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  • They were, like Quelle, one of those mail order companies well before Internet and Amazon. They were once even quite acceptable.

    They turned to the very worst, though. If you have a problem, then YOU have the problem. Parcel missing? Well, good luck. Goods are damaged? Nope.

  • [serious] If Project 2025 becomes a reality. Would you fight in a civil war?
  • What do you mean? Literally sending socks? Or supplies and assist one side.

    I think i totally would somehow assist the civil war at the side who don’t support trump, yes. He is, in his ignorance and egalitarian attitude very dangerous not only for the us but for the whole world.

  • Locked
    What gets you downvoted?
  • And you are right. Even some employees might benefit from office days. I am quite a fan of „meeting days“, like one of the workdays is exclusively for meetings. And one of those in the month is onside.

    Of course certain jobs cannot function remote or fully remote. Like if you have clients visiting you etc.

  • Why don't CRMs have a quick way to mark someone as no longer with the company?
  • Marked as moved and displayed on the „old“ account as inactive/moved as well as active on the „new“ account. I think i know pretty well what case you are talking about.

    This is one thing which is a bit complicated. Because what you want to avoid are duplicates as good as you can. The person still exists, but is on another account. So what you want is a contact history.

    Account = company/building Contact = person you can talk to Call = the activity you do with a contact

    If you already have calls documented on this account it is easy. The calls are stille there, but the contact is gone (moved). Call history is implemented by standard. Contact history is a different thing, though. This probably needs to be customised.

  • Why don't CRMs have a quick way to mark someone as no longer with the company?
  • Oh, and some tips regarding getting this functionality. It might be already implemented but you don’t know about that or don’t have the rights. Open s ticket and ask support.

    But i guess nobody actually thought about it. Ask your peers if they find it useful as well. The more the merrier. (First question the GM or ceo asks me: is is relevant?). If so, get your regional manager involved. Maybe you have „power user“ for the crm, get them involved, too.

    Then contact your crm manager and discuss this idea. It might even be a nice project that looks good on your resume or development plan.

  • Why don't CRMs have a quick way to mark someone as no longer with the company?
  • I am probably the person who decides the strategy and gives the order to implement it.

    So, why would i want it? For many reasons, but one is activity history. I have this person in my CRM for a reason. And the person probably has been visited already. So i can lookup previous calls (maybe even from a different sales representative).

    Another thing - if your contact changes, you presume the next role will be either something similar or a bit up. Time to visit an old friend, i guess, and tie your bond again.

    Expense and sample tracking was another reason, as my market is strictly regulated and a person cannot recieve more than a certain amount per year.

  • Why don't CRMs have a quick way to mark someone as no longer with the company?
  • This highly depends on the philosophy of the CRM. But in most of the companies i worked for this is actually a desired thing. But this is for companies who track persons/individuals.

    The thing is: it sometimes is hard to track and keep the record up to date, even if you have a data broker involved.

    So either the company lost track of this individual or doesn’t care about individuals and only keeps track of the „responsible person“.

  • happy thanks giving

    Happy thanks giving everyone. Do you celebrate and if so, how?

    question regarding cold brew

    Hey fellow coffee friends. As it is hot season here in Germany I actually enjoy my coffee cold, so I set up a cold brew every two or three days.

    Well, when I got into that habit I got the hint to never let the brew touch metal as it alters the taste to the worse, it gets sour and „off“.

    Now my question is, is this a myth? I see cold brew makers which would be way more convenient than my measurement cup/cotton filter method, but all of them have some kind of metal filter, so I am very reluctant to buy one of those. Has anyone insights and our experience on this topic?

    ditane or gepant experience?

    Has anyone experience in those, yet? I think it will be available in Germany soon, so if anyone can tell me the difference they experienced I’d be grateful.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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