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  • Say you're annoying without saying you're annoying

  • Wanting to move out of the US?
  • I heard North Korea is great. Immigration progress? Lol, don't be silly. Just hop their border, you're only looking for a better life and going through an application process is just absolutely oppressive and racist.

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  • Who

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  • Congratulations! You've received an award for your awesome post!

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  • Yep. Was actually just talking about that. The definitely do not have a sense of humor all.

    I teased a few ppl in the comments on a post, and some guy wanted an explanation for why I was being like that and he was confused.

    I just I'm fucking you chill out.

    People take themselves way to fucking seriously. It's an internet site and you're not that important get over yourself

  • Removed Deleted
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  • Have you considered that you have no chill ?

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  • I'm fucking with you guys. Stop taking everything so seriously and joke around.

  • Primink returns after 3 year hiatus
  • Continue the sentence.

    This post is.....

  • I'm a fuckin asshole and a dick online AMA
  • To see what their reaction is and how they'll handle it.

    And to my disappointment, it's always the same. They get outraged and block me.

    I go for people who think they are untouchable and say dumb shit.

    It would be nice if they talked shit back and made fun.

  • Deleted
    Water Wave - Peaceful Animation
  • Prove to me that you're not a bot

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  • This comment was long enough. Think I'll pass

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  • Every 'fun' chapter is just about you sitting down for dinner

  • Deleted
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  • They were just trying to be nice. Don't take it seriously

  • Deleted
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  • You're giving yourself too much credit

  • Deleted
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  • So it'd be a book about a guy obsessed with fuckin chemtrails?

  • I'm a fuckin asshole and a dick online AMA
  • Who knows, maybe? I mostly get annoyed and frustrated if the person replies back outraged like how dare I mock them.

    You're not important dude, and you left yourself open to be the ass end of a joke. Get over it. I don't care

  • Since both wood and starch are made of glucose molecules, wood houses and gingerbread houses are very similar.
  • I just wanted to let you know, you posted this twice and I downvoted both of them.

  • Shitty Ask Lemmy PrettyBlackDress
    Am I bad person because I do competitive wrestling with a highly contagious flesh eating skin disorder?

    I just want to do what I'm passionate about

    Shitty Ask Lemmy PrettyBlackDress
    I cant figure out why I have popcorn in my eyes, what's the reason?
    PrettyBlackDress PrettyBlackDress


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