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Tod von russischem Oppositionellen: Giffey will Berliner Platz nach Alexej Nawalny benennen
  • wusst ich garnicht, danke fürs raussuchen.

  • Manchmal - Oxo86 (Oi, Ska-Punk)
    Deutsche Bundesregierung droht ziviler Seenotrettung mit bis zu 5 Jahren Haft
  • gibt n schönen zeitlosen klassiker zu der deutschland situation.

  • Was kennt ihr für unbekannte, aber doch spannende Funfacts?
  • wenn du das sagst wirds schon stimmen.

  • Flynn-Effekt: Erwachsene können sich immer besser konzentrieren
  • wollt genau das selbe schreiben.

    laut der überschrift mutiere ich immer mehr zum kind.

  • Polish solider shoots Syrian refugee after 'tripping' - reports
  • solidarity for shooting refugees?

    idk, fucking typos man

  • Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov't ministry
  • no, i was just answering your question you moron

  • Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov't ministry
  • you posted this in the europe community

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • that happened justblike that im sure

  • Religion in Germany, according to a survey by Politbarometer in 2016
  • other religions would be interesting aswell since those 2 are definitly not the only religions there.

  • ADHD has real health effects
  • i have been undiagnosed for 27 years and have struggled sith suicidal thoughts since puberty because my parents always told me that i am intelligent and that im just behaving that way because i am an asshole, it can be fucking hard not to off yourself.

    but it will get better as you approach your 30s. dont do shit that will get you addicted folks, everything can change, and addiction on adhd is extremely hard to beat, so please, dont do addictive drugs unless ypu really want to fuck your mind and body up.

    but always remember: it will get easier from year to year, and this isnt just a phrase, it can and will happen the more you learn about yourself and the difference to others.

  • NSFW
  • no, is fake

  • Where is the creativity?
  • you should give the new wes anderson movie "the wonderful story of henry sugar" a try, it's fantastic in terms of creativity and really unique in it's storytelling.

    i just finished watching it and i love it.

  • Removed Deleted
    Home video shows apprehensive Putin in sweatpants – Yle publishes images from secret trip to Finland
  • yeah, how can this be considered news?

    i hate that genocidal bitch, but whats the next headline? putin caught breathing?

  • [DE] Zahl untergetauchter Linksextremisten steigt
  • das ist unglaublich, was gür ne verfickte agenda betreibt die tagesschau da wenn sie das nicht mal erwähnen?

    ich hoffe die 20 leute werden nie gefunden.

  • Oil reserve discovered in Albania
  • *fortunate son starts playing in the distance*

  • The greatest country in the world
  • we can tell

  • Paul Paul

    nazis, bringt euch um <3

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