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Time for dinner
  • Greetings from the Netherlands?

  • Why don't you...
  • My 5 years old can make 100 push ups, if nobody looks.

  • What did people do before smartphones to pass the time when you were bored?
    • Work more.
    • Go to church.
    • Go to a witch burning.
    • Participate in a crusade.
    • From which century are you asking?

  • It's cadmium-enriched!
  • Reminds me of "my first vape" and "happy hour playset" from Adam Padilla

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Ok - thanks. Yes it's not my first language and it was not clear for me. Words often have two or there meanings and I was not sure about it. So I asked.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Thanks for your Support. I will register at Pretendo, donate something and hope for the future.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Why the downvotes? Bad englisch? I don't get it.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Very cool. Looks good - I will try it.

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Thank you for the Information. Down, or dead.. forever?

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?
  • Is it possible to use this with the wiiu console, or only with PC?

  • WiiU Splatoon Server down?

    Is it possible, that the splatoon server is down these days?

    japanese or broken knees
  • Fluent in Italian or face the battalion.

  • japanese or broken knees
  • Yeah. After a while you know, how it works and can beat the system (and yourself) which does not make any sense.

    • First word of the sentence with capital Letter
    • Just a few short words to write (in espanol every time __ "es")
    • In memory you can first play all words and the difficult word is the last
  • Recommendations for robot lawn mowers
  • I want the "Segway Navimow". It's without border-cables and the price is good for this new generation.

  • A Canadian school has eased its nut ban, but it's not a given others will follow
  • If your child has peanut allergy, I would advise you to use "Aiimmune Palforzia" therapy, if it is available in your country. After 6 months you can switch to 2x M&Ms daily in the maintenance phase instead of the palforzia maintenance dose. We have now completed two years with this therapy and my child can tolerate 5.5 peanuts instead of 0.1.

  • LEGO BOOST MOC on Android or Windows
  • Ok. I got it. It's the LEGO POWERED UP App where Boost Hub and Funktions are included. It works for Android. For Windows there is an similar App from the fanbase, which I haven't testet yet.

  • LEGO BOOST MOC on Android or Windows
  • Johnny 5 a bit boring just doing the standard stuff.

  • LEGO BOOST MOC on Android or Windows
  • Great - thank for the Info. I will try this, because the old Tablet has not enough space.

  • LEGO BOOST on Windows PC
  • Ok, I'll make a new post with a picture. Maybe a picture will arouse more interest.

  • LEGO BOOST MOC on Android or Windows

    Is it possible to create my own programm-sequences for LEGO BOOST MOCs on Windows PC? Is there an APP for Windows, which I can use to connect?

    Or is it just possible with smartphone/tablet? If yes: Which App can I use instead of the LEGO BOOST App? (because the LEGO BOOST App is just for the 5 plans from Lego and there is no creative mode)

    LEGO BOOST on Windows PC

    Is it possible to create my own programm-sequences for LEGO BOOST MOCs on Windows PC? Which App can I use to connect?

    Or is it just possible with smartphone/tablet? If yes: Which App can I use instead of the LEGO BOOST App?

    Christian Lindner: AfD-Verbotsverfahren "bringt nichts"
  • Die große Frage ist, wie man das anstellen will. Statt auf die "Lügenpresse" zu hören, haben die ihre eigenen Quellen. Wie willst du dann die besorgten Bürger abholen?

    • Demos bzw Gegendemos
    • Telegram-Hetzer genauer unter die Lupe nehmen
    • Aufklärung in den Schulen, dass es neben dem Schneeballprinzip diesen neuen Geschäftszweig "Im Kanal Dummlabern und um Spenden bitten" gibt.

    Ist halt alles drei noch zu wenig, um die Facebook-Moni von ihrem rechts angehauchten Status-Post abzuhalten. Welche dann später natürlich wieder rechts wählt.

  • What are the cheapest and most effective language-learning apps besides Duolingo?
  • If you use it for sçhool, or a private course I can recomend QUIZLET. You can connect units from other users, or create your own. It's a bit like a free Version of PHASE 6 (I only know the free Version of QUIZLET..)

    But it's totaly not like DUOLINGO.

    • DUOLINGO is stand alone.
    • QUIZLET is a helping tool for an existing course.
  • Just in case, someone needs "Nett hier."

    Nett hier, zu Feddit: German speaking Lemmy Community.

    Perhaps someone needs this for another plattform.


    Kit for GPS supported Yardforce robotic lawn mower finally available

    I've been following the project for a year now and Clemens Elflein has actually managed to get the topic off the ground professionally. Recently, his kit is available, with which you can upgrade a cheap Yardforce robotic mower to GPS support. This eliminates the need to lay boundary wires.

    Why converts *.gif to *.mp4

    Why converts *.gif to *.mp4 ?

    Isn't *.gif more popular and easier to show direct/automatical in any browser and app?

    May be written here about compatible alternatives to LEGO Technic?

    As a child, I was thrilled by the LEGO Technics sets. Especially 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 sets. While looking for Technic sets for my son, I found that this range went in a direction I didn't like at all.

    • Either it's way too simple and has little to do with Technics (one, or two small technic functions).
    • Or LEGO technics is way too expensive, only for the showcase and without a B-Model (no 2-in-1).

    As an alternative, the name "CADA Master" or "Mould King" often comes up.

    • Does anyone have positive experience with these alternatives?
    • And is it allowed to write about it here?


    @ Here a small mousetrap tinkering, which I built last week with my son. And the first test, if I can share a moving *.gif here in

    MrFloppy MrFloppy
    Posts 9
    Comments 38