2024. Skeleton crews a dick hair away from disaster as far as the eye can see.

  • Netanyahu says he won’t agree to a deal that ends the war in Gaza, testing the latest truce proposal
  • You act like these people have anything left at this point but to fight. If all of your family is dead, and your kids are dead, and your property is gone, why not join Hamas and shoot at the people who bombed it all? Thats the point of view you're dealing with. The average age in Gaza before all of this was hardly old enough to experience half of the eye stealing going on in the region since Israel's creation.

  • She made it back!

    After 3 days. I can't describe how happy we are at my house. Someone found her behind a decorative vase by their front door.


    This is my family's cat Mimi. She is the sweetest and smallest cat we have ever had. I just needed to make a post about her. She is missing and I'm hoping with all my heart she is okay.

    My brother experienced an Eclipse

    Do not look down little dev, the dead can do nothing for you.

    You were dumb too

    One of these things is not like the others.

    Synthwave City

    First rice ever. Thought I'd post it after getting the ropes on Arch.


    Distro: Arch

    WM: i3

    Terminal: Kitty

    Compositor: Picom

    Bar: Polybar (with Font Awesome 5)

    The dotfiles are here.

    Sanctus Sanctus
    Posts 16
    Comments 4K