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Is being born a girl a fate worse than death itself?
  • Just take the T

  • anyone else treating with bupropion?
  • Yeah as the others have written, the withdrawal off venlafaxin is rough. If I could change one thing in my life it would be to taper it off for half a year or more. I took it out too quickly I think and dealt with the symptoms of withdrawal for months.

    Bupropion for me was the first antidepressants that seemed to really work while still making me feel human. Lots of bad stuff didn't happen. Now I'm slowly getting rid of it. It's gonna take me months this time... Good luck with it. Everyone's experience is gonna be different.

  • Grundschüler in Dülmen fordern besseres Klopapier
  • Da hast du Recht. Aber das fehlende Gehalt, Anerkennung und die schlechten Bedingungen führen auch dazu dass weniger Menschen den Beruf machen wollen/können. Und dann ist es ein Fachkräftemangel. Das Problem wurde dann so "behoben" indem man einfach allen möglichen anderen Berufsgruppen zugesprochen hat dass die jetzt auch Kinderbetreuung machen können... Also haben wir immer mehr schlecht ausgebildete Menschen...

  • Grundschüler in Dülmen fordern besseres Klopapier
  • Wieso setzt du Fachkräftemangel in Anführungszeichen?

  • Grundschüler in Dülmen fordern besseres Klopapier
  • Alle die sagen dass Kinder das wichtigste für Deutschland wären, haben noch nie richtig in Grundschulen geschaut. Ich arbeite in einer völlig durchschnittlichen Grundschule und alles ist so wie das Klopapier. Es ist kaputt, heruntergekommen, schmutzig, billig, überfüllt....

  • US, UK alone in expressing support for Israel's strike on Iran
  • Don't worry. The others will follow their big daddies. Germany will probably follow. And with Germany, must of the EU, unless they want to anger Germany and not get any funding....

  • Israel strikes military targets in Iran in reprisal that raises risk of regional war
  • "raises risk of war"???!? The ATTACK raises the risk of war?! How deluded must someone be to write that. Is it not war if a nation straight up shoots missiles at another country??

  • Wirtschaftslage: Das Jammern wird gefährlich
  • Das ist fast ein guter Beitrag. Vieles richtig erkannt.

  • How do you battle depression by your own?
  • I know your point. Access to professional help is a privilege that few have.

    I think next best thing is socialising. There's probably groups in your area (see social media for that, meetup, Facebook, forums) that meet up and talk. I highly recommend in-person meetings. Also I tried giving my body some help with food. Carbs give you some serotonin.

  • ‘Crazed’ Diddy Raped Girl, 13, After VMAs as Two Stars Watched: Lawsuit
  • Holy hell, holy shit, fuck this.

    Massive trigger warning for the things in the headline being spelled out in the article.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Damn that's a strong text. Thank you for that. That really moved me

  • Removed Deleted
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  • The more I aged, the more "hopes and dreams" I gave up on. I guess that's the normal human experience. You might want to be a pro in sports or a dancer or a famous doctor...but then you grow out of the age where reaching those is possible (dancing goes first...).

    Other than that, I've given up on so many hopes, only to then later get back to them. Like the hope of connecting to people, or to make art, to teach,...those and more are things I gave up on and later readopted.

    So give up hope, but it might just come back :)

  • Fake 'Leftists'
  • ooof where to begin? literally NOBODY ignored the war in Ukraine. there are no "leftists" that agree with russias war on ukraine. There's idiots who do.

    and "started by hamas"?! really? ignoring the fact that Hamas is literally founded and funded by Israel, they didn't start the genocide. Israels expansion into the west bank has been going on since 1947.

  • please don't shit in my shower

  • Everything is so expensive
  • yeah you just have to not work so you can take care of your kids and elders yourself. of "people you know" will just do it for free? how about teachers? how about daycare?

  • NSFW
    Why is there no good bi content
  • Have you looked into alternative production companies? Erika Lust is my go-to for queer, feminist, equality-focused, fair porn. They have some stuff that's specifically catered to bisexuals, too. Try it out

  • On Digital Picture Printing
  • I usually just use a nearby shop to get my pictures printed. If I need anything better, I order online

  • Nobel winning Hiroshima survivor's Gaza comparison angers Israel
  • Imagine saying "it dishonours the victims" to one of the actual victims

  • i need some ideas for this roundabout
  • It works in-game. I can't speak to the real life

  • Cities: Skylines Mighty
    i need some ideas for this roundabout

    okay. here's a few things that trip me up: basically every exit lol, but specifically north-east. this corner is super weird. the road north (1 way) is not really connected to the roundabout, there is like a seperate road/lane that runs "past" the roundabout from east to west. but the roundabout has an exit to that road. and that road splits up into a lane onto the roundabout and one that runs past it.

    i'm also not 100% on what to do about the slip lanes that still kinda brush the roundabout. i'm trying with curbless roads, but they're super finnicky

    here's one more image with the streetview lanes

    rejection anxiety and real pain

    Hey there. I am incredibly sad, downright depressed and mentally exhausted.

    I wanted to celebrate my birthday yesterday for the first time (maybe ever?) with lots of nice people. I invited about 30-50 people. Some, I invited personally, some just casually through groups. Lots of those people I thought of as somehow close and friendly.

    I exhausted myself in the effort of preparing the party, I rented a room, I prepared photos, activities, food, music, and just put a lot of mental energy into the planning. I have been planning it for about 2 months, invited those who were most important to me back then even.

    5 people showed up.

    I am devastated. I was always so anxious about my birthday and never celebrated it. I think I removed myself from groups a lot in my life. And only the last two years, I've started to understand my diagnosis and how to communicate with people. This throws all my anxiety and pain back into my body and brain.

    I don't know how to deal with it. Especially I don't know how to interact with the people that were important to me and who didn't show (or those who didn't even cancel). My past behaviour was burning down all the bridges. I don't think I should do that. But I also don't know how to pretend like it doesn't hurt....

    Any advice about rejection anxiety and ... well, real rejection?

    Thank you.

    Cities: Skylines Mighty
    OSM import doesn't overlap with the map

    So, i am getting back into a cities project after being out of the game for a while. I'm using to generate heightmap and overlay image. it also exports OSM data (I also tried to do it manually with the same result)

    now what happens is this. i think this has always happened. it seems like the "scale" is off. the roads are "correct" but slightly shifted in all directions. they're not all just slightly north like the picture. at one point it exactly overlaps and the rest is too far south. like the scale is wrong. like it's too small or something. but the OSM scale is 1. did i do something wrong?

    (i looked through the github but couldn't find anything. also no similar things on the workshop comments right away)

    so my pc keeps "resetting" on boot and showing me DOS

    I don't really know where to start. It's not hurting me, but I'm confused. I don't recall doing anything different o not sure where to start looking for issues.

    It boots up, shows me my drives and says "settings were reset to default values" If I go into bios, nothing looks off to me. Windows doesn't show an issue.

    I'm running Win10. I can give you all the info you want. Just need a hint as to where to start looking. Thanks

    !picture of the boot screen

    Feeld Erfahrungen in DE

    Also ich wollte gerne mal andere deutsche User-Erfahrungen zur App Feeld hören. Ich benutze die App sehr spärlich, weil ich noch NIE ein "erfolgreiches" Match hatte. Generell hatte ich bisher vielleicht 2-3 überhaupt. Mir werden so viele Profile angespült aus Dänemark, Niederlande, oder vom anderen Ende Deutschlands, wenn die Menschen es überhaupt im Profil angeben, und dennoch sagt das Profil "5km entfernt" oder so.

    Ich wollte mal wissen, ob diese App für euch funktioniert. Info: ich wohne in Hamburg (also Großstadt, da sollten es schon Profile geben...)

    Motherboard replacement questions

    Hi y'all, i used to be so prolific at the whole pc building thing. but now i'm out of the game with age and not buying stuff in a while. so here's my question:

    my PC is fine and i upgraded parts of it during the years. but it may be time for a new motherboard, since mine only supports 32gb of RAM which isnt enough anymore.

    what do I need to do to replace my motherboard? I guess, i'd have to re-install everything, right? Isn't windows and all the software kinda bound to my motherboard?

    since i'm fine with my 2060Super, i guess getting a new PC is not worth it, my case and hard drives are fine. i will need new RAM and SSDs. So what should I look for in a motherboard?

    thanks for reading this ramble

    ambigram Music Watercolour (OC) [more pics inside]

    I designed this myself with the help of my tattoo artist

    ! !

    Versandkosten aus anderen Ländern sparen

    Hallo Leute, gerade gegen Weihnachten und diesen Festen wird es einigen von euch ähnlich wie mir gegangen sein, dass man Sachen kaufen möchte, aber das kommt dann aus Australien und der Versand ist 25€. Oder es ist ein Store, der Versandkosten erst ab einer sehr hohen Summe erlässt. Oder man hat Sorgen mit dem Zoll und den verbundenen Kosten. Hier meine Frage/Idee.

    gibt es Interesse, sich igendwie zusammen zu tun für solche Fälle? vor Allem wenn es nicht dringend ist? ist es sinnvoll, dafür eine extra community zu gründen? oder reicht eine Art Dauer-Thread hier aus?

    Man müsste eben in der Lage sein, zu sagen "Hey ich möchte bei XY bestellen, wer noch?" und dann kann man ein Paket schnüren und sich einen Teil der Versandkosten sparen.

    Schöne Grüße

    TIL that during the filming of Borat, Police was called 90+ times

    And the FBI was assigned to follow the film team on reports of a "vaguely middle-eastern man with a bear in an ice-crem truck", which has to be the funniest report xD

    this might be my last day before we all get sick of them.

    Here's the pic he's taking.

    And yes, it's a stock photo of a guy taking a stock photo of the stock market. Meta


    Mighty Mighty
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