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Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter
  • I'm inclined to agree with you, but Valve doesn't often miss

  • Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker bashes Pride Month, tells women to stay in the kitchen
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not overreact here. There are only a few cases where wishing that upon a person is acceptable, and I'm not sure this qualifies as a war crime.

  • Words to (almost) live by
  • po-tay-to, po-tah-to

  • it really do be like that tho
  • Conservatives already are a true minority.

    Conservatives have not won the popular vote in a presidential election since 1988 with one exception (Bush Jr.'s reelection during the post-9/11 surge of patriotism). So, in the last 8 presidential elections over the course of 32 years, conservatives won the popular vote once (edit: and I'd argue that even that win was an aberration caused by 9/11 and the Bush administration's misinformation campaign regarding WMD's in Iraq).

  • braver than any marine
  • I used Sync at first because of the similarity to reddit, but I finally got tired of the obnoxious ads and the hypocrisy of using an ad-supported app to browse a completely ad-free service, so a month ago I switched to Voyager and I haven't looked back. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than Sync and it's ad-free.

  • Succulents
  • This is the crossover we desperately need.

  • Only slightly exaggerated
  • The meme template uses the UK spelling of "neighbours" instead of the US spelling (neighbors). While I agree the content is obviously US-centric, the spelling and some other irregularities make it unclear whether this meme was made by someone who has ever spent time in the US, which is what OP was pointing out.

  • Removed
    No hope
  • Is there any hope for Lemmy?

  • After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year
  • I have tons of playlists and saved music on spotify; how is Tidal at importing data from other services? It's not really a deal breaker, but I'm really picky about my music (so I don't really care about "radio" features or curated playlists), so it'd be a real pain in the ass to start from scratch.

  • Pdf partee
  • I figured, but I love Jagger and I can't stand Clapton, so I legitimately felt compelled to "correct" the joke.

  • Pdf partee
  • Man, I tried so hard to not ruin the joke, but I can't stand Mick Jagger getting confused with that right-wing nutjob, so fuck it:

    That's Mick Jagger as JSTOR, not Eric "Asshat" Clapton

  • Helldivers 2 community manager seemingly fired after encouraging negative reviews over now-canceled PSN mandate: "I knew I was taking a risk with what I said"
  • a full 360

    I'm not sure if that's a joke, but I can't help but point out that 360° is one complete rotation, which would have Spitz facing the same direction he began...

  • Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity | They’re delivering solar power after dark in California and helping to stabilize grids in other states. The technology is expanding
  • The tricky point here is that fossil fuels were a silver bullet for a long time! There is so much energy in those chemical bonds and they just bubbled out of the ground, so why wouldn't we use that for everything?

    Trying to get people to understand nuance and using the right tool for the job is a lot trickier since most people inherently resist complexity as a solution for replacing a simple technology.

  • *Chuckles* I'm in danger
  • "No Skyrim until you finish your homework and finish your chores" is a fantastic motivator for my 10yo. When I can model that I can't play Rocket League with him until after I finish the dishes, it drives the point home that IRL responsibilities need to come before video games.

  • 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Actual size is supposed to be 1.5
  • Depends. The cheap houses, yeah, there's as fair bit of noise, but you can't hear everything. From downstairs, you can hear when someone walks across the room above you, but not when they're walking in other upstairs rooms. And from rooms on the same level, you can hear if someone is talking loudly in the room next door, but not enough to make out what they're saying unless they're yelling.

    Well-built houses or buildings made for occupancy by multiple families usually have better sound insulation between the rooms/floors/units, so it's not always an issue.

    Edit: the plus side to that is I know all the noises my house makes at night, so as a light sleeper, I know when something is wrong in the middle of the night, and I only need one decent sound system for the whole house, which is great for listening to records while doing housework.

  • Physics
  • I will not stand for this Planck erasure! Sure, Einstein and Maxwell are great, but how can you leave off the father of quantum mechanics when a third of the poster is a direct result of his research?

  • Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity | They’re delivering solar power after dark in California and helping to stabilize grids in other states. The technology is expanding
  • We could have avoided burning a ton of fossil fuels if nuclear hadn't been demonized in the 60's, but as it stands, that ship has sailed. Let's skip that stage on the tech tree and move to fully renewable!

    Edit: I guess I should say that I think nuclear will and should continue to be a pivotal part of any smart grid for a long time, since it fills a niche that "true" renewables can't yet. I just don't think pushing to build them now is ideal, as it's more pressing to decommission all fossil fuels plants ASAP by any means necessary (which might mean using only the existing nuclear plants while we ramp up production of other green energy sources)

  • Rules for Life
  • The more drugs I consume, the less I worry about performing medical procedures on the cat, so problem solved! Now where'd I leave the ketamine?

  • Mad Palaeontologists
  • If I had cancer, I would see that as an absolute win.

    Shit, even as a healthy (if overweight) man approaching middle age, I'd be tempted to volunteer for dino-gene therapy. "You mean I could continue life as I am and watch my health slowly fall apart or I could be a dinosaur? Can I still talk to my family? You know what, nevermind. Where do I sign up?"

  • Anon hates aluminum
  • You know, while sitting around avoiding work on a Monday, I remembered my source: some British dude living in the American Midwest talking about random words on YouTube (I think his channel is "Lost in the Pond" or something like that). The specifics he referenced were "axe/ax," "kerb/curb," and "tyre/tire." In each case, there was a settled spelling shared by British English and North American English (the latter of each pair), and for some reason England made up a new spelling or reverted to an even older spelling in the 19th century (Wikipedia source)

    So I wasn't completely fabricating things, but it was much more specific than I remembered.

  • Doom Metal NielsBohron
    Visions of Gehenna - Black Pyramid [Epic Occult Stoner/Doom] (2009)

    You heard me right.

    Doom Metal NielsBohron
    Kongh - Sole Creation (2013) [Sludgy Death-y Doom]
    Doom Metal NielsBohron
    YOB - Adrift in the Ocean (Live in the Woods, 2019) [Stoner Prog?]


    Love this band, but I don't really know how to classify them. Metallum says "Stoner/Doom," Riffipedia says "Doom/Sludge/Prog metal," but neither really fits, IMHO.

    What do you think?

    Doom Metal NielsBohron
    Conan - Dying Giant [Caveman Battle Doom]
    Doom Metal NielsBohron
    Faetooth - Echolalia (2022) [Fairy Doom]

    These folks put out one of the best doom albums in recent memory (Remnants of the Vessel) with a totally unique sound.

    If I subscribe to a community that's from a different instance than my "home" instance, where should I browse to see that community?

    For instance, I made an account here in because it seemed like a nice, well rounded place to start. However, I want stuff from to show up when I browse my "frontpage," but all I see is my Lemmy.World communities.

    I'm using Liftoff on Android at the moment, but I'm a newb, so I'm clearly not tied to that app.

    NielsBohron NielsBohron
    Posts 9
    Comments 521