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Which Email provider Tuta or Proton?
  • I found Tuta to be lacking.

    Conversation view is incomplete -

    "when you have multiple addresses and custom domains getting hundreds of emails... it takes forever for the emails to load"

    Search isn't working in firefox "your browser doesn't support data storage". As the search index needs to be stored in your browser, it does not work in private mode/incognito mode.

    Free accounts get deleted if you do not log in for six months.

  • Collapse is inevitable because of ignorant, dumb people? I think there are ways to address this. Here are my suggestions.
  • I got an intelligent response via PM:

    I’ve decided to DM you because you’re already getting downvoted to hell because people don’t like eugenics. I’d like to be able to have a real conversation and speak my mind without getting dogpiled.

    I’d first like to applaud you for seeing the problems of our society as an issue of allowing the wrong people to have power, rather than not being convincing enough with our words to change the minds of those who hold power. Most people completely fail to recognize that.

    Some smart people may be corrupt or sociopathic, so this test should be a full psychological evaluation.

    I find it really interesting how you describe a person as being corrupt, as if it is a property of their being, rather than a result of circumstance or just some poor choices that they made.

    There is a movement that you may or may not have heard of right now that is highly relevant. It is sometimes called the ‘narcissism awareness’ movement. It sprang out of the #meetoo movement when some psychologists recognized that the abusive behaviors that women were complaining about corresponded exactly to those behaviors associated with cluster B personality disorders. One of the things that we are starting to realize, as a result of this movement and also as a result of of the recent (last 5-7 years or so) research on cluster B disorders, is just how common this type of personality disorder actually is. (My current estimate is that it is somewhere in the ballpark of 60-70% of the population in the US, and probably we only see a variance of about 20% on top of that from country to country).

    I say this, because I think that the pandemic of personality disorder is actually the root cause of pretty much everything that is going wrong with the world today, and probably is the primary driver of all strife that has ever existed within the context of civilization. They also cause harm to everyone around them through psychological abuse, and they cannot be effectively treated or cured.

    I would refer you to the excellent Dr. Ramani Durvasula for general information on the topic. She has books too, if you’re interested, but they have basically the same info as can be found on her youtube channel.

    The focus of most psychologists talking about this issue is in interpersonal relationships, and helping abuse survivors heal from the trauma. Unfortunately, I do not currently know of anyone speaking more broadly about the impact of personality disorder on an organizational or societal scale. I have been constructing my own models based on my own collection of information, combining math, (neuro-)psychology, and anthropology, but I have thus far been unable to write up anything comprehensive on the topic.

    There are many more things that I could say, but I will leave it at this for now. If you found this interesting or have any questions, please send a reply!

  • Removed
    Collapse is inevitable because of ignorant, dumb people? I think there are ways to address this. Here are my suggestions.
  • I got an intelligent response via PM:

    I’ve decided to DM you because you’re already getting downvoted to hell because people don’t like eugenics. I’d like to be able to have a real conversation and speak my mind without getting dogpiled.

    I’d first like to applaud you for seeing the problems of our society as an issue of allowing the wrong people to have power, rather than not being convincing enough with our words to change the minds of those who hold power. Most people completely fail to recognize that.

    Some smart people may be corrupt or sociopathic, so this test should be a full psychological evaluation.

    I find it really interesting how you describe a person as being corrupt, as if it is a property of their being, rather than a result of circumstance or just some poor choices that they made.

    There is a movement that you may or may not have heard of right now that is highly relevant. It is sometimes called the ‘narcissism awareness’ movement. It sprang out of the #meetoo movement when some psychologists recognized that the abusive behaviors that women were complaining about corresponded exactly to those behaviors associated with cluster B personality disorders. One of the things that we are starting to realize, as a result of this movement and also as a result of of the recent (last 5-7 years or so) research on cluster B disorders, is just how common this type of personality disorder actually is. (My current estimate is that it is somewhere in the ballpark of 60-70% of the population in the US, and probably we only see a variance of about 20% on top of that from country to country).

    I say this, because I think that the pandemic of personality disorder is actually the root cause of pretty much everything that is going wrong with the world today, and probably is the primary driver of all strife that has ever existed within the context of civilization. They also cause harm to everyone around them through psychological abuse, and they cannot be effectively treated or cured.

    I would refer you to the excellent Dr. Ramani Durvasula for general information on the topic. She has books too, if you’re interested, but they have basically the same info as can be found on her youtube channel.

    The focus of most psychologists talking about this issue is in interpersonal relationships, and helping abuse survivors heal from the trauma. Unfortunately, I do not currently know of anyone speaking more broadly about the impact of personality disorder on an organizational or societal scale. I have been constructing my own models based on my own collection of information, combining math, (neuro-)psychology, and anthropology, but I have thus far been unable to write up anything comprehensive on the topic.

    There are many more things that I could say, but I will leave it at this for now. If you found this interesting or have any questions, please send a reply!

  • Collapse is inevitable because of ignorant, dumb people? I think there are ways to address this. Here are my suggestions.

    cross-posted from:

    > First, you need to understand the factors that contribute to one person being low functioning and another high functioning. > > Human health, development, and function are multifactorial: Genetics, epigenetics, microbiome, diet, environmental/industrial pollution, socioeconomic influences, etc. > > I have a two-step proposal. > > 1. The first step is to limit the impact of low-functioning individuals. Right now society is set up so that society is run by the wealthy and the low functioning majority. This results in these people voting for, and implementing policies that exacerbate the problems instead of fixing them. > 2. The second step is to take action to raise the level of functioning of the human population. This second part probably takes the most learning for the average person. Most people seem to have a very very poor understanding of human health, development, and function. But I tried to condense it into that one article. > > My suggestion for tackling the first step is to implement a cognitive (IQ, EQ, etc.) test for city, state, and federal representatives. > > Having an IQ test to vote seems problematic. Firstly because of how things like that were used in the past to disenfranchise certain populations. Secondly, the problem right now is that not enough people vote, and that results in the wealthy controlling the government and laws. > > I think a better solution is (at minimum) a cognitive test for anyone running for a government position so that can be factored into people's assessment of them. But possibly that won't be enough and it will be necessary to set some minimum requirements for test results. > > This way you don't give the option for dumb people to vote for other dumb people. They only get to choose between two intelligent ones. > > Some smart people may be corrupt or sociopathic, so this test should be a full psychological evaluation. > > I'm curious if it would be possible to get people like Ibram X. Kendi (who gives an interview here on antiracism, anticapitalism and the eugenicist origins of IQ and SAT tests) to agree on both implementation of this solution and an appropriate IQ/psych test for it. I would base my argument to people like him on this type of data [1][2]. > > My position is also based on polling data from Australia which showed that a political group that is in the vast minority in most countries is the most intelligent, and largest (percentage-wise) supporters of evidence-based policy and holders of evidence-based beliefs. This coincides with the IQ graph I linked earlier. A cognitive test requirement like this should boost the influence of that party and its supporters. > > --- > > My suggestions for tackling the second step by making people smarter are in this document (which I haven't updated for years). It's doable via a variety of biological and societal interventions. > > The problem again is that it's low-functioning people preventing us from implementing these fixes. Possibly if enough intelligent people understand and agree on these fixes and be vocal enough about implementing them we could get it done. > > In my opinion, Fecal Microbiota Transplants (FMT) are one of the most promising aspects of this second step. One problem is the people who qualify to be stool donors appear to be extremely rare. You can read more about the current status of FMT in this blog. If you have the ability to influence or fund clinical trials, read this. > > As is, with the health of the population rapidly declining, I feel like I'm living in Idiocracy, and surely collapse will be inevitable if nothing is changed.

    the mods have gone psycho over at reddit
  • A good point, but this kind of atrocious moderation has existed for many years.

    The main thing that changed recently is that the admins are now as capricious as mods. The admins don't live up to a higher standard, they do whatever they want.

  • the mods have gone psycho over at reddit
  • I've had worse experiences on subs so far. I switched to using the equivalent due to it.

    EDIT: A good example is the reply I got here: This ! is full of pro-reddit trolls & shills, and the mods don't fight it. ! seems better so far.

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • There have been efforts to change the "fecal" part of the wording, but it's largely been unsuccessful. I personally don't think it's the biggest problem to focus on. I'd rather try to educate people that healthy poop is not repugnant. They think it's gross because their own poop is unhealthy.

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • There’s a reason sites like Reddit sprang up and grew huge despite forums having already existed.

    Yeah, but it comes with many major downsides that have become more apparent in recent years. For example, even lemmy seems to get hit hard by astroturfing, misinformation, disinformation, and toxicity. That's more rare and easier to prevent on forums I think.

    It’ll expose more people to the topic though.

    Yeah, I was considering using lemmy instead of creating a forum, but decided on the latter after weighing the pros and cons.

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • I'm doubtful that creating a lemmy community would funnel people to the forum. There is a lot to like about the forum format over time-based ones like lemmy. And the lemmy software is much newer and more incomplete/deficient than Xenforo. I think creating a lemmy community might just lead to fracturing of content/discussions, which would be detrimental. Also, unless you host your own instance it's not super reliable (as we've seen with reddit and other reddit-alternatives).

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • I’m trying to make you realize that it you keep speaking of it as if it is, with only a single biased source, while not admitting the limitations, hurts such a cause greatly.

    I think there may be a misunderstanding there. I certainly recognize that FMT and the gut microbiome have limitations.

    There is statistically significant evidence that there’s a lot of potential here, but there is yet to be solid evidence that this actually treats most conditions.

    That's all I've said as well.

    Anyway, you seem to think that FMT's potential to treat/prevent most types of cancer is something that should be emphasized more. If you have specific suggestions I'm happy to hear them.

  • Real-life search for "the spice" (s23 ep8 Turd Burglars) -- screening millions of people looking for the perfect poop donor High-quality stool donors are rarer than 1 in a million? AI, funding, potential — Human Microbes

    A large number of applicants, but the quality is poor. How this impacts you and how you can get involved.

    High-quality stool donors are rarer than 1 in a million? AI, funding, potential — Human Microbes

    It was probably largely what the episode was based on. Eg: this blog post discussing searching for top athletes

    I know this isn't meme format, but I saw another discussion post here and thought people would find this interesting :)

    There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • Speaking of, it also wouldn’t help anyone with an organ transplant either.

    FMT may negate the need for most organ transplants. Eg:


    There is evidence that it would immensely help with preventing nearly all human-cell borne cancers however, and in my opinion, THAT’S something your messaging should focus strongly on.

    Human Microbes doesn't do any specific messaging/advertising. Just the website where it covers the gut microbiome regulating the entire body and playing a major role in virtually every aspect of health & development. I would think that narrowing the focus to one type of cancer for example would be detrimental.

    you’re touting this as a cure all, when really it’s a mass preventative (which again, is still extremely important and something really big).

    I think the potential for both prevention and treatment exists for most conditions that are currently beyond medical capabilities. And there is a ton of evidence for this in the wiki I shared. Sure, there are some things that FMT won't be a solution to of course.

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • There are at least as many spam/bot signups as there are humans, so account approval negates that completely. Forums aren't time-based like lemmy and reddit, so there is no sense of urgency. Discussions can take place over months/years. It's possible to turn on the ability to make a post prior to registering, then when your registration is finalized it gets posted, but I'm not sure how dependable that is. I wouldn't want people losing content they tried to post due to some cache issue.

    I haven't bothered creating anything on Lemmy. I've been urging the Xenforo software developers to join the fediverse. Discourse forum software is doing it, so we may soon see discourse forums show up on lemmy.

  • There may be an existing solution to the chronic disease crisis, but a disabled patient seems to be the only person motivated enough to try to obtain it. And they've been failing going at it alone.
  • I’d automatically assume it’s a scam, spam, or both.


    The email linked to the blog. The question was asked at the end of the blog.

    Even if a panacea type microbiome WAS discord, it won’t cure everything. Cancer is one immediate example.

    You may be interested in

    It already would be impossible for it to prevent many diseases. Viruses for example that enter through the sinuses, or again, cancers caused by viruses. Heck even then something like norovirus would still wreck you too.

    This is not correct. Not everyone gets sick from x virus. The primary reason is differences in their immune system and gut microbiome. Some relevant links for you:

    This sounds more like someone who knows some knowledge but isn’t an actual expert in it

    No offense, but that describes your comment. The blog should absolutely not sound like that given that it provides citations for its claims.

    Not to mention it’s a big ask to strangers who probably don’t even know what a microbiome is.

    The 1.2 million people who were sent the email & blog are people who are already familiar with the project. Many of them hold advanced medical & biology degrees.

    I agree though that many people are still not familiar with the gut microbiome and FMT. Do you have any suggestion in this regard?

  • Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.

    >Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (Strict Mode) is known to cause issues on

    There were no "issues"; everything was working completely fine. This is a deliberate decision to force people to turn off tracking protection.

    I saw a recommendation to use Firefox's container extension, but it's disabled in private browsing windows, and I always use private browsing windows.

    When I try to submit a thread on Lemmy, the submit button turns into an endless loading loop icon

    Submitting from a account to a community.

    I've tried it multiple times, and this submission to ! worked without issue.

    Static site generator (SSG) alternative to Squarespace?

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm a novice so I chose the most novice-friendly option I could find - Squarespace. But I've had lots of problems with them, and they keep raising their prices, and they hide features like javascript code behind even higher prices. > > I learned about SSGs, which create fast and secure sites that can be hosted for free on Netlify and other similar sites. The downside is they're limited to static content -- IE: you can't have a contact form without paying a 3rd party. > > I found a novice-friendly SSG theme for wikis/documentation -- MKDocs Material -- but I haven't been able to find anything for a regular business site. > > This seems to be one of the most popular Jekyll themes but it seems to be mainly for blogs and documentation, and doesn't seem to have all the design options that Squarespace does. > > I read that used Jekyll in conjunction with So I looked it up and found this which actually seems pretty decent; but also not complete enough. Their newer version seems more complete/extensive, but also quite technical. It looks like it requires too much coding for me. > > Weebly seems to be a slightly cheaper alternative to Squarespace but it's missing some features and Square might end it in a few years. > > I've never used Wordpress but now that I've hosted a few websites I'm thinking about purchasing Oxygen and hosting a Wordpress site myself. Oxygen is like a more advanced version of Squarespace with a 1-time payment equal to 1 year of Squarespace. Then you just have the monthly costs of hosting the server, which should be $5-10 (no idea how this scales with amount of traffic, do you?). There is a plugin/addon to export a static site, but it might not be worth the trouble. > > According to a 2-core server ($5) with a webpage that takes 300ms to load can serve: > > - 400/minute > - 24,000/hr > - 288,000/12 hrs > > A lot of people use Wordpress, but also seem unsatisfied with it > > The Gutenberg editor may be new since the last time I tried Wordpress, and it looks pretty similar to Squarespace. So maybe I don't even need Oxygen. I looked up "Gutenberg vs Oxygen" and people were saying to go with Gutenberg. > > I've been considering Grav too, but similar to the SSGs, it doesn't seem to have all the design capabilities without coding them yourself. > > I've seen people say you can get chat GPT to write HTML code for you but I've never used it and it seems like it would be difficult to design a website that way. I looked for a video but only found one covering writing content, not code. > > I found out about Hostinger Website Builder which uses AI and looks very similar to Squarespace's builder. But there's no demo so I can't see exactly what it can do. But Hostinger is much cheaper than Squarespace, and you can choose to use Wordpress with it instead of the Hostinger builder. > > I checked GreenGeeks and they say "We offer drag and drop website builders like Weebly and SitePad". Sitepad is $12/yr and makes static sites, but it looks like you need one of the popular GUI web panels to use it Similar to Weebly, it's also a bit more limited -- IE: you can't open a contact form in a lightbox from a button > > A benefit of using Hostinger or GreenGeeks is probably that I don't have to worry about a surge in traffic causing my site to go down. That's why I'm thinking they're a better option vs self-hosting on a VPS. > > I found this video that seems quite good and covers more options I didn't know about: > Ultimate Website Builder Comparison 2024 | Find the BEST One for You + Why I Hated Squarespace > > > Anyone know of better places/forums to discuss this type of thing? There seems to be hundreds of thousands of people using the jamstack SSGs but I haven't found a place where people discuss them. I've tried: > > - > - > - > >

    Static site generator (SSG) alternative to Squarespace?

    I'm a novice so I chose the most novice-friendly option I could find - Squarespace. But I've had lots of problems with them, and they keep raising their prices, and they hide features like javascript code behind even higher prices.

    I learned about SSGs, which create fast and secure sites that can be hosted for free on Netlify and other similar sites. The downside is they're limited to static content -- IE: you can't have a contact form without paying a 3rd party.

    I found a novice-friendly SSG theme for wikis/documentation -- MKDocs Material -- but I haven't been able to find anything for a regular business site.

    This seems to be one of the most popular Jekyll themes but it seems to be mainly for blogs and documentation, and doesn't seem to have all the design options that Squarespace does.

    I read that used Jekyll in conjunction with So I looked it up and found this which actually seems pretty decent; but also not complete enough. Their newer version seems more complete/extensive, but also quite technical. It looks like it requires too much coding for me.

    Weebly seems to be a slightly cheaper alternative to Squarespace but it's missing some features and Square might end it in a few years.

    I've never used Wordpress but now that I've hosted a few websites I'm thinking about purchasing Oxygen and hosting a Wordpress site myself. Oxygen is like a more advanced version of Squarespace with a 1-time payment equal to 1 year of Squarespace. Then you just have the monthly costs of hosting the server, which should be $5-10 (no idea how this scales with amount of traffic, do you?). There is a plugin/addon to export a static site, but it might not be worth the trouble.

    According to a 2-core server ($5) with a webpage that takes 300ms to load can serve:

    • 400/minute
    • 24,000/hr
    • 288,000/12 hrs

    A lot of people use Wordpress, but also seem unsatisfied with it

    The Gutenberg editor may be new since the last time I tried Wordpress, and it looks pretty similar to Squarespace. So maybe I don't even need Oxygen. I looked up "Gutenberg vs Oxygen" and people were saying to go with Gutenberg.

    I've been considering Grav too, but similar to the SSGs, it doesn't seem to have all the design capabilities without coding them yourself.

    I've seen people say you can get chat GPT to write HTML code for you but I've never used it and it seems like it would be difficult to design a website that way. I looked for a video but only found one covering writing content, not code.

    I found out about Hostinger Website Builder which uses AI and looks very similar to Squarespace's builder. But there's no demo so I can't see exactly what it can do. But Hostinger is much cheaper than Squarespace, and you can choose to use Wordpress with it instead of the Hostinger builder.

    I checked GreenGeeks and they say "We offer drag and drop website builders like Weebly and SitePad". Sitepad is $12/yr and makes static sites, but it looks like you need one of the popular GUI web panels to use it Similar to Weebly, it's also a bit more limited -- IE: you can't open a contact form in a lightbox from a button

    A benefit of using Hostinger or GreenGeeks is probably that I don't have to worry about a surge in traffic causing my site to go down. That's why I'm thinking they're a better option vs self-hosting on a VPS.

    I found this video that seems quite good and covers more options I didn't know about: Ultimate Website Builder Comparison 2024 | Find the BEST One for You + Why I Hated Squarespace

    Anyone know of better places/forums to discuss this type of thing? There seems to be hundreds of thousands of people using the jamstack SSGs but I haven't found a place where people discuss them. I've tried:

    The Discussion Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results - Reddit's dominance and the downsides of that The Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results

    In an analysis of 10,000 keyphrases where product reviews rank highly, Google's increasingly prominent 'Discussions and forums' SERP feature was present

    The Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results

    cross-posted from:

    >"I didn’t notice a single new or low-post-count forum" > >"There Appears to Be No Benefit if a Forum is Hosted on a Subdomain or Which Software It Uses"

    The author lists many reasons why reddit should not be at the top of search results. I listed even more reasons here: Reddit is dangerous. The admins are out of control. Humanity needs a viable alternative.

    Reddit MaximilianKohler
    The Discussion Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results - Reddit's dominance and the downsides of that The Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results

    In an analysis of 10,000 keyphrases where product reviews rank highly, Google's increasingly prominent 'Discussions and forums' SERP feature was present

    The Forums Dominating 10,000 Product Review Search Results

    >"I didn’t notice a single new or low-post-count forum" > >"There Appears to Be No Benefit if a Forum is Hosted on a Subdomain or Which Software It Uses"

    The author lists many reasons why reddit should not be at the top of search results. I listed even more reasons here: Reddit is dangerous. The admins are out of control. Humanity needs a viable alternative.

    Reddit MaximilianKohler
    Reddit is apparently a free-for-all for scammers and anyone with bad intentions to post libel.

    A group of scammers is retaliating against me for exposing them and the Reddit admins and legal department completely ignore it.

    I consulted with lawyers who told me that my only option is to spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to pursue each individual reddit account that's doing it.

    YSK: Do You Really Need That Antibiotic? It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them — and when to avoid them. (NYT, Dec 2023) Do You Really Need That Antibiotic?

    It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them — and when to avoid them.

    Do You Really Need That Antibiotic?

    cross-posted from:

    > It's refreshing to see a major news outlet discussing collateral damage and not just resistance. Over the past decade, 99% of the time antibiotic overuse is covered and warned about it's always only in regards to resistance. > > It's a good article that also doesn't spread the common misinformation of "just take some probiotics and fermented foods after antibiotics and you're good to go". > > > Swallowing an antibiotic is like carpet-bombing the trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut, killing not just the bad but the good too, said Dr. Martin Blaser, author of the book “Missing Microbes” and director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers University. > > > > “I think the health profession in general has systematically overestimated the value of antibiotics and underestimated the cost,” Dr. Blaser said. > > No shit. And it has spread like a virus to the general populace as well. The majority of people seem mentally addicted to antibiotics and think they're going to die if they don't get an antibiotic for every minor issue. > > > - Find out if you really need an antibiotic. > > - Ask for the shortest course. > > - Rethink probiotics. > > I appreciate the NYT for finally helping spread this. > > Just yesterday people on Lemmy were cheering about AI discovering new antibiotics. When I shared info about the concerns of collateral damage, the responses were more unintelligent and close-minded than on reddit. Extremely depressing. > > For more info on this subject there's a wiki and forum at

    YSK: Do You Really Need That Antibiotic? It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them — and when to avoid them. (NYT, Dec 2023) Do You Really Need That Antibiotic?

    It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them — and when to avoid them.

    Do You Really Need That Antibiotic?

    It's refreshing to see a major news outlet discussing collateral damage and not just resistance. Over the past decade, 99% of the time antibiotic overuse is covered and warned about it's always only in regards to resistance.

    It's a good article that also doesn't spread the common misinformation of "just take some probiotics and fermented foods after antibiotics and you're good to go".

    > Swallowing an antibiotic is like carpet-bombing the trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut, killing not just the bad but the good too, said Dr. Martin Blaser, author of the book “Missing Microbes” and director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers University. > > “I think the health profession in general has systematically overestimated the value of antibiotics and underestimated the cost,” Dr. Blaser said.

    No shit. And it has spread like a virus to the general populace as well. The majority of people seem mentally addicted to antibiotics and think they're going to die if they don't get an antibiotic for every minor issue.

    > - Find out if you really need an antibiotic. > - Ask for the shortest course. > - Rethink probiotics.

    I appreciate the NYT for finally helping spread this.

    Just yesterday people on Lemmy were cheering about AI discovering new antibiotics. When I shared info about the concerns of collateral damage, the responses were more unintelligent and close-minded than on reddit. Extremely depressing.

    For more info on this subject there's a wiki and forum at

    Listmonk email server, running via docker through nginx vhost. Resolves with port at the end but I get a 502 bad gateway error without the port.

    EDIT: It was a firewall issue. I disabled my firewall and it works.

    The site loads properly on serverIP:5870 and if I change proxy_pass; to proxy_pass; then it will load on But it gives the 502 error when I visit the site without the port.

    If I set proxy_pass; and visit I get:

    The connection for this site is not secure sent an invalid response. [Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()). ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR


    ``` version: "3.7"

    x-app-defaults: &app-defaults restart: unless-stopped image: listmonk/listmonk:latest ports: - "5870:9000" networks: - listmonk environment: - TZ=Etc/UTC

    x-db-defaults: &db-defaults image: postgres:13 ports: - "9432:5432" networks: - listmonk environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pw - POSTGRES_USER=listmonk - POSTGRES_DB=listmonk restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U listmonk"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 6

    services: db: <<: *db-defaults container_name: listmonk_db volumes: - type: volume source: listmonk-data target: /var/lib/postgresql/data

    app: <<: *app-defaults container_name: listmonk_app depends_on: - db volumes: - ./config.toml:/listmonk/config.toml - ./uploads:/listmonk/uploads

    networks: listmonk:

    volumes: listmonk-data: ```

    nginx config:

    ``` server { listen 443 ssl; server_name;

    location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }


    server { listen 80; server_name; location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } } ````

    A detailed guide for migrating Reddit subs to your own hosted forum (Xenforo). Including reddit-like titles, and optional threaded comment view.

    If you have a Reddit account please post this to /r/RedditAlternatives.

    Why move from Reddit to a forum?

    Reddit has been going downhill on the path to enshittification for many years. But recently, they really s**t their bed. They've made communities no longer autonomous, and completely ignore their Terms of Service. Meaning there is no guarantee that any user or community can freely participate under the ToS without fear of the admins randomly stepping in and asserting their power -- whether that be via banning users or communities without cause, or turning over the community to complete outsiders or hostile entities.

    Reddit showed that you can't trust a 3rd party. They can rapidly and drastically change their policies to screw you over after you've put in a decade of work hosting & growing your communities on their platform. With hosting your own forum, there is no such risk; you are under complete control.

    Hosting your own Lemmy instance is a similar possibility, but Lemmy is early in development, and has various issues and more limitations currently. For me, adding a traditional forum to my existing website seemed like the best option at the time.

    I wanted to move away from Reddit ASAP without losing any of the functionality/features, and I was able to accomplish that.


    Pros & cons of Lemmy

    I posted this to and it was deleted without any reason/notification and I don't see a modmail feature. They have a modlog but it just shows an endless loading icon. There is also no access to your content after it's deleted, unlike with reddit.

    There was another thread where people were discussing the need for attracting more niche communities & content creators to Lemmy. Well you're not going to attract them like that. As a content creator that hosted a handful of niche communities on reddit, my /c/reddit experience seems to confirm that making my own forum was the right decision.

    I made the below comment about some of the drawbacks of Lemmy and I guess these are more to add. Perhaps Lemmy would be the best option in the [near] future. Unfortunately, forums lack the networking exposure of the fediverse.

    > I've seen people complain about the phpBB UI, so that made me shy away from using it for my website even though I personally like it. > > I started looking into forums some months ago, and in that time Lemmy has already come a long way, to where I think Lemmy would possibly be the better option soon. But I wanted to get my site up and running ASAP. > > A few things that factored into my decision: > > * I think Reddit and its alts need the features of /r/enhancement and /r/Toolbox. > * I don't like the default UI of Lemmy. It's too bloated. I'm using now but it's definitely lacking in features and a bit buggy (IE: I had to switch to the "regular" site, and log in separately, to edit my post). > * I saw beehaw defederate due to lack of mod tools. > * showing Lemmy's vulnerabilities (ddos, security, etc.). > * I'm still familiarizing myself with Lemmy and the fediverse. It's a bit complex. > * The voting system has its upsides and downsides. I think no downvote button is the best option. > * I don't like the time-based nature of reddit-type sites. With forums, you don't need to always be there to answer right away. Discussions can take place over longer periods of time. > * As you say, a full step-by-step guide is essential. > * I'm now very hesitant to trust any 3rd party. I'd have to trust that the Lemmy instance I choose won't do the same thing reddit did to me. > > I wasn't really considering hosting my own Lemmy instance at the time. But I think it can be installed onto a subdomain of any website?

    How to send bulk/mass email with Amazon SES. 10,000-100,000 one-time emails, or thousands per day. Set up your own web server for newsletters. Mailchimp alternative

    When I searched for this I had a very hard time finding a right answer because all the results were SEO blogs advertising their newsletter services (Mailchimp, Convertkit, etc.), which is not the same thing.

    My use case is that I have a Google form collecting tens of thousands of applications. And I need to reply to those people en masse (a few thousand per day). None of the newsletter services are designed for this, and they're all very expensive.

    Even if your use case is a regular newsletter, setting up your own server is way cheaper.

    My goal was to find the most cost-effective, user-friendly, bulk/mass email sender with good deliverability and open rates. One-time, 100,000+ emails per month, 3-4k/day.

    Feel free to share your input in the comments. I'm a total noob and had never dealt with anything like this in the past. But have now hosted multiple sites for various reasons, and wrote guides for them as well.


    The short answer is that you need to set up your own web server (Hetzner, AWS, DigitalOcean, etc.), install an email software on it (Listmonk, Mailwizz, Mautic), and use an SMTP like Amazon SES. It's not that hard. If you're on Windows, Putty and FileZilla will be your main programs to access your server. When using CSV files for your contacts, you want to use UTF-8 format.

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