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Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Text instructions are so much easier to skim through. I don't want to wait for someone's stupid 12 minute long "ULTIMATE guide for pee pee poo poo" to load and jump randomly through the video to find the relevant two second long section that contains the information I'm looking for that I could have easily found in five seconds if they had just made a text guide for it and I could have ctrl-f'd to find the exact information I needed.

    Also I hate how every loser calls their guide the "ULTIMATE guide to X." Terrible fucking buzz word. If I see anything that calls itself the ULTIMATE guide for whatever I'm skipping it by default, fuck you.


  • Trumpy is a Swifty?



  • We're back, baybeeeeeeeeee
  • I'm never touching grass again it was too scary cri

  • Just saw vaush in public...
  • Approach him in public and loudly tell him how you don't believe anything the woke mob says about him being a pedophile

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • "I came over to talk, that's it, I swear!"

    "Quote: 'I am going to put my blank in your blank'"

  • Three Ideas to Beat the Heat, and the People Who Made Them Happen
  • Reminder that internal documents show that Exxon knew about climate change in the 1970's but chose to cover it up and lie about it for decades.

  • NSFW
    (cw: fatphobia) H Pearl Davis sister go on chapo
  • H. Jon Benjamin seems pretty alright fwiw

  • Hexbear isn't funny.
  • We're making this a tagline right?

  • The stupid asshole who said this morning hexbear isn't funny is an utter dolt.
  • They made an account here just to complain about us, they definitely weren't mad.

  • What the hell is "cumtown"
  • Like the drug dealer?

  • OceanGate co-founder organising trip to one of world’s deepest sinkholes a year after Titan disaster
  • Blue Marble Exploration’s website says: “Locals believe that Dean’s is a portal to hell and the Devil himself lurks in the black depths."

    Mr Söhnlein, who also believes he can “safely” send humans to Venus

    This is already shaping up to be extremely funny

  • more like midwest.liberal
  • Post hog

  • "I’m the hacker that brought down North Korea’s Internet For Over A Week. AMA"
  • "I don't want any of your money, I want you to know who I am"


  • Gamers rise up
  • steering-device

  • O.J. Simpson Allowed To Remain Living After Coffin Doesn’t Fit O.J. Simpson Allowed To Remain Living After Coffin Doesn’t Fit

    LAS VEGAS—With onlookers gasping as the former football star made a big show of being too big for the casket, O.J. Simpson was reportedly allowed to remain alive Thursday after his coffin didn’t fit. “If the coffin doesn’t fit, you must let him live a bit.” said O.J. eulogizer Tommie Lochran, who ad...

    O.J. Simpson Allowed To Remain Living After Coffin Doesn’t Fit
    Trump Releases ‘God Bless The USA’ Quran Trump Releases ‘God Bless The USA’ Quran

    DEARBORN, MI—In an effort to raise money to cover his mounting legal bills, former President Donald Trump announced at a campaign event Friday that he was selling the central religious text of Islam in a special new edition called the “God Bless The USA” Quran. “It’s a very holy book—really the holi...

    Trump Releases ‘God Bless The USA’ Quran

    !07 To our lemmygrad comrades for the quality dunking on this lib



    ChatGPT ass answer lol

    (CW: transphobia) Blahaj user accuses Hexbear of pretending to be trans for the purpose of ragebaiting

    Also accuses us of getting "offended at anyone, for any reason." Literally indistinguishable from a chud.

    Dude got fired for being the coolest motherfucker in the district. Unreal. UW-La Crosse chancellor fired by Board of Regents after appearing in adult films

    UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow was fired in a unanimous vote by the Board of Regents after appearing in adult videos with his wife.

    UW-La Crosse chancellor fired by Board of Regents after appearing in adult films

    >During a Sept. 7 interview with UW-La Crosse student newspaper The Racquet Press, Gow told the publication he was looking forward to supporting his wife, Carmen Wilson, as “she creates a cookbook and instructional videos titled 'Cooking with Carmen.'” > >The couple has posted nine videos on their Youtube channel Sexy Healthy Couple — described as “a plant-powered couple [making] delicious vegan food with top adult stars,” per a channel description — with the first posted on Dec. 9, 2023, as first reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The videos feature Gow and Wilson making recipes alongside adult film entertainers and small segments of suggestive material. > >The channel’s Twitter account advertises “fully explicit scenes” on their OnlyFans account. > >In one video, Gow shows a book entitled “Monogamy with Benefits: How Porn Enriches Our Relationship,” which he says he wrote with Wilson. The book is listed under pen names Geri and Jay Hart, which are described on Amazon as “pen names of a married woman and man who serve in executive positions at two well-known organizations in the U.S.”

    That's it. That is literally what they fired him over.

    what is milk toast and why did people start using it to make fun of liberals?

    Milk toast sounds like something br\*tish people would make. Does it mean liberal politics are unpalatable as br\*tish cuisine?

    Rom Rom [he/him]

    Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

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